

Baobban Sith: Evil Scottish fairies who appear as beautiful young women (or sometimes ravens and crows) and will dance with men they find, being sure to keep their hooved feet hidden until the men are exhausted and then feed upon them.

Bas: A spirit believed in by the Chewong people of Malaysia. Their food was ruwai, which is loosely translated as soul, vitality or life. They hunted pigs mostly, but were said to occasionally attack humans, either because they are hunger-driven or simply by accident. The most common way to keep the Bas away was to build a fire. They saw this as a sign of civilization or humanity, and would stay away.

Bajang: Malysian. A male Vampire who threatens children by taking the form of a cat. The Bajang is able to be enslaved and turned into a demon servant, often handed down from one generation to the next within a family. It is placed in a tabong (bamboo vessel) which is protected by various charms. While imprisoned it is fed with eggs, but will turn on its owner if too little food is provided. The master of this demon can send it to inflict harm on their enemies, who will dye soon after of a mysterious disease. According to traditions, the Bajang came from the body of a stillborn child, coaxed out by various incantations.

Bebarlangs: A tribe found in the Philippines where its members practised a form of psychic vampirism. They were said to send out their astral bodys and feed on the life forces and vitalty of individuals.

Betail: See Vetala.

Book of Nod: The sacred book of the Kindred tracing their orgin and History. Stated that Kain was the first vampire, but there are contraversies to this, for some say that Lilith was the first.

Bhuta: From India. A spirit or demon of the dead. They are restless souls of men who died untimely deaths. Flesh eaters who haunt forests and empyt dwellings by day and night. They are flickering lights or mist that cast no shadows. They can possess victims, make them sick and eventually die.

Blood Fetish: The need or want to drink, taste or bathe in blood. People who drink blood may or may not call themselves Vampires.

Blood Lust: The overwhelming desire to feed. A vampire in blood lust knows no bounds; it will act as if possessed and will not be able to restrain itself until its appetite is satisfied. Blood lust is often characterized by a reddening or glowing of the eyes, possible showing or elongation of fangs, drooling, growling or any other animal-like behavior. It is also called "the lust."

Brahmaparusha: An Indian Vampire simular to the Bhuta. A male demon wearing a wreath of intestines and eating the flesh off of a mans skull, and drinking their blood. Their legends originate in India.

Bruja: Usually seen as a woman, it is a living person with the abillity to take the forms different animals and then attack infants.

Bruxa: (Bruxa, f. Bruxo, m.) A Vampire or witch who can assume the forms of animals such as a duck, rat, goose, dove or ant; these creatures mainly attacked infants. The witches would meet at crossroads on both Tuesdays and Fridays between the hours of midnight and two o'clock in the morning, better known as the "witching hours".