

Callicantzaros: Greek children born in the week between Christmas and New Years which were believed to be unlucky. They were described as feast-blased and believed to be destined to become vampires after their deaths. They were only active during Christmas Day and the twelve days afterward, and known for their long fingernails and crazed behavior. They tore apart their victims using their fingernails. They are not necessarily vampires in the usual sense of the word, but are somewhat related.

Camazotz: A god who was central in agriculture, but feared because of his blood-drinking tendencies and fearsome appearance (including large teeth and claws). He would lurk in caves where he attacked people and drained them.

Chedipe: A vampiric woman shown riding a tiger naked. At night she would entrance a household into a deep sleep, enter, then suck the blood from the man through his big toe.

Chiang Shih: Vampire-like creatures found in China which are created by cats jumping over a dead corpse. They appear livid and may kill with poisonous breath as well as draining blood. If one encounters a pile of rice, it must count the grains before it can pass on. Their immaterial form is a sphere of light, much like Will-O-Wisps.

Child(e): The offspring of a vampire.

Chordewa : A witch found among the Oraons, able to turn her soul into a form of Vampire cat. It is said that if the cat licks a persons lips that they will die soon after.

Churel: If a woman died an unnatural death, she would come back to seek revenge on any family members who treated her badly by drying up the blood of male family members. She might also tempt young men in the village with food, and if they ate it, she would keep them until dawn, where they returned to their village old men. A churel could be identified by her backwards turned feet.

Cihuateteo: Aztec women and their babies who died in childbirth. They wander the night and attack children, leaving them paralyzed or diseased. You can recognize them by their white faces, chalky arms and hands. They wore the garb of Tlazolteotl, goddess of sorcery, lust and evil.

Civatateo: A Witch-Vampire found among the Aztecs who is said to be the servant of various moon deities, originating when noble women died while giving birth. Children were there favourite victims; they died soon after an attack due to a wasting disease. These Vampires have white faces, their hands covered in white chalk, with crossbones drawn on their clothing.

Clan: A group of Vampires who share certain mystical and physical characteristics.