

Dakhanavar: A vampire living in the wild who attacked travelers by night, draining their blood through their feet.

Danag: Philippines. A very old Vampire who worked with humans for many years. The partnership, however, ended when a woman cut her finger; a Danag sucked her wound, and, enjoying the taste so much, it completely drained the woman's body of blood.

Dearg-due: Irish. This dreaded creature, whose name means "Red Blood Sucker", is an aincent Vampire which dates back to celtic times and is still feared even today. The only known method of immobalizing this creature is by piling stones upon any grave suspected of housing it. The most famous tale of the Dearg-due is the story of a beautiful woman supposedly buried in Waterford, in a small church yard near Strongbows Tree. Several times a year she rises from her grave, using her stunning apperance to lure man to there doom.

Demonic Vampires: One of the 'rewards' Demons can give for long service is to change someone into a vampire. This kind of vampire is probably the most classical type of all; permanent fangs, pale features, burns in sunlight, retreats from holy symbols and dies from a stake through the heart. They must have human blood at least once a week to maintain themselves, otherwise they begin to decay.

They are created by a long ritual specific to the Demon Prince of Death. During the ritual, the person dies and his soul goes to Hell, but the spirit, which is what he perceives as being his self, stays tied to his body to animate it. Keeping the body alive requires a supply of energy, which in this case must be human blood.

Dhampi: The son of a Vampire. It was sometimes believed to be the only person who could see and kill a real Vampire. Up until the 17th and 18th centuries, people would hire themselves out as vampire hunters, claiming to be a Dhampir; also known as a vampirdzhija.

Djadadjii: A vampire hunter who "bottled" vampires. The hunter would first bait a bottle with a favorite food of the Vampire, and then, using a picture of a saint, or Christ or Mary as an icon, he would drive the Vampire from his hiding place and into the bottle. The hunter then corked the bottle and disposed of the vampire by throwing it into a fire.

Doppelsauger : German. A Vampire found in the northern regions among a Slavic race called the Wends. The legend states that if a child was weaned, it would become a Vampire if he/she nursed again. Upon its turning, the Doppelsauger will eat the fleshy parts of its breast, drawing life essence from any living relative.

Drakul: A body moving with the help of a demon.