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There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. New Years greetings
           From: "Madame SansNom" <[email protected]>
      2. May this collection of quotations serve to inspire you  in this New
           From: "Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn" <[email protected]>
      3. Re: CWG JavaScript Updated
           From: "Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn" <[email protected]>


Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 18:53:16
   From: "Madame SansNom" <[email protected]>
Subject: New Years greetings

May you all enjoy a new year filled with love, laughter,
healthy, happiness and prosperity.

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Message: 2
   Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 00:28:55 -0800
   From: "Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn" <[email protected]>
Subject: May this collection of quotations serve to inspire you  in this New

A little light in a dark room is still a great illumination

"I didn't find my friends, the good God gave them to me."  Ralph Waldo Emerson

May this collection of quotations serve to inspire you  in this New Year...
The idea that "Perception has a larger impact on us than reality" is one that we
can honor through the contemplation of wisdom from a wide range of spiritual and
intellectual traditions. By changing the way that we perceive the life that we
are given, we allow ourselves to experience what truly is always there, thus
far, unseen and unexperienced.  These quotations, which I collected for a class
in Effective Speaking beginning January 9th, are some that changed my perception
for the better this year and inspired me to be a better person than I was before
I encountered them.

With Love and Deep Respect,

Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn
Redwood City, California
December, 2000


Buddha took some Autumn leaves
In his hand and asked
Ananda if these were all
The red leaves there were.
Ananda answered that it
Was autumn and leaves
Were falling all about them,
More than could ever
be numbered. So Buddha said,
"I have given you
A handful of truths. Besides
These there are many
Thousands of other truths, more
Than can ever be numbered."

From "The City of the Moon"
                    by Kenneth Rexroth

Quotations from Ernest Holmes

I AM, what more can I say?  I am, it is enough.

Did you ever see the Law that causes a plant to grow?  Of course, you did not,
and yet you believed in the hidden Law of Growth.  Why did you believe?  Simply
because, every year, out of the seed time comes the harvest.  To these souls who
have dared to believe, has come a definite answer.

Communion with God brings harmony into our lives and affairs; establishes the
law of health and prosperity, and makes us a light to all who cross our pathway.

God does not compromise.

A little light in a dark room is still a great illumination.

One of the first things to do, is to love everybody ... with love, all things
are possible ... and the one who has learned to love all people will find plenty
of people who will return that love.

Someone has said that the entire world is suffering from one big fear ... the
fear that God will not answer our prayers ... Love alone can overcome fear
because Love surrenders itself to the object of its adoration.  The soul must
make a complete surrender of itself to the Spirit ... The will of the Spirit is
peace, clear thinking and happiness, It could have no other will.

From The Science of Mind

I stand in the midst of eternal opportunity, which forever presents me with the
evidence of its full expression. I am joy, peace and happiness. I am the spirit
of joy within me. I am the spirit of peace within me, of poise and of power. I
am the spirit of happiness within me. I radiate Life; I am Life. There is One
Life and that Life is my life now.

"Never limit your view of life by any past experience.  The possibility of life
is inherent within the capacity to imagine what life is, backed by the power to
produce this imagery, or Divine Imagination.  It is not a question of failing or
succeeding.  It is simply a question of sticking to an idea until it becomes a
tangible reality.  The illusion is in the way we look at things.  We have looked
at poverty, degradation and misery until they have assumed gigantic proportions. 
Now we must look at harmony, happiness, plenty, prosperity, peace and right
action, until they appear." [...] "During the process, many things may happen
that appear to be destructive. We may pass through good fortune and bad, but if
we can come to the point where we are not disturbed by "things" we have found
the secret." [...] "Know your own mind.  Train yourself to think what you wish
to think; be what you wish to be; feel what you wish to feel, and place no limit
on Principles!"

We are not down trodden, depraved and miserable sinners, born in sin and
conceived in iniquity and shame, some to go to heaven and some to hell and all
to the eternal glory of God.  This is a lie, it always was and always will be
... Man is born of the Spirit of God Almighty, is pure, holy, perfect, complete
and undefiled; is at one with his eternal principle of being ... We live in
Spirit awaiting the touch of thought that believes.

Let the warmth and color of this Presence permeate your entire consciousness. 
Let your thought be filled with an atmosphere of helpfulness, of life, of
givingness and of peace.  Know that the doorway of opportunity is never closed. 
Know that experiences open up before you like a blossoming flower.  Live in
continuous, joyous anticipation.

It is a great mistake to say: "Take what you wish, for you can have anything you
like."  We do not take what we wish, but we do attract to ourselves that which

Spirit never fails.  Affirm this until it is a very part of your being...
failure is a false thought and has no truth in it.  It is a belief in lack and
there is no lack

From This Thing Called Life

Life works by direct affirmation.  This is why we are told to be still and know
that all things are possible to God.  We are told to affirm, positively to
assert, to declare this truth in the face of all apparent opposition; to claim
abundance in the midst of poverty; to affirm health in the midst of sickness; to
decree joy in the midst of sorrow; and to announce the kingdom of God here and

We must become artists in living.  To live by inspiration means to sense the
divine touch in everything; to enter into the spirit of things; to enter into
the joy of living.

The mind is a magnet and we attract that with which we identify the self.  In
order to get the most out of life we must learn consciously to change many of
our habitual thought patterns.  If you are filled with fear, refill yourself
with faith, for faith always overcomes fear.

Faith is the supreme affirmation.  It is the unconditioned affirmative.  It is
the affirmation which makes all things possible to the one who believes in the
Power of God.

Your thoughts are tools that you use in affirming the creative Power into your

Instead of thinking about the problem, turn from it to a recognition that the
Life Principle has no problems. Know that the Mind within you already
understands the solution to this problem. State definitely that the Mind within
you knows what to do. Affirm that you are inwardly guided by the supreme
Intelligence of the universe. Affirm that everything you ought to know, you do
know. Affirm that you are compelled to make right decisions. Know that there is
something within you which will not permit you to make a mistake.

Miscellaneous Collected Inspirational Quotations

It is never too late to give up our prejudices. -Henry David Thoreau--

Love, compassion, and tolerance are necessities, not luxuries.  Without them,
humanity cannot survive.  If you have a particular faith or religion, that is
good.  But you can survive without it if you have love, compassion, and
tolerance. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, For the Love of God

      "If you had a different concept of yourself, everything would be
different.  You are what you are, so everything is as it is.  The events which
you observe are determined by the concept you have of yourself.  If  you change
your concept of yourself, the events ahead of you in time are altered, but, thus
altered, they form a deterministic sequence starting from the moment of this
changed concept.  You are a being with powers of intervention, which enable you,
by a change of consciousness, to alter the  course of observed events--in fact,
to change your future." Neville

"Things don't change, only the way you look at them." Carlos Castaneda

"Healing does not mean going back to the way things were before, but rather
allowing what is now to move us closer to God." Ram Dass, Still Here : Embracing
Aging, Changing, and Dying

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power,
and magic in it." -Goethe-

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from
the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

If all my friends were to jump off a bridge I wouldn't follow, I would be at the
bottom ready to catch them when they fell. Author: Unknown

