

Ekiminu: These are assyrian malignant spirits (half ghost, half vampire) created by improper burial. They are invisible and capable of possessing humans. Destroy them by using wooden weapons or exorcism.

Elder: A Vampire who is three hundred years of age or older.

Embrace: The act of draining a mortals blood and replacing it with vampiric blood, thus transforming the mortal into a vampire.

Embracee: The person being made a Vampire.

Ekimmu: In Babylonian and Assyrian demonlogy it is a restless spirit denied enterance to the Underworld because of improper burial or unproper burial preporation by the living. They do not drain blood or eat flesh, but they do terrorize the living by causing misfortune and destruction at night. They are like ghosts or polterguiest.

EMPU'SA (Empousa): A Greek Vampiric spirit that has no shape and many guises. A monstrous spectre, which was believed to devour human beings. It could assume different forms, and was sent out by Hecate to frighten travellers. It was believed usually to appear with one leg of brass and the other of an ass. (Aristoph Ran. 294, Eccles. 1094.) Whenever a traveller addressed the monster with insulting words, it used to flee and utter a shrill sound. (Philostr Vit. Apoll. ii. 4.) The Lamiae and Mormolyceia, who assumed the form of handsome women for the purpose of attracting young men, and then sucked their blood like vampyrs and ate their flesh, were reckoned among the Empusae. (Philostr Vit. Apoll. iv. 25; Suid. s. v.)

Eretik: A Russian heretic who becomes a vampire after death They drain blood and eat the flesh of their victiams. They were believed to be Witches, Wizards, Sorcerers and the "old Believers" of religion.

Estrie: Hebrew. A female spirit who assumes the shape of a Vampire. The Estrie is considered to be an incorperal spirit of evil that has taken the form of flesh and blood who lives amongst humans in order to satisfy its need for blood. Its favourite prey is children, allthough no one is considered safe when it needs to feed.