These are the most powerful and feared of all the P.C.C.! Until recently, the Guardians were outlawed and anyone who practiced the psionic arts was labeled Deemen. Hunted and killed for thousands of years, the re-establishment of Sae Darrin and the Scourge changed all that and the Guardians have been rebuilt by Aaron and Destin.
The Mind Mages were the most respected warriors in existance. The aparently limitless powers of these men and women requires a strong sence of responsibility and masters often set up schools in order to train up other Gaurdians. It was the combination of their magical abilities and their skill in the combat arts that made them such an impressive fighting force. Now that they are free to practice their art again, anyone who wishes can go to Sae Darrin to train.
Most mind mages still follow the Way of the Guardians embracing honor, dignity, and servitude. Due largely to the fact that they are openly hunted and slaughtered, many have turned against the Way and use their powers to help themselves. These rare occurances within the Guardians never goes un-punished, they are hunted by other Guardians and captured or killed. Since psionic ability is largely a matter of understanding how to use the existing power to manipulate energies, there a number of people who exist that are mind mages in practice but not name.
For thousands of years, it was believed that the Dark Ones were mind mages. Since the Scourge, it was learned that they were actually masters of all magic forms, not only psionic magic.
Create the Guardian, or Mind Mage as found in PFRPG, page 161-162, with the following exeptions:
OCC Skills:
Athletics General
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Hand to Hand: Expert can be improved to Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil) at the cost of
two "other" skill selections
Horsemanship: General (+10%)
OCC Related Skills:
No other Horsemanship skills
Physical: Any except Wrestling
Starting Equipment:
Begin with the same equipment, but nothing expensive.
Guardians prefer to wear only light armor, and will never wear a full set of plate. Only
evil aligned Mind Mages will wear armor weighing more than 50 lbs, but even they never
wear full plate armor. They feel they do not need to wear it because of their other
abilities. No Guardian will ever wear a helm although it doesn't affect spell casting if
they have one on.
Start with one dagger, plus one other weapon of choice of normal quality. Magical weapons
and superior weapons have to be boughten or aquired while adventuring.