Suikoden II: Information

Here are all the known facts about the game and rumors that could possibly be true. Most of the facts cam from the interview or Konami's official description.


  • The game is 65% done.
  • It will be released in fall of 1998 in Japan, sometime in 1999 here.
  • The name is Akatsuki Teikokugawa, which translated roughly is Red Moon: The Emperor's Countryside.
  • The basic concept (the main character leading an army with 108 members) will be the same as the first Suikoden.
  • About 1/3 of the characters from Suikoden will appear in the sequel.
  • Saved files from Suikoden can somehow be used in the sequel.
  • The world view will be the same as Suikoden.
  • You will play as the Empire, the bad guys from the first Suikoden.
  • The game will still have army battles and a headquarters system, but they will be improved and have new features.
  • There will still be runes and possibly unite attacks.
  • It will have a new story, new characters, and new battle modes.
  • The story will unfold along multiple paths and will have many hidden secrets.
  • The game will not feature FMV, but some other way of telling the story.
  • There will be many more attacks and techniques in battle.
  • The three main characters are the nameless hero, staff-weilding Joey, and three-piece rod-swinging Nanami. They are childhood friends.
  • Rumors

  • The game will be multiplayer.
  • The game was going to be released in Japan in April.
  • The hero from the last game will again be the main character.
  • The game will take place before the first game, during the war for succesesion.
  • The game will take place in the same timeframe as the first game.
  • The game will be called Suikoden II: Clash of Generals when it is released here.
  • All 108 stars of destiny will be new characters.
  • Better graphics for normal and army battles.
  • The game will star the 5 imperial generals.
  • Windy will be a main character.
  • You play as the empire but are good, not evil.
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