
A brief explanation of how 'Zodiac' came to deliver the 'Zodiac Messages'

Zodiac, the 'Unnamed Scribe' of the New Testament

A Spirit-picture of the unnamed scribe 'Zodiac'

The primary purpose of the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association, is to give out the teachings and philosophy which were responsible for the Church being started in the first place. Thus, the purpose for being is to disseminate the teachings of highly evolved Spirit-messengers dedicated to the Christ Mission, to spread the truth about the continuity of life after physical death, and to give out the truth about the real love of God for His creation.

Towards the first half of this century, the spirit of a man who had lived two thousand years ago made contact with a young sensitive woman and asked if she would permit herself to be the means whereby he could transmit, by total control, around 1,500 addresses about a vast array of subjects concerning spiritual life and Christ. These messages were transmitted regularly between 1924 to 1957. The method used (trance mediumship) is one of many gifts of the Spirit, and is one of the main ways that the post-Ascension disciples (having retreated to quiet places away from the busy towns) received their knowledge and comfort.

"Test the spirits, whether they are of God"

This is one reason for the warning to "test the spirits to see whether they are of God", and one disciple or another would be the instrument for the benefit of the others. In the case of Miss Winifred Moyes, she was a wheelchair bound woman, who, when in "trance", was able to walk quite energetically although normally crippled, her body controlled and protected by the celestial Messenger. In the light of this knowledge, the spiritual gift described in the Bible of 'the discerning of spirits', takes on a much clearer and fuller meaning than the one normally ascribed to it by many naming themselves Christians.

"What is the greatest commandment of all?"

It transpired that this humble soul ("Zodiac") was the soul who occupied the body of the Jew who asked Jesus which was the most important commandment of all. Christ's answer to this question, as many know, was, in short, that man was to truly love his God and to serve his neighbour too (which the 'unnamed scribe' had perceived, and knew this to be better than all ritualistic observances put together). As the records show (Mark 12:28-34), Jesus had told this man that he was already not far from the Kingdom of God, and the Christ-Messenger's message today, purposefully sent by Jesus Christ, is, and shall be, a major catalyst in the transformation of this world because of the purity of this celestial messenger.

He spoke things which they did not want to hear so they killed him

When Zodiac was in the flesh 2,000 years ago, he became a follower of Jesus and was martyred because he was supposed to be a teacher of Mosaic law (the law passed on by Moses). He has been with Jesus in the World of Spirit ever since, and it is clear to anyone who has made an in-depth study of his messages, that they are destined to renew spirituality throughout the world. This wise teacher has given himself the name 'Zodiac' in order to encourage the individual, Christian or otherwise, to lift their thoughts up to the heavens; his real celestial name would be far beyond any human being on earth to hear, pronounce or understand (all celestial names have a greater significance than do earthly names). His use of the term 'children' is merely one of endearment, for he loves all creatures of God; he has mentioned that such a term is not to imply a distance of spiritual states but is used rather more in the sense of an older brother seeking to guide and protect.

Well prepared to explain God's Truth

Zodiac's wisdom and awareness of God's Truth become evermore apparent as the path of Truth is pursued, and the many centuries of preparation which he had to undertake - before he could be despatched by Christ to come forward with the Christ Mission - have enabled him to gain a deep grasp of the workings of the human mind in order to provide the greatest aid in understanding the Spiritual and spiritual matters.

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A brief explanation of 'Total Control'


Total control refers to one of the deeper trance states into which a person (still in the flesh) goes when he or she is willing to allow another soul (no longer in the flesh) to pass on messages and spiritual teachings to others (still in the flesh) through the use of the physical vocal chords, for their benefit and for the benefit of humanity at large.

In the deeper trance state the person does not generally remain 'physically conscious' of what is happening; sometimes, perhaps, while the person's physical body is being used for God's work, the 'band' of missionary spirits may take the soul temporarily to a spiritual garden, yet in the Spirit that soul is very conscious. This is known as Trance Mediumship, and this is one way in which highly evolved ministering spirits were able to address the disciples of Jesus (one being used while the others listened) and thereby comfort and direct them after He had left them as He promised He would do. (This promise of comfort and instruction is not, however, to be confused with another comforting gift of the Spirit which is the powerful enkindling of a spiritual fire of love within the soul, which burns with such power that the soul totally surrenders and is literally overcome with the love given forth from the Divine union, such as that experienced by David, Solomon [Song of Songs], the disciples and others).

This method of communication, guidance and comforting has been available to man since time immemorial, but sadly has not always been used to man's advantage. One reason for the failure of mankind to utilize the priceless gift of Spirit-Communication has been because the 'conventional' Church has failed to recognize God's Will in this matter. But another reason is because many mediums have not been prepared to practise the turning away from the desires of the lesser self, and as a consequence the human instruments have thereby unwittingly allowed those souls who are not spiritually awakened (disembodied souls still seeking to attract to themselves that which is desired by the lesser self) to pass on messages which are harmful to the individual.