"Silence in modesty speaks louder than bold words. The cracker cries aloud, "I
am the light," and is extinguished in a moment; the diamond, shining constantly,
never says a word about its light." Hazrat Inayat Khan

"To be creative means not to be limited by what we've inherited from the past,
but to be something new, to be yourself, to affirm something that has never been
done in the past." - Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
The purpose of the whole creation is the realization that God Himself gains by
discovering His own perfection through His manifestation. The Divine mind
becomes completed after manifestation. The creator's mind is made of His own
creation. The experience of every soul becomes the experience of the Divine
mind.  Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Unity of Religious Ideals
For life means not only to live, but to ennoble oneself and reach that
perfection which is the innate yearning of the soul. The solution to the problem
of the day is the awakening of the consciousness of humanity to the divinity of
man. Hazrat Inayat Khan
"What good is knowledge if it doesn't lift you above yourself?" - Rumi

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a
human journey." Stephen Covey

"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is
valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we
believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any
experience that reveals the human spirit."- e.e. cummings

"If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere
else."   Marvin Gaye

Forgiveness is the economy of the heart...Forgiveness saves the expense of
anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits. Hannah More

Inward spiritual practices such as meditation, breathing techniques and
self-analysis generate insights and enhance abilities, but none are so useful as
learning to live harmoniously in a committed relationship, being a skillful
parent, or juggling the demands of daily life.  Dan Millman

"The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their
inner beliefs." James Allen

"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them." Lady Bird Johnson

People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the
seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the
circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without
wondering.- St. Augustine

"If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doing.
Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing." -Will Rogers

"You can learn from people, and educate others, but the only one you can change
is yourself." -Dan D. Limon-

"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; that word is love."

"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long.  If we are in each
others dream, we can be together all the time." -Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)

"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional." -Roger

"We have probed the earth, excavated it, burned it, ripped things from it,
buried things in it  . . . That does not fit my definition of a good tenant. If
we were here on a  month-to-month basis, we would have been evicted long ago."    
-Rose Elizabeth Bird--

"A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same."
-Elbert Hubbard-

"Success has a great tendency to conceal and throw a veil over the evil deeds of
men." -Demosthenes (B.C. 384-322)-

"Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them. 
You will want to change them when you realize that each thought creates 
according to its own nature.  Remember that the law works at all times and that
you are always demonstrating according to the kind of thoughts you habitually
entertain. Therefore, start now to think only those thoughts that will bring you
health and happiness." -Paramahansa Yogananda

"You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody
else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God's creative
principle works in you." Paramahansa Yogananda

To welcome whatever arises in this moment is the ultimate spiritual practice. If
you practice just this one thing, you won't need to read any more books or learn
any other meditation techniques. Welcoming whatever arises in this moment,
outside or inside of you, brings freedom.

The conditioned mind will tell you not to do this, for it believes that by
resisting, it will become free. The opposite is true. By resisting, you become
even more stuck. When you no longer believe what the mind is saying, you realize
that the quickest way for transformation to happen is to welcome what is. In
that moment, life is free to move through you. The conditioned mind is no longer
obstructing life. Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

"All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions." -Adlai E.
Stevenson (1900-1965)--

"Don't let the good interfere with the better and don't let the better interfere
with the best. I am not all I could be, and I am not all that I want to be, but
thank God I am not what I used to be. How many times I have thanked God that I
am not what I used to be." Rev. Jack Boland

"You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have
truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."
Henry Drummond

"In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invicible
summer."  Albert Camus

"Having a son is the greatest accomplishment of my young life, not realizing
that sooner has to be, without doubt, my greatest shame." Ron Jon Finley

"Humility does not mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of
yourself less." Ken Blanchard

"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that
one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying
to succeed." Booker T. Washington

"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him."
 Booker T. Washington

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."
Albert Einstein

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing
to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryant

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to
improve the world." Anne Frank

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

"If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will
discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that
nurtures the soul." -Rabbi Harold Kushner-

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your
character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others
think you are." -John Wooden-

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's
why we call it the present." -Babatunde Olatunji--

"Seven days without laughter make one weak." -Joel Goodman--

"A truth that's told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent." 
-William Blake (1757-1828)

"Purchase not friends by gifts; when thou ceasest to give, such will cease to
love." -Thomas Fuller (1608-1661)--

"A sense of humor can help you over look the unattractive, tolerate the
unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through the unbearable." -Moshe

"My policy is to learn from the past, focus on the present, and dream about the
future. I'm a firm believer in learning from adversity. Often the worst of times
can turn to your advantage - my life is a study of that." -Donald Trump-

"The greatest power is often simple patience." -E. Joseph Cossman-

"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There
is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes
open." -Jawaharlal Nehru-

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want
also wants you. But you have to take action to get it. - Jack Canfield-

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought
together." -Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)--

"A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." -Walter
Bagehot (1826-1977)-

"Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever
follies I have witnessed in private and public life have been the consequence of
action without thought." -Bernard M. Baruch(1870-1965)--

"First, arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the
whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way." -Harry A. Overstreet-

"If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other
person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from
your own." -Henry Ford-

"I have no right to say or do anything that diminishes a man in his own eyes.
What matters is not what I think of him, but what he thinks of himself. Hurting
a man in his dignity is a crime." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery-

"The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking."
-Robert H. Schuller-

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the
credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.  Indira

"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is
to be ultimately at peace with himself." - Abraham Maslow-

"You may live in an imperfect world but the frontiers are not closed and the
doors are not all shut." -Maxwell Maltz-

The sea is dangerous and the storms terrible. But these obstacles have never
been sufficient reason to remain ashore...intrepid spirits seek victory over
those things that seem is with an iron will that they embark on
the most daring of all meet the shadowy future without fear and
conquer the unknown. Ferdinand Magellan

The miracle, or the power, that elevates the few, is to be found in their
industry,application, and perseverance under the promptings of a brave,
determined spirit. Mark Twain

"You and I are not separate. It's just an illusion wrought by the magical lens
of perception." -Michael Jackson-

"If you want enemies, excel your friends; but if you want friends, let your
friends excel you." -Francois LaRochefoucauld (1613-1680)--

"All people have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward,
sometimes to death, but always to victory." -motto of the King's Guard in
ancient Greece-

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Right
livelihood is making a life, and finding our true vocation -- not just making a
living."  Lama Surya Das

"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others,
or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and
these ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of
oppression and resistance." -
Robert F. Kennedy, South Africa; June 6, 1966

"The poorest man would not part with health for money, but the richest would
gladly part with all their money for health." -Colton (1780-1832)--

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)--

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"Those who have not distinguished themselves at school need not on that account
be discouraged. The greatest minds do not necessarily ripen the quickest."
-Lubbock (1834-1913)--

"We are no longer happy as soon as we wish to be happier." -Landor (1775-1864)--

"Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others." -Fyodor
Dostoevski (1821-1881)--

"My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother.
I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical
education I received from her." -George Washington (1732-1799)--

"Live a balanced life -- learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing
and dance and play and work every day some." - Robert Fulghum

"People say 'I want peace'. If you remove I {ego}, and your want {desire}, you
are left with peace." -Satya Sai Baba-

