

Strigoiu: A Vampire that lives in abandoned houses.

Strigoi: Another Romanian name for Vampire applied to the returning dead.

Spirit Vampires: They spread like Nosferatu but seem to spring up spontaneously and are not easy be rid of. Spirit Vampires are created when a psychopathic type dies with enough willpower to stay in the mortal world. The creature forms following burial, solidifying out of psychic energy after nightfall. It looks exactly like the human who formed it, and as long as the human's body remains intact, the vampire will continue to pray on the local populace. Each victim who dies also becomes a vampire, and the contagion spreads.

The creature is responsible for maintaining the body by drinking the blood of living humans and returning with the extracted energy before morning. With the sunrise, the creature evaporates and loses the accumulated life energy. If the body fails to get enough energy for more than a week, it rapidly becomesnothing. The creature itself can be scared off inflicting damage or the oncoming dawn, but it doesn't really exist so it ca not be killed. The only way to stop a Spirit Vampire is to stake the body and then toast it. Killing the original vampire will lay all of them to rest, but killing any others just stops that one.

Sire: The Vampire who embraces some person; the maker of another Vampire; parent Vampire. Female Vampires are also known as called sires.

Siring: Embracing and turning someone into a vampire.

Stregoni benefici: Italian. This Vampire is supposedly on the side of goodness, and a mortal enemy of all evil Vampires.

Striges: A female Witch-Vampire who takes the shape of a crow and drinks the blood of humans. The Striges is classified as living Vampire.

Succubus/Incubus: A race in Europe which is considered vampiric. The general feeding style involves engaging in sexual relations with their victim, exhausting them and then feeding on the energy released during sex. They may enter homes uninvited and can take on the appearance of other persons. They will often visit the same victim more than once. The victim of a Succubus will experience the visits as dreams. The male version of a Succubus is an Incubus.

Sukuyan: Vampires which come from Trinidad and resemble the Loogaroo. It leaves its skin at night and travels as a blue ball of light in search of blood. If caught, a sukuyan would undergo a transformation into an animal, and without its skin would be unable to resume humanoid form.