Ring Of Vampiric Souls

This is my Web Ring, the Ring Of Vampiric Souls. This ring is open for all to join so long as their site meets the specified requirements. My ultimate wish is that this ring will increase traffic too all the sites which decide to become a part of it, thus allowing more people to view ones site. Should you wish to apply for membership, please note these conditions: In order to join the Ring Of Vampiric Souls, please complete the following four (4) steps in full.

Step One: The Code

Step Two: The Graphics

This is the graphic file which is needed for the ring code. Copy it onto your harddrive for use. Please do not link back to this page for its use, for it may result in deletion from the ring if I catch you. Please do not change the name of the JPEG, or the HTML fragment will not work properly.

Step Three: The Assembly

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Once all of these steps have been completed (The fragment and graphics added to your page and properly assembled) I will have a look at your page, and within two or three days I will e-mail you with an answer. I am not being picky about who joins, just make sure that you follow the two requirements listed above, and you are pretty much a member. Good luck everyone!