"The first thing I do in the morning is to make my bed and while I am making up
my bed I am making up my mind as to what kind of a day I am going to have."
-Robert Frost (1874-1963)--

"There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our
fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable." -Bovee (1820-1904)--

"To accuse others for one's misfortunes is a sign of want of education. To
accuse oneself shows that one's education has begun. To accuse neither oneself
nor others shows one's education is complete." -Epictetus-

"The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers." -Deepak

"The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity." -Leo Tolstoy-

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them
feel." -Carl W. Buechner-

"Most of us are in touch with our intuition whether we know it or not, but we're
usually in the habit of doubting or contradicting it so automatically that we
don't even know it has spoken. The first step is to pay more attention to what
you feel inside, to the inner dialogue that goes on within you." Shakti Gawain,
Living in the Light

"Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into
your life and into the lives of all those around you." - Eileen Cady

Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness
inside.  No matter what's going on outside of us, there's always something we
could be grateful for. - Barry Neil Kaufman

Something wonderful is happening to me right now.  It is this thing called life. 
Life is in my mind.  Life is in my body.  Life is in my affairs.  I receive it-I
share it-I am it and I accept it.  Just the
way that it is and just the way that it is not.  Thank you, life.  Amen. - Rev. 
Peggy Bassett

"He who lives by fighting with an enemy has an interest in the preservation of
the enemy's life." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

"Miracles are not contrary to nature; only to what we know about nature." -St.

"The only thing worse than suffering an injustice is committing an injustice."
-Plato (B.C. 427?-347?)--

"It is an eternal obligation toward the human being not to let him suffer from
hunger when one has a chance of coming to his assistance." -Simone Weil

"People who treat other people as less than human must not be surprised when the
bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them, poisoned."
-James Baldwin (1924-1987)--

"You've no idea what a poor opinion I have of myself - and how little I deserve
it." -William Gilbert (1836-1911)--

"There's always a rainbow at the end of every rain." -Prince (1958-1993)--

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."
-Mark Twain (1835-1910)--

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness - all foes to real
understanding. Likewise, tolerance or broad, wholesome charitable views of men
and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in our little corner of the earth
all one's lifetime." -Mark Twain (1835-1910)--

"All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope." -Alexandre Dumas

"As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to
hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might."-Marian

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." -Elbert Hubbard

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his
goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." -Thomas

"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." -Delores Ibarruri

"Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you
burn." -John Wesley (1703-1791)--

"Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the
sensitive soul to tears." -Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1845)--

"Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no
vice, no degradation; it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to
be a variation of the sexual function, produced by a certain arrest of sexual
development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times
have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them (Plato,
Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.). It is a great injustice to persecute
homosexuality as a crime-and a cruelty, too. If you do not believe me, read the
books of Havelock Ellis." -Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)--

"Drunkenness . . . is temporary suicide." -Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)--

"Beauty is one of the rare things that do not lead to doubt of God." -Jean
Anouilh (1910-87)--

"Speak clearly, if you speak at all; Carve every word before you let it fall."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-94)--

"I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them." -Pablo
Picasso (1881-1973)--

"We are one, after all, you and I; together we suffer, together exist, and
forever will recreate each other." -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin-

"I shall pass through this life but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or
any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not
defer or neglect it. For I shall never pass this way again." -Etienne de

"Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all." -Oliver
Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)--

"If you want happiness for an hour - take a nap. If you want happiness for a day
- go fishing. If you want happiness for a month -get married. If you want
happiness for a year - inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime -
help someone else." -Chinese Proverb-

"Sympathy is your pain in my heart." -Adlai A. Esteb-

"Seek spiritual riches within. What you are is much greater than anyone or
anything else you have ever yearned for." -Paramahansa Yogananda-

"Despise no man and consider nothing impossible, for there is no man who does
not have his hour and there is no thing that does not have its place." -The
Talmud (B.C. 500?-400? A.D.)--

"When we think of failure; Failure will be ours. If we remain undecided; Nothing
will ever change. All we need to do is want to achieve something great and then
simply to do it. Never think of failure For what we think, will come about."
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi-

"He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals." -Franklin

"If you ever feel you can't go on, rest assured that you are not alone and that
fast changes are arriving." -Seal-

"Be good, be kind, be humane, and charitable; love your fellows; console the
afflicted; pardon those who have done you wrong." -Zoroaster (B.C. 628?-551?)--

"Few cross the river of time and are able to reach non-being. Most of them run
up and down only on this side of the river. But those who when they know the law
follow the path of the law, they shall reach the other shore and go beyond the
realm of death." -The Dhammapada (c. B.C. 300)--

"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it." -Confucius (B.C.

"To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice." -Confucius
(B.C. 551-479)--

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
-Confucius (B.C. 551-479)--

"To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind.
To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To
trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed." -Bernard

"A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed." -Henrik
Ibsen (1828-1906)--

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into
the impossible." -Arthur C. Clarke-

"Some people see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were
and say why not?" -Robert F. Kennedy-

"A mind not to be chang'd by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in
itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." -John Milton-

"I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of
an undertaking. If I felt it was the right thing to do, I was for it regardless
of the possible outcome." -Golda Meir-

"One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit
the present." -Golda Meir-

"Money can help you to get medicines but not health. Money can help you to get
soft pillows, but not sound sleep. Money can help you to get material comforts,
but not eternal bliss. Money can help you to get ornaments, but not beauty.
Money will help you to get an electric earphone, but not natural hearing. Attain
the supreme wealth, wisdom; you will have everything." -Sivananda-

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin." -Grace

"The truth is always the strongest argument." -Sophocles (496-406 B.C.)--

"A lie never lives to be old." -Sophocles (496-406 B.C.)-
"It is better not to live at all than to live disgraced." -Sophocles (496-406

"I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him."
-Booker T. Washington-

"Her death takes place in the shadow of new life, she's not really dead if we
find a way to remember her." -Star Trek-

"I want to describe myself, not be described by others." -Johnnie Cochran-

"I wept not, so to stone within I grew." -Dante Alighieri-

"Our most intimate friend is not he to whom we show the worst, but the best of
our nature." -Nathaniel Hawthorne-

"I Am The Victor, Not The Victim." -Sean Howell-

"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have
only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a
snowflake." - -Marie Beyon Ray-

"It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before...
to test your limits... to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk
it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to
-Anais Nin-

"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish
its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness
and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing." -Anais Nin-

"The perfect human being is all human beings put together, it is a collective,
it is all of us together that make perfection." -Socrates-

"To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the
unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when
everything seems hopeless." -Gilbert Keith "G.K." Chesterton (1874-1936)--

"The angels fly, because they take themselves lightly." -Gilbert Keith "G.K."
Chesterton (1874-1936)--

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of
trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition
inspired and success achieved." -Helen Keller-

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at
the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." -Helen

"We must interpret a bad temper as a sign of inferiority." -Alfred Adler

"It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the
greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is
from among such individuals that all human failures spring." -Alfred Adler

"Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the
determination to make the right things happen." -Peter Marshall-

"Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give
up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you
were intended to be." -Charlie "Tremendous" Jones-

"Happiness is good health and a bad memory." -Ingrid Bergman-

"I have no regrets. I wouldn't have lived my life the way I did if I was going
to worry about what people were going to say." -Ingrid Bergman-

"He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our
antagonist is our helper." -Burke(1729-1797)--

"You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life
wakes up and everything has meaning." -Barbara Sher-

"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not
follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -Albert Camus-

"Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark
sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive." -Jesse Jackson-
Source Unknown / Anonymous:
"Overlook the faults of others and overcome your own."

