Old Beliefs

Old Beliefs...

When the first Vampire stories began to circulate around 125 AD, they were Greek. The legends of Vampires originated in the far East, and later migrated to the west with caravans along the silk route to the Mediterranian. They continued to spread into the Slavic lands and the Carpathian Mountains. The Slavic peoples developed the richest vampire legends in the world. By the 8th century, Christianity had began to spread, and Vampires survived only as myth. When the Gypsies began to move westward from northern India, and their myths about Vampires mingled with those of the Slavic peoples.

The Gypsies arrived in Transylvania shortly before Vlad Tepes was born in 1431. The vampire here was the ghost of a dead person, which in most cases had been a witch, mage or a surcider. Vampires were feared because they killed, and through the killing created mor eof their own kind. They looked like ordinary people, but they did not have a shadow, a reflection, and they could change into a bat, this made them impossible to catch. By day they slept in their coffins because the suns rays were deadly to them, but by night they drank humen blood. The Vampire would fly through a window in the shape of a bat, and then bite the victim in the neck so it could suck the victom dry of blood. The vampires could not enter a house if they had not been invited, but if they were, they could re-enter as often as they wished. The slavic Vampire could kill, and by killing, could create more of its own kind. Only special rites could kill a Vampire, such as a stake through the heart, or chopping their head off and then burning the body.

Here are some Old Beliefs...

If vampires are not detected and they climb into the belfry of the church, they can either

If a vampire goes undetected for 7 years they can go to another country or place where a different language is spoken and become human again. They can never remarry but when they die the whole family becomes vampires (kids for first time & parent(s) again) There are 2 kinds of Vampire: the spirit of a dead person or a corpse reanimated by his own or another person (ie ethereal or physical) In some traditions, staking a vampire must be done IN ONE BLOW to do it right.

Here are some other Old Beliefs...

How to Kill or Repel a Vampire

Some Traditions

The Greeks Believe:

Other Countries Beliefs:

Romanian Vampires and the Eclipse:

Lifestyle of the Vampire According to Hollywood and Authors:

According to books and movies, Vampires are a social race with a working hierarchy. The Head Vampire, also known as the Master Vampire, is usually the eldest amongst their kind and in some way is responsible for the turning of all other Vampires beneith it; it is also the most difficlt to kill of all its race. In most literature, Vampires appear to hold high status in human society. They are depicted as royalty or owners of their own corporations, and are rarely given low status unless their undead lives take an unexpected turn.

During the day, certain humans, who were chosen by groups of Vampires, will protect them while they sleep, securing their bodies from Vampire hunters. (Daytime is the ideal time to hunt a Vampire because their powers are weakened by sunlight) Some of these humans will willlingly give themselves to the vampires as nurishment; the Vampires will drink from them, leaving their bodies barely sustained for continued life. The Vampires will then wait until the humans regain enough blood, at which time the Vampires will drink from them again, repeating the cycle.

While the humans protect them, a Vampire will sleep in its casket in order to rest and regain its strength. The reason for the use of the casket is unknown, but the idea of its use was introduced in Bram Stoker's famous novel, Dracula, and other authors followed his lead. Also introduced in this novel was the idea that a Vampire must rest in the soil from its homeland or a graveyard. This idea is upheld in many Vampire novels and movies, but in some the Vampire posseses the ability to walk in daylight, the only drawback being a reduction in its powers. There is one movie which I know of, however, where the Vampire can walk in daylight, but only with the help of a special cross; this movie is John Carpenters Vampires.

The Vampire and the Bat...

How did Vampires and bats become linked? There are no vampire bats in Europe. Well, bats are associated with night just like vampires, and Vampire bats are marvelously versatile. They fly, walk, swiftly dodge and turn somersaults. The Vampire Bat usually attacks animals rather then people, and it knows how to not wake its victim. The vampire bat exists solely on blood. It licks a spot on the flesh and inserts its two fron incisor teeth and licks up the blood as it spurts out. It sounds just like Dracula when he drains the blood from his victoms.

This information was cited from Witchcraft, Werewolves And Vampires , The Children of the Night and Vampires . For more information, please visit these sites.