During the Rage of Spirits and the age before, these men and women were the most loved of any type of character. Capable of healing the most terrible of wounds, even giving life to the dead, these people worked hand in hand with herbalists and physicians throughout the world. After the Rage of Spirits many were captured and used by lords and other nobility to heal their armies and prolong life, often to help in capturing other Psychics.
Even today, these characters are the most accepted of all the psychic characters. They are often used and manipulated into performing their arts on different people for various reasons. Although their practice is now allowed in the Kingdoms, there are still areas that are hostile to them. This doesn't mean that they are not wanted, especially when they are needed, but that they are more used than anything else. In more civilized areas, Healers establish their own practice where they will heal for a small (or not so small) price.
Often, these people will be hired (wether they are paid or not) in castles and cities. In some places, they are kept as slaves, while others live in better comfort, they are still kept under close watch. Even if they are "hired", they may not get any sort of compensation, but are told that they can live in certain areas of the city or castle without fear of losing their life, but only if they agree to render their services whenever their "employers" want.
Except for the following changes, see page 158-159 to create a Healer.
Starting Equipment: As listed on page 159 with the exception of the cross, substituted for a Holy Symbol (acts the same as a cross).
Armor: Psi-Healers rarely wear armor, those who do will not wear anything more than leather armors. Characters CAN start with one suit of soft leather armor (A.R.: 10 S.D.C.: 20).
Weapons: Do not start with silver daggers, but normal daggers and one other weapon of choice. Other weapons can be aquired over the course of an adventure or bought.
Money: All characters of this class start with 100 gp which can be used immediately or saved. Additional money comes from adventuring.