"One reason we should love our enemies is that we made them ourselves. Another
reason is that they keep us on our toes, a third reason is that we should make
them our friends."

"What comes from the heart reaches the heart."

"No one can make us angry. People can say and do things to us but it is still up
to us as individuals to do what we want with our emotions in response to those

"It isn't where you've come from, its where you're going."

"Take a quiet walk, now and again, with the real you, who lives beneath all the
everyday distractions. Find strength, courage and insight in the beautiful
person you are."

"Happiness should be a way to travel, not a destination."

"Fill your heart with goodness and there will be no place for evil. Fill the
world with beauty, and there will be no room for darkness. Fill your moments
with joy, and there will be no room for regret."

"We are each burdened with prejudice; against the poor or the rich, the smart or
the slow, the gaunt or the obese. It is natural to develop prejudice. It is
noble to rise above them."

"Never be afraid to be wrong or you will never be right."

"It's hard to face tomorrow, but it's easier than facing no tomorrow."

"Glance at what you might have to lose, but focus on what you want to achieve."
Buddha (B.C. 568-488):
"We are shaped by our thoughts. We become what we think."
"He insulted me, he cheated me, he beat me, he robbed me' -- those who are free
of resentful thoughts surely find peace."
"Hatred is never ended by hatred but by love."
"Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on
the present moment."
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the
candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."
"It is a man's own mind - not his enemy or his foe that lures him into evil
"A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to
be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure."

Wayne W. Dyer:
"You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with."
"You are never going to get it all, you are it all already"
"Notice the acts of kindness other people do, rather than their wrongdoing."
"Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now, you are a
whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else. Your
completeness must be understood by you and experienced in your thoughts as your
own personal reality."
"One of the first steps along your path is learning tolerance by practicing
seeing the world as it is rather than as you demand it to be."
"When tempted to judge others, remind yourself that they are part of the same
divine creation as you are."
"You'll seldom experience regret for anything that you've done. It is what you
haven't done that will torment you. The message, therefore, is clear. Do it!
Develop an appreciation for the present moment. Seize every second of your life
and savor it. Value your present moments. Using them up in any self-defeating
ways means you've lost them forever."
"If you shift your attention to the present moment, you automatically let go of
stress about the past or future."
"Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances."
"All of the judgment concerning appearances is simply a tool for upgrading
oneself by comparison to another."
"The habit of noticing so-called deficiencies is a tool that your ego uses to
convince you that you are better than the people you are criticizing."
"There are no failed relationships. Every person who enters and exits your life
does so in a mutual sharing of life's divine lessons. Some have longer roles to
play than others, but ultimately, you will return to your relationship to the
"Instead of saying, "Why is this happening to me? Isn't this awful, Poor me,"
begin to say, "What do I have to learn from this?" "You get treated in life the
way you teach people to treat you." "Everything in your life that you 'have to
have' owns you!"

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931):
"You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own
thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell
in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams."
"When we turn to one another for counsel we reduce the number of our enemies."
"Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity."

Mohandas Gandhi

"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide."

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drop of the
ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

"There is more to life than increasing its speed."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in

"Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress."

"My life is my message."

"We must become the change we want to see."

"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the
world -- that is the myth of the atomic age -- as in being  able to remake

It's the action, not the fruit of the action,
that's important. You have to do the right thing.
It may not be in your power, may not be in your time,
that there'll be any fruit.
But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing.
You may never know what results come from you action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no result.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968):
"Like the ever-flowing waters of a river, life has its moments of drought and
its moments of flood."

"Race prejudice is based on groundless fears, suspicions and misunderstandings."

"I judge people by their own principles, not by my own."

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and
convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."   "Our
lives begin to end the day we become silent about  things that matter."

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive
out hate; only love can do that."

"Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great because greatness is
determined by service."

"If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets as
Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry.
He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will
pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well."

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and
convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897-1981):
"In my world, nothing ever goes wrong."
"You do not have any problems, only your body has problems...In your world,
nothing stays, in mine nothing changes."
"My stand is clear: produce to distribute, feed before you eat, give before you
take, think of others, before you think of yourself. Only a selfless society
based on sharing can be stable and happy. This is the only practical solution.
If you do not want it - fight."
"Absolute perfection is here and now, not in some future, near or far. The
secret is in action - here and now. It is your behavior that blinds you to
yourself. Disregard whatever you think yourself to be and act as if you were
absolutely perfect - whatever your idea of perfection may be. All you need is
"Whenever love is withheld and suffering allowed to spread, war becomes
inevitable. Our indifference to our neighbor's sorrow brings suffering to our
"For me the moment of death will be a moment of jubilation, not of fear. I cried
when I was born and I shall die laughing."
"Perfection is a state of the mind, when it is pure. I am beyond the mind,
whatever its state, pure or impure. Awareness is my nature; ultimately I am
beyond being and non-being."
"The greatest guru is your inner self. Truly he is the supreme teacher. He alone
can take you to your goal and he alone meets you at the end of the road. Confide
in him and you need no outer guru."
"You cannot transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know
"You will receive everything you need when you stop asking for what you do not
"Yes, I appear to hear and see and talk and act, but to me it just happens as to
you digestion or perspiration happens.  The body-mind machine looks after it,
but leaves me out of it.  Just as you do not need to worry about growing hair,
so I need not worry about words and actions.  They just happen and leave me
unconcerned, for in my world nothing ever goes wrong."
"The very search for pleasure is the cause of pain."
"A man who moves with the earth will necessarily experience days and nights. He
who stays with the sun will know no darkness."
"You are all drenched for it is raining hard.  In my world it is always fine
weather. There is no night or day, no heat or cold.  No worries beset me there,
nor regrets. My mind is free of thoughts, for there are no desires to slave
"Give up the desire for pleasure and you will not even know what is pain."
"The world is the adobe of desires and fears.  You cannot find peace in it. For
peace you must go beyond the world.  The root cause of the world is self-love.
Because of it we seek pleasure and avoid pain."
"By all means be selfish; the right way.  Wish yourself well, labor at what is
good for you.  Destroy all that stands between you and happiness.  Be all; love
all; be happy; make happy.  No happiness is greater."
"Fear and greed cause the misuse of the mind.  The right use of mind is in the
service of love, of life, of truth, of beauty.
"The problem is not yours.  It is your minds only.  Begin by disassociating
yourself from your mind.  Resolutely remind yourself that you are not the mind
and that its problems are not yours."
"If you imagine yourself as separate from the world, the world will appear as
separate from you and you will experience desire and fear.  I do not see the
world as separate from me and so there is nothing for me to desire, or fear."
"Were I very rich, what difference would it make? I am what I am.  What else can
I be? I am neither rich nor poor, I am myself.
"Knowledge gives power.  In practice it is very simple.  To control yourself,
know yourself."
"There is no chaos in the world, except the chaos which your mind creates."

