


**To commemorate the passing into Spirit Life of one who is well-loved (and who has given faithful service).


(Appropriate: "How bright these glorious spirits shine")


Dear friends, we are privileged to be here to commemorate the journey of our friend (and fellow worker) into the Spiritual World, and into those bright realms of peace and joy which God has prepared for those who love Him. We do not come here to bid him/her farewell but rather to express our love and understanding, and to congratulate him/her that he/she has now entered into a freer and fuller life, where he/she will be unimpeded by a physical body so prone to pain and weakness. (We give thanks for the years of unselfish service, effort and courage, so evident to those who knew him/her; for the privilege of his/her companionship for so long; and we pray that we may benefit by his/her example, and follow the unselfish way taken by him/her with perfect faith in God). May I ask you, therefore, to do your utmost to put aside personal feelings of grief and loneliness, and to hold fast to the thought that this is not the time for mourning, but rather for thanksgiving for an earthly life well-lived.

**The Minister will then say:


OUR FATHER, Who art in Heaven, all hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. When in temptation Thy love sustains us, and deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. For ever and for ever. Amen.

**Here, the Minister may continue, unbroken, with the following prayers, OR there may be a HYMN and TRIBUTE (if so then the Minister will say):


O LOVING Father, we give thanks to Thee for the great gifts of friendship and family ties, and for the knowledge that physical death is but the transition into a fairer state of life (where all those hopes and longings of the Spirit for Thy work and for humanity, may at last be realised. We know that there will be many to greet our friend, many to teach and guide him/her, so that he/she may eventually attain those spiritual heights for which his/her soul has longed.)

BLESS those who love him/her and his/her many friends, and help them to become still more aware that the passing of a loved one does not mean separation, but the continuation of affection. Let them feel that not only can he/she frequent their homes but, while sleep holds the body, they can be together in the World of Spirit, thus strengthening the ties which bind them together.

KEEP us from unbroken sorrow and self-pity, and grant that our faith may rise triumphant over this great test, so that others who are grief-stricken may be able to believe in Thy eternal promise, that those who love Thee shall never see death but enter into Life more abundantly. Amen.


(Appropriate: Rev.22: 1-5 & 11-14)


(Appropriate: "O happy band of pilgrims"; The Pilgrims hymn by John Bunyan: "He who would valiant be," or a favourite hymn of the one whose passing is being commemorated.)




FATHER of Love, as we take our separate ways, encouraged and upheld by this Service, grant that Thy blessing may go with us, holding in our minds the thoughts that link us closely to our dear one in Spirit. With grateful hearts we thank Thee for Thy love, and the help that is passed on to us by Thy Angel Messengers. May we ever respond to their holy guidance, so that we pass through this short stage of earthly life strengthened in faith, and with our vision surely fixed upon the glorious Life that is to come. Amen.

**The Minister will let the people depart with this blessing:

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen.





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