
A brief description of 'Total Control'


Trance in Christian Spiritualism

Total control refers to one of the deeper trance states into which a person (still in the flesh) goes when he or she is willing to allow another soul (no longer in the flesh) to pass on messages and spiritual teachings to others (still in the flesh) through the use of the physical vocal chords, for their benefit and for the benefit of humanity at large.

Comforter - Trance mediumship of Christ's disciples

In the deeper trance state the person does not generally remain 'physically conscious' of what is happening; sometimes, perhaps, while the person's physical body is being used for God's work, the 'band' of missionary spirits may take the soul temporarily to a spiritual garden, yet in the Spirit that soul is very conscious. This is known as Trance Mediumship, and this is one way in which highly evolved ministering spirits were able to address the disciples of Jesus (one being used while the others listened) and thereby comfort and direct them after He had left them as He promised He would do. (This promise of comfort and instruction is not, however, to be confused with another comforting gift of the Spirit which is the powerful enkindling of a spiritual fire of love within the soul, which burns with such power that the soul totally surrenders and is literally overcome with the love given forth from the Divine union, such as that experienced by David, Solomon [Song of Songs], the disciples and others).

Conventional obstructions to spiritualist trance

This method of communication, guidance and comforting has been available to man since time immemorial, but sadly has not always been used to man's advantage. One reason for the failure of mankind to utilize the priceless gift of Spirit-Communication has been because the 'conventional' Church has failed to recognize God's Will in this matter.

Human weakness of mediums causes danger

But another reason is because many mediums have not been prepared to practise the turning away from the desires of the lesser self, and as a consequence the human instruments have thereby unwittingly allowed those souls who are not spiritually awakened (disembodied souls still seeking to attract to themselves that which is desired by the lesser self) to pass on messages which are harmful to the individual.

If a spirit comes and passes on the soft and flattering word and does not seek to safeguard the soul by pointing to the steep path - the hard and difficult way that Christ exemplified and trod Himself - then that spirit is to be regarded as an ignorant spirit, and those in the flesh should pray for him or her, pray that he or she will leave behind their lesser desires and climb the hill to God.

Christ Messengers speaking through trance

This is one reason for the return of 'Zodiac' the unnamed scribe of the New Testament, who, using the trance medium Miss Winifred Moyes, was sent by Christ to explain as much Truth as the human mind can take in at this stage. One thing he comes for, is to explain to the followers of creeds, doctrines, rules, observance and words; that they should be seeking to cling to the Spirit instead; that they should read the plain truth in the Scriptures that Christ said to follow Him into the joy of God by picking up their cross and taking the Way He has shown. 'Zodiac' explains that so many have misunderstood Spirit-Communion, and also if they think they have achieved God's will for their life on the basis of having a belief, then they are indeed deceived.

Another reason for 'Zodiac' coming through a trance medium, is to explain to those with mediumistic abilities that they need to follow in the footsteps of *Christ-as-Man* in order to remain free from the misguiding messages and 'teachings' of unawakened or deluded spirits. Anyone who has the desire and patience to study a number of the Zodiac Messages will eventually have no problem in understanding this simple message, and thus they shall reach another ridge of revelation as they climb to the plateau of Peace and full illumination, by effort, and by the help and through the grace of God, their loving Parent.

*Christ-as-Man*... (c.-à-d.. The way of turning away from the wish to hold the things of the earth plane with all the vanity and temporary 'fame' and 'glory' associated with them; the way of fighting temptation until temptation is overcome; the way of purity, of holiness, of not taking but giving, of sacrifice and self-denial, of selflessness, of effort, of kindness, compassion, endurance and extreme humility; the Way that He laid down and followed Himself so that man had a clear example to follow for spiritual protection and advancement).

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