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (5 BC-65 AD):
"Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness."
"If you wished to be loved, love."
"He who has great power should use it lightly."
"I do not distinguish by the eye, but with the mind, which is the proper
judgment of man."
"There is no great genius without a tincture of madness."
"One should count each day a separate life."
"We should every night call ourselves to an account: What infirmity have I
mastered today? what passions opposed? what temptation resisted? what virtue
acquired? Our vices will abate of themselves if they be brought every day to the
"If we could trace our descendants, we should find all slaves to come from
princes, and all princes from slaves."
"The mind that is anxious about the future is miserable."
"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness."
"Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that
provokes it."
Publilius Syrus:
"Reprove your friends in secret, praise them openly."

"We are interested in others when they are interested in us."
"Patience is the remedy for every sorrow."

"In quarreling the truth is always lost."

"Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it."

"Take care that no one hates you justly."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm."

"Spiritual force is stronger than material force; thoughts rule the world."

To laugh often and much,
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children,
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false
To appreciate beauty,
To find the best in others,
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition,
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded

Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can
sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view.

Though you may travel the world to find the beautiful, you must have it within
you or you will find it not.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a

Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.

Adapt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.

I didn't find my friends, the good God gave them to me.

"Jesus Christ belonged to the true race of prophets.  He saw with open eyes the
mystery of the soul ... He saw that God incarnates himself in man and evermore
goes forth anew to take possession of this world ... He declared he was God;
thus He is, and as I think, the only soul in history who has appreciated the
worth of man."

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.

You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too

All Spiritual being is in man. A wise old proverb says, "God comes to see us
without bell," that is, as there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and
the infinite heavens, so is there no bar or wall in the soul where man, the
effect, ceases, and God, the cause, begins. "The Over-Soul"

"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 3
   Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 08:30:27 -0000
   From: "Rev. Dr. Susanne Freeborn" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: CWG JavaScript Updated


