

Talamaur: Australia. This living Vampire is able to communicate with the spirit world, making any spirit its servant, which would then decend among the living. Some Talamaur are able to send out their soul and drain the remaining life essence from a fresh corpse.

Tanggal: Coming form Indonesia, it is a flying head(s) dragging it entrails behind it.

Tengu: A Japanese bird-like vampire demon.

Tenatz: Originating in Montenegro, they are said to be the bodies of deceased people taken over by spirits. They would roam the night, draining sleeping people of their blood. They are able to change into mice in order to enter and exit their gravesites.

The Children of Cain: This group believes that vampires (vampyr in particular) were born of Cain, first son of Adam, the first murderer. They are wrong, but mythology is like that. The Cainites try to attone for the sins of vampires by avoiding human victims and destroying 'evil' vampires. This makes them the mortal enemies of the Lilim, but they mostly try to stay hidden. A specific sect within the Cainites deals with taking out Lilim groups. They are called in by other members when a group is discovered. The Cainites are one of the main groups responsible for keeping Lilim and Nosferatu under control.

The Lilim: The Children of Lilith are a pseudo-religious sect worshipping Lilith. Its members are known as Lilim. Lilim tend to be either vampyr or demons, but some humans are members, often prior to becoming a vampyr. Vampyr Lilim sacrifice some of the power they gain from victims to Lilith's worship, which increase her power. Her demons are the deal-working variety, and mostly female.

Tlaciques: Mexico. This Vampiric witches can be found among the Nahuatl Indians. They are able to become ball of flame or take the form of a turkey; it was in this form that they could feed unnoticed.

Tlahuelpuchi: Usually female, these Aztecan's supposedly have the ability to shapeshift into various animals and attack people, most often infants, and drink their blood. The most common was to change into a turkey, but dogs, cats, buzzards and others were also reported.