

Adze: A vampire spirit which resides within a community of tribal sorcers among the Ewe, who inhabit parts of southeastern Ghana and southern Togo in Africa. An Adze Vampire will take the form of a firefly, but if it is somehow caught, it will change into a human. It preys on handsome children, drinks blood, palm oil and coconut water.

Afrit: An Arabian legend. The vampiric spirit of a murdered man seeking vengence for his death. The demon rises like smoke from the blood of the victiam and can be stopped by driving a nail in the blood on the ground.

Algul: An Arabic vampire. When translated, this term also means horse leech or blodsucking jinn. This Vampire is traditionaly female, a demon who feasts upon dead babies and inhabited cemeteries.

Alp: German. A Vampiric spirit usually associated with the boogeyman and the incubus who will torment the dreams of women while they sleep. This creature, usually male, has a very dangerous physical manifestation. Long connected with the nightmare, the deamon will somtimes take the form of the spirit of a recently deceased relative. Children can become an Alp when a mother uses a horse collar to ease childbirth. During the middle ages the alp was said to appear as a cat, pig, bird or some other animal, which could include a demon dog; this links the werewolf with this legend. In all its manifestations, the Alp is known to wear a hat. The spirit can fly like a bird, can ride like a horse and is credited with a certain gallant attitude, rarely forcing itself on its prey. The Alp drinks blood from the nipples of men and children but prefers the milk of women. Because it is so involved in terrors of the mind and sleep the Alp is virtually impossible to kill.

Asasabonsam: African vampires living amoung the Ashanti peoples of Western Africa. They have a human appearance, but iron teeth line their mouths. It dwells in the forest, sitting in trees by using hook-shaped feet to snare its victoms. Legond also says that they bite victims on the thumb, but the validity of this is unknown.

Asema: A South American vampire which is usually pictured as an elderly person during the day. At night it can remove its skin, becoming a ball of blue light. It is in this form that it feeds. Popular forms of protection against the Asema included garlic, eating herbs which made the blood bitter and scattering rice or sesame seeds outside one's door. Legond says that it had to pick up every seed before it could enter the house.

Asiman: See Obayifo.

Aswang Manananggal: Well respected Philipine men or women in their cities by day, but become shape-shifters at night that fly around with out a body with trailing entrails. They feed upon the flesh, organs, and mucus of humans, especially fetuses and newborns.