Love, Susanne


------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 17 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest:       1. Happy Alternatives            From: "Bill Clift" <[email protected]>       2. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]>       3. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]>       4. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: "Bill T." <[email protected]>       5. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: "Madame SansNom" <[email protected]>       6. Communion With God            From: Marcia Mastroddi <[email protected]>       7. Re: Communion With God            From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]>       8. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]>       9. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]>      10. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]>      11. Blesed  be  the  cow!            From: alleybug <[email protected]>      12. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]>      13. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]>      14. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: alleybug <[email protected]>      15. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: "M. Snipes" <[email protected]>      16. Why so many books?  My opinion...            From: "M. Snipes" <[email protected]>      17. Re: Happy Alternatives            From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 14:25:20 -0000    From: "Bill Clift" <[email protected]> Subject: Happy Alternatives Hi Everyone - My wife just gave me COMMUNION WITH GOD, and I think it is great! Hope we can all get re-charged and re- dedicated during this holiday season. I wish all of you Happy Holidays and Happy Alternatives to Civilized Addictions, judged by your own standards of happiness and Higher Powers. Bill Clift ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 2    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 11:28:25 -0600    From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Dear Bill, I too think Communion With God is great.  I cannot find the word I want to use to describe how it wrapped up CWG and FWG, not in a final "chapter" or a "famous last stand" or....whatever.  See, I have the idea but not the word.  I guess I am trying to say that it brought those books into a sense of greater understanding of the, sometimes, convoluted messages of who God is and what God is all about in terms of who we are all about.  It gave me the sense of "now I understand it even better" and "now I can make sen se out of 'it' all"!  And better yet, I can actually apply what I know into what I do and think and say.  I applied it when I went to the dentist!  I,personally, cannot think of any place I would rather believe is an illusion!!  When she injected me (you know, long needle into excruciatingly sensitive gum!!!) I kept saying, "This is not real!" and it worked!!!  I felt the pain but I did not suffer.  I, instead, flowed with it and it became an almost spiritual experience!  I did see the 'blue light' but I did not 'see' my soul!  I am convinced that the blue light was the nitrous oxide!! lololol  But, I now 'know' that it really exists and what an exquisite reality. Communion With God is a superb tool to help me dig out of the trench of illusion turned reality! Holiday Blessings, MaryN At 02:25 PM 12/23/00 +0000, you wrote: >Hi Everyone - > >My wife just gave me COMMUNION WITH GOD, >and I think it is great! > >Hope we can all get re-charged and re- >dedicated during this holiday season. > >I wish all of you Happy Holidays and Happy >Alternatives to Civilized Addictions, >judged by your own standards of happiness >and Higher Powers. > >Bill Clift > > >eGroups >Sponsor<> > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: >[email protected] > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, >Books 1, 2 & 3: ><> > "...allow for the possibility that there may be something you do not know, the knowing of which could change everything."   Communion With God  by Neale Donald Walsch, page 16 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 3    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 12:21:47 -0500    From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives At 11:28 AM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: >I too think Communion With God is great.  I cannot find the word I want to >use to describe how it wrapped up CWG and FWG, not in a final "chapter" or >a "famous last stand" or....whatever.... MaryN, I think you can COUNT on "Communion with God" not being the last book. Future titles might be "Frolicking with God," "Hangin' with God," "Getting Down with God," or "Up Close and Personal with God." I suspect Neale will milk this franchise until the cow goes dry. Lightly, Mike Beebe ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 4    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 12:46:56 -0800    From: "Bill T." <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives There was a hint within "Communion" of a future title. Be watching for "Dying With God." Those who hold the CWG Books close to their hearts will add this to their collection.....unless of course ;-) The title alone calls forth a best seller. Merry Christmas To ALL !! Bill T. -----Original Message----- From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, December 23, 2000 9:15 AM Subject: Re: [CWGConversations] Happy Alternatives >At 11:28 AM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: >>I too think Communion With God is great.  I cannot find the word I want to >>use to describe how it wrapped up CWG and FWG, not in a final "chapter" or >>a "famous last stand" or....whatever.... > >MaryN, I think you can COUNT on "Communion with God" not being the last >book. Future titles might be "Frolicking with God," "Hangin' with God," >"Getting Down with God," or "Up Close and Personal with God." I suspect >Neale will milk this franchise until the cow goes dry. > >Lightly, >Mike Beebe > > > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: >[email protected] > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, >Books 1, 2 & 3: > ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 5    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 17:46:24    From: "Madame SansNom" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Except for the milking the cow remark, I thought this was funny. I am particularly looking forward to "Frolicking with God". LMAO. Cat _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 6    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 14:33:07 -0500    From: Marcia Mastroddi <[email protected]> Subject: Communion With God Hi Everyone; Yes, I got a hold of Communion With God and couldn't put it down either. I really think the illusions part is powerful. I am also struck by the single voice that it is written in. "Very few in the history of the world have heard so clearly..". and it goes on to list the masters and saints. What I do want to let you in on is my secret- I know the answer to your question about Neale's next book, because I am in it! It is titled " Moments of Grace" Other People's Conversations with God. It is an anthology of peoples experience of divine intervention. My story is about an art student, Juline who passed on. I began to intervene in showing her artwork around the city, and suddenly, I received a direct communication from her which was specifically instructed to be taken to her parents. She also requested a portrait be done for her mother. It is titled " A Special Student" and  my pen name is Marcia McMahon. It is expected to be out in Feb, 2001. I look forward to this- and also hope that I will get a publishing deal for my two books. One is a spiritual memoir and the other is titled Prayer  Meditation and Manifestation. It should be an exciting year for me. Wishing you all peace this time of year. Marcia ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 7    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:25:48 -0600    From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Communion With God Marcia, How exciting for you as well as the rest of us!  What a treat and I dearly love treats!! <g>  I met Neale in November and I was quite taken with him!  I mean that in the way that he wore no halos and is a human being who recognized who he wanted to Be!  I have heard that voice and never recognized it as God or my soul (one in the same).  I can now pay better attention and understand that the immediate thoughts, ideas, perceptions are me, the real me!  I can be quiet and let the stillness take me where I need to go.  All I can do is attest to the fact that my life is much more fun now!  Now that I know that all of this is illusion, life makes a hell of a lot more sense! One of my favorite movies is The Matrix.  If you have never seen it, I urge you to get it, rent it, watch it.  After reading Communion With God, The Matrix makes an even clearer statement regarding reality and illusion and freedom.  If you are not crazy about sci-fi, look past that and go into the 'message'. I have had some real issues about my religious upbringing and wondering how I could declare Who I Am.  I have been dabbling in the ancient ways as well as Buddhism.  I have come to realize that all religions have truths that may be masked by ritual or rules or dogmas.  Jesus had a life to live and a statement about God and humans.  He made the statement and it is profound.  Buddha did the same.  Paganism is beautifully earthy and I am drawn to its communion with all things.  Because, even so called non-living things have life and if you know anything about atoms, then you know what I mean.  And there is an aura around the most insignificant rock...knowing that I am a part of all of this universe, well, it is awesome! Holiday Blessings, MaryN At 02:33 PM 12/23/00 -0500, you wrote: >Hi Everyone; >Yes, I got a hold of Communion With God and couldn't put it down either. >I really think the illusions part is powerful. I am also struck by the >single voice that it is written in. >"Very few in the history of the world have heard so clearly..". and it >goes on to list the masters and saints. What I do want to let you in on >is my secret- I know the answer to your question about Neale's next >book, because I am in it! It is titled " Moments of Grace" Other >People's Conversations with God. It is an anthology of peoples >experience of divine intervention. My story is about an art student, >Juline who passed on. I began to intervene in showing her artwork around >the city, and suddenly, I received a direct communication from her which >was specifically instructed to be taken to her parents. She also >requested a portrait be done for her mother. It is titled " A Special >Student" and  my pen name is Marcia McMahon. It is expected to be out in >Feb, 2001. I look forward to this- and also hope that I will get a >publishing deal for my two books. One is a spiritual memoir and the >other is titled Prayer  Meditation and Manifestation. It should be an >exciting year for me. Wishing you all peace this time of year. >Marcia > > >eGroups >Sponsor<> > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: >[email protected] > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, >Books 1, 2 & 3: ><> > "...allow for the possibility that there may be something you do not know, the knowing of which could change everything."   