If a spirit comes and passes on the soft and flattering word and does not seek to safeguard the soul by pointing to the steep path - the hard and difficult way that Christ exemplified and trod Himself - then that spirit is to be regarded as an ignorant spirit, and those in the flesh should pray for him or her, pray that he or she will leave behind their lesser desires and climb the hill to God.

This is one reason for the return of 'Zodiac' the unnamed scribe of the New Testament, who, using the trance medium Miss Winifred Moyes, was sent by Christ to explain as much Truth as the human mind can take in at this stage. One thing he comes for, is to explain to the followers of creeds, doctrines, rules, observance and words; that they should be seeking to cling to the Spirit instead; that they should read the plain truth in the Scriptures that Christ said to follow Him into the joy of God by picking up their cross and taking the Way He has shown. 'Zodiac' explains that so many have misunderstood Spirit-Communion, and also if they think they have achieved God's will for their life on the basis of having a belief, then they are indeed deceived.

Another reason for 'Zodiac' coming through a trance medium, is to explain to those with mediumistic abilities that they need to follow in the footsteps of *Christ-as-Man* in order to remain free from the misguiding messages and 'teachings' of unawakened or deluded spirits. Anyone who has the desire and patience to study a number of the Zodiac Messages will eventually have no problem in understanding this simple message, and thus they shall reach another ridge of revelation as they climb to the plateau of Peace and full illumination, by effort, and by the help and through the grace of God, their loving Parent.

*Christ-as-Man*..... (c.-à-d.. The way of turning away from the wish to hold the things of the earth plane with all the vanity and temporary 'fame' and 'glory' associated with them; the way of fighting temptation until temptation is overcome; the way of purity, of holiness, of not taking but giving, of sacrifice and self-denial, of selflessness, of effort, of kindness, compassion, endurance and extreme humility; the Way that He laid down and followed Himself so that man had a clear example to follow for spiritual protection and advancement)

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   A brief biography of Miss Winifred Moyes

Miss Winifred Moyes

Miss Winifred Moyes

Perhaps only those who were closest in the work could truly judge the remarkable gift of mediumship possessed by Miss Moyes, and the sensitiveness which enabled her to be used by Zodiac. Suffering from ill-health from the age of ten, when she was eventually used as an instrument by Zodiac, her weak physical body was compensated for by an iron will and a determination which forced the body to do the bidding of the Spirit. Such was her state of health that there were many times when Spirit Power alone enabled Zodiac to control his instrument and deliver his message. The strength of Miss Moyes lay in her implicit faith in the Christ power around her. Zodiac's first act on "taking control" was to place his medium under the protection of the Cross on the altar with upstretched arms and using the invocation: "Saviour Christ, into Thy hands I commend the spirit of this Thy child".

Miss Moyes dedicated her gift of mediumship entirely to Zodiac's work. How closely she was attuned to the higher vibrations of Zodiac is shown in the perfection of the messages given. They are given in purity, unobstructed by the physical mind.

Miss Moyes was told by Spirit that she must give up her office work because she would be too weak to be used by Zodiac, and so having handed in her resignation wondered how she was going to make ends meet. However, her spirit was strong, and Miss Moyes made great personal sacrifices travelling around the country on a weekly basis, often in great physical pain, and the Greater World gained a sure foothold in the material plane. Miss Moyes wrote in June 1933: "Had it not been for Spirit power, I should not now be in the body. At times I still suffer great pain, yet the loving protection of the Great Father is demonstrated constantly through the guides, for although I have not had a holiday for five years and work 14 to 16 hours a day, I find that 'His grace is sufficient for me', and every year I am getting stronger".

Zodiac always gave his addresses with the medium in the trance state. Mediumship which can be used to bridge the earthly and the heavenly conditions is one of God's greatest gifts to mankind. Miss Moyes possessed this gift in outstanding measure, and she used it in the way that God intended all the gifts of the Spirit to be used, namely: to bring the light of the Spirit into the darkness of the material world. In ordinary life, the psychic or mediumistic side was balanced by a vast amount of practical work: in organizing, in her highly inspired writings, and in the philanthropic work she felt urged to do, especially in the founding of the Free Night Shelters for Homeless Women.

So much has hinged upon the loyal spirit of this dedicated woman, and the gift of mediumship entrusted to her; and upon the one who, over the years, was her faithful companion and helper - Mrs Margaret Hoare, one of the note-takers for the Zodiac Messages and other messages often given by developed guides permitted by Zodiac to address the Zodiac Circle.

Zodiac addressed a packed audience through Miss Moyes at the Town Hall in Jersey after the Second World War.

Her public work continued until 1957. She passed into the Higher Life on 12th December, 1957.

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