


**This Service, being of a personal and private nature, will not usually be attended by a congregation.

**The Minister, preferably a woman, meeting the mother in the Church at the appointed time, will say:


OUR FATHER, Who art in Heaven, all hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. When in temptation Thy love sustains us, and deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. For ever and for ever. Amen.

O LOVING FATHER, we come in thankfulness, to show by our presence in this Sanctuary, our gratitude for this woman's safe delivery; and we ask Thee to bless her and her child.

My sister, you have come to render thanks to God and His Spirit World for the protection which has been vouchsafed unto you. Be very sure that in rendering thanks thus openly you bring upon yourself and your little one a spiritual blessing. Remember how significant and symbolic is the birth of the physical body, signifying a picture of that new birth from Earth to Heaven. Give thanks, and humbly glorify your Creator, in so honouring you to be a co-partner with Him in this great miracle of physical birth. You will remember that our Lord showed special understanding of a woman's lot, and that He openly showed His compassion to her. He referred to a woman when she was in travail having sorrow because her hour was come. He then added: But as soon as she is delivered of a child she remembereth no more the anguish, and you, dear Sister, know that this is true.

Remember for your comfort the thanksgiving given by Mary, the young mother of the Christ-Child, and let this Song of Praise echo in your heart:

ST. LUKE 1, 46.

MY SOUL doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

For He hath regarded the lowliness of His hand-maiden.

For behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

For He that is mighty hath magnified me, and holy is His Name.

**Then follows the personal prayer of the mother, she repeating the same after the Minister:

O LOVING SAVIOUR, because Thou wast born in a human way, of a human mother, I come to Thee with a grateful, happy heart, to thank Thee; and to ask Thee ever to be near the little one whom I have been preserved to bring to birth. Accept the offering of my heart, my humble gift of love, and grant that Thou wilt walk close to me and my child - Thou Who didst walk so obediently beside Thy mother. With thoughts of Mary and her love, I give my thanks for the priceless gift Thou hast given to me. Amen.


GOD, Thou art my Lord, early will I seek Thee, because Thy loving kindness is better than life. I will remember Thee because Thou hast been my help. In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, let me never be ashamed. Be Thou as a strong rock, even as a house of defence; and for Thy Name's sake, lead me and guide me. Amen.

Let us pray for all women labouring in child-birth, especially those in far-off lands, where there is no medical skill to help them, and the dangers of child-birth are so much greater.

GOD, our Father, Who lovest all Thy children equally, we ask for special help for the many suffering women in the less civilised parts of the Earth. May Thy love shine upon them in such measure that, even if they have never heard of the compassionate Christ, they may feel some comfort permeating their being. We ask that the Angel Messengers may be given such power that something of relief may be granted to these helpless, suffering women. Inspire the hearts of the heedless and the selfish to realise their great responsibilities regarding those who stand in such dire need of medical experience. May the protective power of the Unseen Healers be so built up around them that the travail of the women may be lessened, and the safe birth of their children be assured. Amen.

**The Minister will then give this blessing:

Blessing and peace go with you unto your home, and those you love, to guard and cherish the precious gift of God entrusted to your care. Fear not the task, and doubt not the coming of the help you need, but join with Mary who also gave thanks, and with her magnify the Lord.

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be with you and remain with you always. Amen.



COMPASSIONATE Saviour, who knowest the anguish and desolation of this woman's heart, we thank Thee that she has been preserved in body and mind. Help her to realise that in the World of Spirit her child lives on, and will forever remain her gift from God. Grant that her regret may never be tinged with bitterness, and that she may realise that it is only the materialism of the Earth which prevents her from seeing her child, and sharing more fully in its life and interests. May Thy guidance ever be given, so that her child may look to her as an example of a life well lived, responding eagerly to her Mother-love, as she responds to Thy Holy Will.

If, in the fullness of time, she receives the gift of another child, may she ever remember the little soul in Spirit Life, realising that as sleep claims her physical body she can be with that child, helping in its unfoldment and welfare. We know that through Thy Divine mercy her little one will return to the earthly home, acting as an angel of peace, and bringing love and joy into those conditions. For all Thy mercy in our times of trouble, we thank Thee, with a grateful heart. Amen.




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