Communion With God  by Neale Donald Walsch, page 16 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 8    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:41:18 -0600    From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Mike, I understand where you are coming from (I hate ending a sentence with a preposition!).  I know that Communion will not be the end, but, it has that summarizing quality about it.  Maybe that is the word of which I have been searching! At first, your comments were somewhat stinging, about Neale milking the cow dry.  I kinda felt like that naive little girl again.  and that maybe I had been used or duped.  But when I took off my victim T-shirt, I did not feel that way.  I disagree with you about Neale but, even if you are correct, it is not important.  What is important, to me, is that I can decide, on my own, what is my truth and what tools help me Be Who I Am!  I know that my Be-ing was tickled pink while reading Communion.  Pink may not be your color! <g> I value your opinion and your truth; I am evolving in a different way than anyone else.  It took me all my life to get here.  Even a year ago I would have argued to be right and would have thought that the argument for right was all there is.  I now know that what is right for me, may not be right for you!  Thank you for reminding me of that!!  And only I can let my toes be stepped on and only I can know that even my toes are an illusion!  Remember that you are one of my angels and I love all my angels!!!  Thank you for my gift!! You may be right, unless you are not! Love ya bunches, MaryN At 12:21 PM 12/23/00 -0500, you wrote: >At 11:28 AM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: > >I too think Communion With God is great.  I cannot find the word I want to > >use to describe how it wrapped up CWG and FWG, not in a final "chapter" or > >a "famous last stand" or....whatever.... > >MaryN, I think you can COUNT on "Communion with God" not being the last >book. Future titles might be "Frolicking with God," "Hangin' with God," >"Getting Down with God," or "Up Close and Personal with God." I suspect >Neale will milk this franchise until the cow goes dry. > >Lightly, >Mike Beebe > > > >eGroups >Sponsor<> > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: >[email protected] > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, >Books 1, 2 & 3: ><> > "...allow for the possibility that there may be something you do not know, the knowing of which could change everything."   Communion With God  by Neale Donald Walsch, page 16 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 9    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:45:42 -0600    From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Bill, That is terrific news.  I am not afraid of dying but I would kinda like to know what God has to say about it! <g> Love, MaryN At 12:46 PM 12/23/00 -0800, you wrote: >There was a hint within "Communion" of a future title. >Be watching for "Dying With God." > >Those who hold the CWG Books close to their hearts >will add this to their collection.....unless of course ;-) > >The title alone calls forth a best seller. > >Merry Christmas To ALL !! > >Bill T. > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]> >To: [email protected] <[email protected]> >Date: Saturday, December 23, 2000 9:15 AM >Subject: Re: [CWGConversations] Happy Alternatives > > > >At 11:28 AM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: > >>I too think Communion With God is great.  I cannot find the word I want to > >>use to describe how it wrapped up CWG and FWG, not in a final "chapter" or > >>a "famous last stand" or....whatever.... > > > >MaryN, I think you can COUNT on "Communion with God" not being the last > >book. Future titles might be "Frolicking with God," "Hangin' with God," > >"Getting Down with God," or "Up Close and Personal with God." I suspect > >Neale will milk this franchise until the cow goes dry. > > > >Lightly, > >Mike Beebe > > > > > > > > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: > >[email protected] > > > > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, > >Books 1, 2 & 3: > <> > > > > >eGroups >Sponsor<> > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: >[email protected] > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, >Books 1, 2 & 3: ><> > "...allow for the possibility that there may be something you do not know, the knowing of which could change everything."   Communion With God  by Neale Donald Walsch, page 16 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 10    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:47:06 -0600    From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Cat, Milking cows has only one advantage for me; they are ready to milk two times a day every someone who enjoys it better than I! lololol Love, MaryN At 05:46 PM 12/23/00 +0000, you wrote: >Except for the milking the cow remark, I thought this was >funny. I am particularly looking forward to "Frolicking >with God". LMAO. > >Cat >_________________________________________________________________ >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ><> > > >eGroups >Sponsor<> > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: >[email protected] > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, >Books 1, 2 & 3: ><> > "...allow for the possibility that there may be something you do not know, the knowing of which could change everything."   Communion With God  by Neale Donald Walsch, page 16 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 11    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 17:39:55 -0800 (PST)    From: alleybug <[email protected]> Subject: Blesed  be  the  cow! HI  friends.... I am  reading  with  interest  all the   recent comments  about  the  "next  book" and  what its title might  be......and  I am  also  thinking  about milking  the  cow  dry!!I do  love the freedom we have to  share  our  thoughts.....A very personal journey i am  now  making  with my  "books"....Each  day i  am bedside watching my  mother die.  We all know  about the  emotions  and  feelings  at  times like these.....i want to  assure you I will be   much more equipped  to handle whatever  comes  along, thanks to Neale......Also  Mike,....i  would like  to  invite you  to  meet  Neale in person  someday unles of course,,,,,,,i think you will find  Neale  to be "real"........he   can  have my  cow......and   all the  milk, too.......HAPPY HOLIDAYS.....AND  BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU MY SOULMATE  TRAVELERS....ALLY __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 12    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 21:14:17 -0500    From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives At 07:41 PM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: >Mike, >I understand where you are coming from (I hate ending a sentence with a >preposition!).  I know that Communion will not be the end, but, it has that >summarizing quality about it.  Maybe that is the word of which I have been >searching! MaryN, here's the deal. I have met Neale intimately. On three different occasions over three years I have spent fifteen days with the man. He has told me as he has told MANY people that there would be THREE books. GOD has said, through Neale, that there would be THREE books. God is God, yes or no? If God is. Then how could God be mistaken??? >At first, your comments were somewhat stinging, about Neale milking the cow >dry.  I kinda felt like that naive little girl again.  and that maybe I had >been used or duped.  But when I took off my victim T-shirt, I did not feel >that way.  I disagree with you about Neale but, even if you are correct, it >is not important.  What is important, to me, is that I can decide, on my >own, what is my truth and what tools help me Be Who I Am!  I know that my >Be-ing was tickled pink while reading Communion.  Pink may not be your >color! <g> I value your opinion and your truth; I am evolving in a >different way than anyone else.  It took me all my life to get here.  Even >a year ago I would have argued to be right and would have thought that the >argument for right was all there is.  I now know that what is right for me, >may not be right for you!  Thank you for reminding me of that!!  And only I >can let my toes be stepped on and only I can know that even my toes are an >illusion!  Remember that you are one of my angels and I love all my >angels!!!  Thank you for my gift!! If the later books speak to you, that is WONDERFUL! I remember the early times when people were breathlessly waiting for Book 2.... then... when, oh when is Book 3.... I have had a constant challenge to ANYONE here: If you, or anyone, have seen anything in the later books that were not in the first THREE books, what information are you talking about???? Peace & Light, Mike Beebe ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 13    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 21:16:14 -0500    From: Mike Beebe <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives At 07:47 PM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: >Cat, >Milking cows has only one advantage for me; they are ready to milk two >times a day every someone who enjoys it better than I! lololol Hey, with BGH, they can be milked even more. As the ARE in today's factory dairies... Milklessly, Mike Beebe ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 14    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 18:24:43 -0800 (PST)    From: alleybug <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Hmmmmmmmmm  God mistaken???? Oh  no!!!! Maybe just her truth know a --- Mike Beebe <[email protected]> wrote: > At 07:41 PM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: > >Mike, > >I understand where you are coming from (I hate > ending a sentence with a > >preposition!).  I know that Communion will not be > the end, but, it has that > >summarizing quality about it.  Maybe that is the > word of which I have been > >searching! > > MaryN, here's the deal. I have met Neale intimately. > On three different > occasions over three years I have spent fifteen days > with the man. He has > told me as he has told MANY people that there would > be THREE books. GOD has > said, through Neale, that there would be THREE > books. God is God, yes or > no? If God is. Then how could God be mistaken??? > > > >At first, your comments were somewhat stinging, > about Neale milking the cow > >dry.  I kinda felt like that naive little girl > again.  and that maybe I had > >been used or duped.  But when I took off my victim > T-shirt, I did not feel > >that way.  I disagree with you about Neale but, > even if you are correct, it > >is not important.  What is important, to me, is > that I can decide, on my > >own, what is my truth and what tools help me Be Who > I Am!  I know that my > >Be-ing was tickled pink while reading Communion. > Pink may not be your > >color! <g> I value your opinion and your truth; I > am evolving in a > >different way than anyone else.  It took me all my > life to get here.  Even > >a year ago I would have argued to be right and > would have thought that the > >argument for right was all there is.  I now know > that what is right for me, > >may not be right for you!  Thank you for reminding > me of that!!  And only I > >can let my toes be stepped on and only I can know > that even my toes are an > >illusion!  Remember that you are one of my angels > and I love all my > >angels!!!  