

LA'MIA (Lamia): Lamiae were conceived as handsome ghostly women, who by voluptuous artifices attracted young men, in order to enjoy their fresh, youthful, and pure flesh and blood. They were thus in ancient times what the vampires are in modern legends. [p. 714] (Philostr. Vit. Apollon. iv. 25; Horat. de Art. Poet. 340; Isidor. Orig. viii. 11; Apulei. Met. i. p. 57; comp. Spanheim, ad Callim. Hymn. in Dian. 67.) They are demons that feed off of newborns. In Hebrew lore they are represented by Lilith, Adams first wife who was punished for refusing to be submissive and have sex lying on her back...She is said to be the first of the Vampires and according to the book of Nod...she seduces Caine and makes him a Vampire also.

Lamiai: Named after the Lamia, these greek demonic beings would often suck the blood of young children. They have the power to change their shapes and become beautiful young maidens in order to attract and seduce young men.

Lampir: See Vrykolakas.

Langsuyar: A Malaysian woman of great beauty who bore a stillborn child. When told of the childs condition she became shocked, and after coming out of her stupor she clapped her hands and fly into a nearby tree. She is seen there every so often wearing a green robe. She has long fingernails and ankle-length black hair. The hair hid an orifice in her neck with which she uses to suck the blood of children. To prevent a woman from becoming a Langsuyar, glass beads would be placed in her mouth to prevent banshee-like screams, eggs under her arms and needles in her palms to prevent flying. It is supposedly possible to tame a Langsuyar. The stillborn child of the Langsuyar is called a Pontianak.

Leanhaum-shee: Irish. A fairy mistress who engages in Vampiric activities. She uses her incredible beauty to lure men to her side and then uses her charms to control them. The victim would then waste away as she slowly drains away his lifes essence through exhaustive love making.

Lid�rc: A Hungarian Succubus-like creature. They can appear as a person, animal or shining light. They do not have the abillity to change their shape, but rather exist in all shapes at once, choosing which form an observer might see it in. It attacks its victims the same way a Succubus might.

Living Vampires: Living humans who practice vampiric acts, such as drinking blood, in order to satisfy an emotional need, but some claim that the blood is not necessary to sustain their health. People who choose this lifestlye often choose to dress in black clothing or formal attire, sleep in coffins and advoid sunlight. The term Living Vampire is usually applied only to those who wish to call themselves such, as people who have a blood fetish will often take offense at being labeled as such.

Lobishomen: A Vampire which attacks women and turns them into nymphomaniacs. Also known as werewolves.

Loogaroo: A West Indies vampire. A woman who made a pact with the devil.

Lugat: Albanian. A reasonably harmless Vampire who only feeds on its victims for a short time, but does not actually kill them.