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FATHER of all Love, we come to Thee this day with humble hearts, offering our thanks for the great gift of the Christ-Child. May we ever remember that unless we become as little children in obedience and purity, in no wise can we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Grant that many upon the earth-plane may be inspired, as were the wise men of old, to cross the desert of the unknown, and by the Star of Faith find that Holy Place of Grace where Divine Love is manifested before their wondering eyes. May one and all bring their gifts, both great and small, to lay before Thine Altar, so that by this act of personal sacrifice the Christ Teaching may be spread into many lands. Grant that those once strangers to Thy unlimited Love, may go on their way rejoicing, bringing the Christ Message of Goodwill to fellow-pilgrims on the road to Life. Amen.

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"On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet Him, and cried: 'Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord.' " St. John 12: 12.

LORD and Father of mankind, we thank Thee for the remembrance of Palm Sunday, with all its glad rejoicing; and we realise that though the troubles of life are many, again and again the sunshine of Thy Love is shown to encourage and cheer us on our upward way. Grant that when the brightness of earthly life seems overshadowed, we may never forget that Divine Power is being built up, so that we may take the next stage of experience with unfaltering steps. Help us to meet the sorrows of tomorrow with a valiant heart, knowing that if the day-time of life is followed by the shadows of night, the dawn will surely come, revealing that one more lesson has been learnt. And because experience has been made our own, we know that with faith we can offer guidance and help to others who are passing through the night-time of physical life. Help us, O Christ, to show something of Thy patience and endurance. Amen.

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"The angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake...And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for He is risen." St. Matt. 28: 2-6.

O LOVING Father, we thank Thee with grateful hearts for the Gift of the Risen Christ, for His life on Earth and His courage to go through His great ordeal unto its glorious end. Grant that the tomb of our spiritual ignorance may be opened by angelic hands, and that after the testing and the trying by the troubles of daily life, we may emerge into the sunshine of understanding as souls arisen from the dead. Heavenly Father, grant that strength and wisdom may be given to us to roll back the stone from the tomb of others, so that they may enter into the joy of the resurrection of the real self, bearing witness to Thy promise that all who seek shall find; and all who strive shall arise from their dead selves into better and purer things. We ask these things as Thy children, confident of Thy protective Love. Amen.

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"Nevertheless I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you." St. John 16: 7.

"And when He had spoken these things, while they beheld, He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight." Acts 1: 9.

O HOLY Spirit of Divine Love, we thank Thee for the manifestation of power given to those of old to strengthen their faith. With gratitude we recall the sacred words of Christ Who said that, by withdrawing His visible Presence from those He loved so well, the Comforter should come to guide and abide with men, and reveal unto them all Truth. We know that this promise of old remains with us today, and that the absence of the visible Presence of the Holy Master need make no barrier as, by the power of the Holy Spirit vouchsafed through the Comforter, we can link up with Divine Love, and receive that inspiration which shall guide our feet into the way of true Life. Help us, O Father, in our search for Truth, and grant that through the gift of the Holy Spirit within and around us, we may act as truth-givers, bringing light into the darkness of this material plane, and leading others into the peace which Thou alone canst give. Amen.

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"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place…And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2: 1-4.

O GOD, the Designer of all things, Who didst look with love upon Thy Creation, inspire us so that we may manifest to others the power of the Holy Spirit which Thou hast given to all. Grant that the missionary-spirit, which is part of our Divinity, may be released within us; and that, inspired by the remembrance of the saints and martyrs of another age, we may be steadfast in our purpose, passing on to others the truths given forth by Jesus Christ. We know that, as we respond by thought and deed to Thy Love, so the power of the Holy Spirit can be poured upon us to guide and to direct. May we so show the Pentecostal spirit that Thy children, here and in other lands, may be linked together in love and service for the raising up of mankind. Amen.

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**It was a rural custom in England in olden times for all young people away from home to visit their parents on the mid-Sunday of Lent, bringing a little gift. The phrase used was "Going-a-Mothering."

FATHER of Infinite Love, we thank Thee for the Gift of the Christ-Child; and for the memory of the Holy Mother who, obedient to the voice of the Spirit, accepted the great trust imposed upon her. Grant that the Mother-Love she exemplified shall be shown in greater measure upon the earth-plane, and that the young may remember the years of loving service given to them by their mother, and seek to show in return some of the gratitude which they should feel.

HELP us, O Father, in taking upon ourselves the responsibilities of parenthood, to manifest something in our lives of the same selflessness as that shown by Mary the Mother; who stood aside to allow her Son to take up His Missionary work among mankind, so that Thy Holy Will on Earth might be done.

GRANT that our love for the young may be an unselfish love, so that we may lead our children into the way laid down by Christ; and, by teaching them that happiness comes from service, thus to safeguard them from many of the temptations of physical life. We pray that all mothers may be able to contact with Thy loving guidance, and, as old age comes upon them, their children may rise up and call them blessed. Amen.

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LOVING Father, Creator of all life, we turn to Thee when earthly storms are rife, and when Nature in her dangerous mood threatens the lives of Thy children. We ask Thee, out of Thy tender Love, to stretch out the hand of protection for those who are battling with the high waves and the strong winds. Grant that above the roar of Nature they may hear the quiet voice of Spirit bidding them calm their fears, bringing peace though tumult may be all around.

FATHER of all Love, we pray Thee that those who are safe on land may ever remember the many who go down to the sea in ships, and that those in peril may contact with something of comfort. We ask these petitions knowing that Thy Love faileth never. Amen.

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**A prayer to the Address: "The Barricade of Faith" given by Zodiac on Sunday, November 26th, 1933, at Greater World Sanctuary, London.

MOST merciful God, we Thy children approach Thee with humbleness of heart, beseeching that Thou wilt send down upon those gathered here that manifestation of power which they would have. Help us, O Christ, so to give out from ourselves that we may be able to touch the fringe of Thy Holiness, that we may indeed be banded together in a spirit of peace, and that the cloak of peace may be folded around us as we take our daily way.

GRANT that the troubled may realise that they can possess the riches of the Spirit; grant that the sick may have this revelation - that the sickness of the body need not necessarily be the sickness of the soul. And, Divine Spirit of Love, let those who wander, seeking for that which they know not, be led out of the dimness of not knowing into the light of understanding; grant that the Door may open and that they may enter in.

BEQUEATH to these, Thy children, joy of heart and a sweet sense of achievement because the road has been hard, because they seemed to have asked in vain for that which the mind of the body craves. Be it unto them that the sorrows of the past are shown as the gentle dew under which the flowers of the Spirit shall be nourished and which shall gladden the Earth.

THESE humble petitions we make the Thee, Lord, not because of our worthiness, but because Thou art our Father and Mother, and Thou hast drawn us to Thee by the bonds of Love. Amen.

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(For use when friends meet together)

LOVING Father, we thank Thee for the opportunity of gathering together in a spirit of happy friendship. Grant that we may ever be grateful to Thee for all the good gifts of the Earth, for the sunshine and the fresh air, and the good food that nourishes our bodies. In our work and in our play may we always remember Thee. Amen.

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