

Maneden: A creature that dwelt in a wild pandanus plant. If a human attacked the plant, the creature would retaliate by attaching itself to a man's elbow (or a woman's nipple) where it sucked his blood until he gave something in substitution, such as a nut.

Mara: Slavic. Also found in the legends of the Kashube people of Canada, this Vampire is said to be the spirit of an unbaptized dead girl. She is considered a terrible night visitor who crushes and oppresses her victims. In the Slavic legend, once the Mara drinks the blood of a man she falls in love with him and will return to plauge his slumbers until his death. She is also said to be fond of feeding on the blood of children.

Masan: India. This Vampire is usually the ghost of a child who delights in tormenting and killing other children. The Masan is able to curse a child who walks in its shadow, and will also follow home women who allow their gowns to drag on the ground over its shadow.

Masani: India. A female Vampire said to be the spirit of burial grounds. She appears as black, she conducts her hunts by night, beginning when she emerges from a funeral pyre. Anyone unluky enough to pass by the burial site will be attacked.

MORMO (Morm�): A female spectre, with which the Greeks used to frighten little children. (Aristoph. Acharn. 582, Pax, 474.) Mormo was one of the same class of bugbears as Empusa and Lamia.

MORMO'LYCE or MORMOLYCEION (Mormoluk�, Mormolukeion): the same phantom or bugbear as Mormo, and also used for the same purpose. (Philostr. V'it. Apollon. iv. 25; Menandr. Reliq. p. 145, ed. Meineke; Aristoph. Thesin. 417 Strab. i. p. 19; Stob. Ecloq. p. 1010.)

Moroii: Romania. A living Vampire, either male or female, who exhibits most of the characteristics of a Strigoii.

Mullo: A Gypsy Vampire whose name means "living Dead". They are restless spirits that rise from their graves and reek havoc on those they did not like in life.

Muroni: Romania. This Vampire can be found in the Wallachia region, and has the ability to change itself into a variety of different animal forms. While assuming these forms the Muroni can kill easily, with misleading signs of attack being left.