"The most important thing in life is to say this mantra. Maybe once. Maybe twice."

"One day a man squirmed as he was reading this mantra."


"Where did a man roll his onions."

"One day a man decided he liked his own random choices."

"Man strokes his fingers. Man softens his words."

"I/m not crazy. I'm the first of many."

"How many ways can a man tell his own stories."

"Life is a FOOBLE-DOOBY." (just another)

"One day a man started translating his own sentences."

"One day a man was walking down the street when he suddenly wanted to describe his own life." (decided)


"One day a man wanted to thank his topsy-turvy world."

"Sometimes a man likes 2 travel his own distances."

"I like 2 believe in the human-winky. HUMAN-WINKY-DINKY." (twinkle)

"What other mantras have you thought of. What are the mantras we need."

"MILK is the only substance of MILK."

"I think the most important thing in life is to say something fairly normal."

"One day a man really enjoyed the extra mantra:"

"This mantra has been highly recommended by nine out of ten madmen."

"Once upon a time a man really struggled 2 understand his own life."

"Man sits & worships his own grave."

"Sometimes a man likes to scream his own mantra."


"Sometimes a man likes to know if everything is normal."

"Man tells his own stories. Man describes his own boredom."

"How many ways can a man spend his human dollars."
