Chronicles of Caine

In the beginning there was only one Caine, Caine who sacrificed his brother out of [love], Caine who was cast out. Caine who was cursed forever with immortality. Caine who is cursed with the lust for blood. It is Caine whom we all come, Our Sire's Sire.

For the passing of an age he lived in [the Land of Nod], In loneliness and suffering for an eon he remained alone, but the passing of memory drowned his sorrow, and so he returned to the world of mortals, To the world his brother [Seth, third-born of Eve], and [Seth's children] he created.

He returned and was made welcome. [For none would turn against him, due to the Mark that was laid upon him]. The people saw his power and worshipped him, [He grew in powerful, and his power was strong, his ways of awe and command were great.]

[And the Children of Seth made] him King of their Great City, The First City.

But Caine grew lonely in his Power. Deep within him, the seed of loneliness blossomed, and grew a dark flower. He saw within his blood the potence of fertility. By calling up demons and listening to whispered wisdom he learned the way to make a child for his own. He came to know its power, and, doing so decided to Embrace one of those near him.

And, lo, Uriel, Dread Uriel, revealed himself to Caine that very night and said to him:

"Caine, though powerful you are, and marked of God know you this: that any Childe you make will bear your curse, that any of your Progeny will forever walk in the Land of Nod, fear flame and sun blood only and eating ashes only And since they carry their father's jealous seed, they will forever plot and fight against themselves. Doom those not Adams grandchildren whom seek to into righteousness. Caine! Stay your dread Embrace!"

Still, Caine knew what he must do, and a young man named Enosh, who was most beloved of Seth's kin, begged to be made Son to the dark Father. And Caine, mindful though he was of Uriels words, seized Enosh, and wrapped him in a dark Embrace.

And so, it came to pass that Caine beget Enoch and, so doing, named the First City Enoch. And, so doing, Enoch begged for a brother, a sister, and Caine, indulgent Father, gave these to him, and their names were Zillah, whose blood was most-favored of Caine and Irad, whose strength served Caine's arm.

And these Kindred of Caine learned the ways of making Progeny of their own, and they Embraced more of Seth's kin unthinking.

And then wise Caine said, "An end to this crime. There shall be no more." And as Caine's word was the law, his Brood obeyed him.

The city stood for many ages, And became the center of a Mighty Empire. Caine grew close to those not like him. The [Children of Seth] knew him And he, in turn, knew them.

But the world grew dark with sin. Caine's children wandered here and there, indulging their dark ways.

Caine felt anger when his children fought; He discovered deceit when he saw them make word-war; He knew sadness when he saw them abuse [The Children of Seth]

Caine read the signs in the darkening sky, but nothing happened.

Then came the great Deluge, a great flood that washed over the world. The City was destroyed, the Children of Seth with it.

Again, Caine fell into great sorrow and went into solitude. And he left us, his Progeny, to our own ends.

We found him after much searching, deep in the earth, and he bade us saying that the Flood was a punishment, for his having returned to the world of life and subverting the true law. He asked us to go, so that he might sleep.

So we returned alone to find the children of Noah, And announced that we were the new rulers. Each created a Brood in order to claim the glory of Caine, yet we did not have his wisdom or restraint, a great war was waged, the Elders against their Children, just as Uriel had said, And the Children slew their parents.

They rose up, used fire and wood, Swords and claws to destroy those who had created them.

The rebels then built a new city. Out of the fallen Empire, they collected the Thirteen clans that had been scattered by the Great War, and brought them all together, They brought in the Kingship Clan [Ventrue], the Clan of the Beast [Gangrel], the Moon Clan [Malkavian], the Clan of the Hidden [Nosferatu], the Wanderer Clan [Ravnos], the Clan of the Rose [Toreador], the Night Clan [Lasombra], the Clan of Shapers [Tzmisces], the Snake Clan [Setites], the Clan of Death [Giovanni], the Healer's Clan [Saulot], the Clan of the Hunt [Assamites], and the Learned Clan [Brujah].

They made a beautiful city, and the people worshipped them as gods. They created new Progeny of their own, the forth generation of Cainites.

But they feared the Jyhad, the Prophecy of Uriel; and it was forbidden for those Children to create others of their kind. The power their Elders kept for themselves. When a Childe was created, it was hunted down and killed, and its Sire with it.

Although Caine was away from us, we did feel his careful eye watching us, and we knew that he marked our movements and our ways.

He cursed [Malkav], when that one defamed his image and doomed him to insanity, forever.

When [Nosferatu] was found indulging his tastes in foul ways with his own Children, Caine laid his hand on [Nosferatu],and told him that he would forever wear his evil and twisted visage. He cursed us all, for killing the first part of his Children, the Second Generation, As we hunted them down one by one, Zillah the Beautiful, Irad the Strong, and Enoch First-Ruler.

And we mourned them all, as we were all of a kind, and all of the families of Caine's childer.

Though this city was as great as Caine's, eventually it grew old. The gods at first did not see the truth, And when they at last looked about them it was too late.

For, as Uriel had said, the seed of Evil planted blossomed as a blood-red rose, and [Troile], the Child of his Child's Child rose up, and slew his Father, Brujah. And ate of his flesh. Then war wracked the city And nothing could ever be as it was.

The Thirteen saw their city and their power extinguished, and they were forced to flee, their Progeny along with them. But many were killed in the flight, for they had grown weak. With their authority gone, all were free to create their own Broods.

And soon there were many new Kindred, who ruled across the face of the Earth. But this could not last.

Over time, there came to be too many of the Kindred And then there was war once again, the Elders were already deep in hiding, for they had learned caution; but their Children had founded their own cities and Broods, and it was they who were killed in the great wave of war. There was war so total, that there are none of that Generation to speak for themselves any longer. Waves of mortal flesh were sent across continents in order to crush and burn the cities of the Kindred. Mortals thought they were fighting their own wars. But it is for us that they spilt their blood.

Once this war was over, all of the Kindred hid from one another and from the humans that surrounded them. In hiding we remain today, for the Jyhad continues still.

And none will say when Caine will arise again, from his deep sleep in the earth, and call for the last city Gehenna, the Last City, the City of Judgement.

The Chronicles of Caine were cited from Fallen Temple of the Damned . For a deeper look into the Chronicles of Caine, please refer to this site.