Thank you for my gift!! > > If the later books speak to you, that is WONDERFUL! > I remember the early > times when people were breathlessly waiting for Book > 2.... then... when, oh > when is Book 3.... > > I have had a constant challenge to ANYONE here: If > you, or anyone, have > seen anything in the later books that were not in > the first THREE books, > what information are you talking about???? > > Peace & Light, > Mike Beebe > > > -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor > > To unsub from this list, please send an email to: > [email protected] > > > On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, > Books 1, 2 & 3: > > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 15    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 21:42:45 -0500    From: "M. Snipes" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Hi Mike! > MaryN, here's the deal. I have met Neale intimately. On three different > occasions over three years I have spent fifteen days with the man. He has > told me as he has told MANY people that there would be THREE books. GOD has > said, through Neale, that there would be THREE books. God is God, yes or > no? If God is. Then how could God be mistaken??? Certainly a valid question.  Here's what I see: There have been 3 "Conversations" books.  In these books, there was a difinitive discourse between Neale and God.  Both would ask questions, and both would answer.  A true "conversation", of sorts. "Friendship With God" was a book that was an exploration of Neale's journey, and how he came to have his conversations with God.  God would offer comments on Neale's experiences, but unlike books 1,2, and 3, "Friendship" was not meant to be as instructional or as educational.  It was more a clarification of other issues, and in particular, how Neale was able to apply them in his life.  It wasn't the same "Conversation" as the other books. "Communion With God" is also not a conversation, but a direct dictation from God, as Neale puts it.  There is no discourse between Neale and God, it's just a further explanation of previous materials. Neale has said that each "Conversation" book became increasingly more difficult to write, especially the third book.  He said that he "heard" nothing for years before book 3, and once inspiration came, it took even more time to come to its conclusion.  It was a very exhausting experience for Neale, physically and spiritually.  Perhaps God/Neale realized that 3 books that were "Conversations" were all that he (Neale) could handle; thus the different formats for the other books. Remember that we determine the future.  Fate doesn't determine what will come, we do.  Even God said that.  Perhaps at the time that Neale was writing the Conversations series, 3 books were all that were needed to spread the message.  When the books reached people and more and more people began to re-examine their spirituality, we changed our collective advancement as a spiritual body.  Thus, more elucidation was required; something that both God and Neale did not forsee at the time of the series inception.  The way to further the education was to write more, but different, types of books. Just my thoughts, for what they're worth.  :) Peace, Megan ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 16    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 21:49:38 -0500    From: "M. Snipes" <[email protected]> Subject: Why so many books?  My opinion... Ally, I agree with you -- Neale can have my cow, too.  ;) Since this topic has come up, I wanted to throw my hat into the ring, so to speak. I had the tremendous privilege of hearing Neale speak in October, and he is a beautiful and genuine soul.  When I had the opportunity to thank him afterwards, I witnessed his tremendous kindness and patience with others, as so many clamoured around him, wanting to share their stories with him.  He didn't strike me as someone who had ulterior motives. I've read somewhere that the average person has to hear something 8 times to learn it. That's something to consider. Sometimes we hear something when we're not really listening.  Sometimes we listen, but we are distracted.  Other times we struggle with what we hear, because it contradicts what we already know.  Sometimes we forget what we have just learned.  Some of us learn visually, some audibly. Since there are so many ways people learn, and since there are specific times in a person's life when they are *ready* to learn, Neale's books need to be different to reach people in different ways.  Perhaps CWG 3 really resonated with some people, while it left others bored.  Maybe CWG 2 was just what someone needed to read, while Friendship With God put the teachings into the personal context of Neale's life that someone else had to read before it finally made sense. The core messages are the same, but the phrasing and explanation varies.  In one way or another, one of the books will reach someone in just the right way that they, as an individual, need to be reached. The way I see it, Neale couldn't have written just one book.  God wanted to reach as many of her children as she could, and so the dialogue continues.  The concepts in the books are also very, very controversial, and go against everything that some people are taught.  Some of these people don't trust their own spiritual connection to God, and are more comfortable believing a "channel" like Neale, than themselves.  In acting that way, Neale can continue to bring love and light into many, many lives.  (Ironically, Neale himself says not to trust him as the only source of God's knowledge.) I don't see the expanding CWG series as a shrewd business move.  I see it as Neale's commitment to bringing God's love to light for many people.  Some of us just need to hear it the right way, when we're ready.  :) Those are just my thoughts on the matter. Have a peaceful holiday, everyone. Megan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 17    Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 23:00:11 -0600    From: Mary Norwood <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Happy Alternatives Mike, How I love a challenge!!!! Okay, here goes something unless it is nothing!! There is nothing new in Communion With God!  All the other books are wonderful and I especially adore the Is, Is Not dissertation, of which I had to re-listen to several times because when driving down the interstate, Is, Is Not is hard to follow, even on a good day.  I will use the analogy of a sportscaster telling every play in minute detail, whether (s)he is on TV or radio.  It is a lot of information, much of which is redundant, that has a circular path.  The books make better sense to me after I listened to the tapes.  Out of that circular path I gained a lot of insight, knowledge and 'truth'.  I heard questions and answers.  Each time I listen to any of them, I hear something a little different, understand a little more fully what I am to remember.  FWG was presented in much the same way.  Communion With God took me another step further, a step I will call rational problem solving.  I was on a path I find very comfortable and familiar because my mind works much the same way.  In fact, I have begun a snippet of my own called, for now, What If...  I am doing it for myself, a logical, rather scientific approach to what God means to me in reference to logical inferences.  In any scientific experiment, one starts with a hypothesis and then goes about proving it to be true.  Communion With God reminds me of that process.  Again, a conclusion process.  I know I may not be making much sense but it sounds great to me.  It has allowed me to expand and use what I know to find other conclusions/inferences about my ultimate reality. I am not trying to convince you to feel any differently about the book; I am explaining why I find it terrific.  Hey, I wish I could spend that kind of time with Neale.  I surely envy you that experience. I do not recall that God said that there would be only 3 books.  In fact, even if God said only and absolutely only 3 books dealing with CWG, how do any of us know that is what God actually said because God said that Neale heard God through Neale's filter.  What is to prevent Neale from writing more of his evolution with God? Is it my evolution that depends on Neale writing 1000 books?  Is it yours?  Isn't it Neale's evolution?  Isn't it Neale's truth?  Isn't Neale doing what Neale feels is his calling, mission, whatever?  Is Neale the same person today that he was in 1995?  Am I?  Are you?  My friend, my energy has all it can do to direct me.  I understand Neale's past, I understand the crying out in absolute misery, the huge writing on the legal pad, the hell of trying to make sense out of the hell I was in.  Don't we each have the right to walk our path?  I am proud that he has come so far.  If he falters, if he royally screws up, if he makes millions, if he does whatever, isn't it perfect, isn't it all just an illusion?  Isn't he still Neale?  Who will be his friend when he has written his next book?  Who loved Jesus when the illusion of envy became someone's reality and the man was murdered?  Neale is still God!  Neale is still me!  Neale is still Mike!! Just loving Neale for being God is all that is.  Just loving you for being God is all that is! Love, Mary At 09:14 PM 12/23/00 -0500, you wrote: >At 07:41 PM 12/23/00 -0600, you wrote: > >Mike, > >I understand where you are coming from (I hate ending a sentence with a > >preposition!).  I know that Communion will not be the end, but, it has that > >summarizing quality about it.  Maybe that is the word of which I have been > >searching! > >MaryN, here's the deal. I have met Neale intimately. On three different >occasions over three years I have spent fifteen days with the man. He has >told me as he has told MANY people that there would be THREE books. GOD has >said, through Neale, that there would be THREE books. God is God, yes or >no? If God is. Then how could God be mistaken??? > > > >At first, your comments were somewhat stinging, about Neale milking the cow > >dry.  I kinda felt like that naive little girl again.  and that maybe I had > >been used or duped.  But when I took off my victim T-shirt, I did not feel > >that way.  I disagree with you about Neale but, even if you are correct, it > >is not important.  What is important, to me, is that I can decide, on my > >own, what is my truth and what tools help me Be Who I Am!  I know that my > >Be-ing was tickled pink while reading Communion.  Pink may not be your > >color! <g> I value your opinion and your truth; I am evolving in a > >different way than anyone else.  It took me all my life to get here.  Even > >a year ago I would have argued to be right and would have thought that the > >argument for right was all there is.  I now know that what is right for me, > >may not be right for you!  Thank you for reminding me of that!!  And only I > >can let my toes be stepped on and only I can know that even my toes are an > >illusion!  Remember that you are one of my angels and I love all my > >angels!!!  Thank you for my gift!! > >If the later books speak to you, that is WONDERFUL! I remember the early >times when people were breathlessly waiting for Book 2.... then... when, oh >when is Book 3.... > >I have had a constant challenge to ANYONE here: If you, or anyone, have >seen anything in the later books that were not in the first THREE books, >what information are you talking about???? > >Peace & Light, >Mike Beebe > > >eGroups >Sponsor<> > > >To unsub from this list, please send an email to: >[email protected] > > >On-line reading guides for Conversations with God, >Books 1, 2 & 3: ><> > "...allow for the possibility that there may be something you do not know, the knowing of which could change everything."   Communion With God  by Neale Donald Walsch, page 16 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________