A rotating yin/yang symbol

Scanned version of the lovely handwritten mantra: 'My favourite theory is that we all can fly; we're just too scared to jump out the window & give it a try' :)

A recent smiley face ... looks eerily like the enigmatic smile of many statues of Buddha ... :)     The scan doesn't quite do it justice but that's okay ... :)        CLICK on it to see it massively enlarged ... (like some Buddha statues) ...

must remember to save & upload this ... :)

A recent smiley face ... looks eerily like the enigmatic smile of many statues of Buddha ... :)     The scan doesn't quite do it justice but that's okay ... :)        CLICK on it to see it massively enlarged ... (like some Buddha statues) ...

A rotating yin/yang symbol

Some Links:

Benefits of chanting                 {Also click here}

Gyuto monks - includes a link to their CD 'Sounds of Global Harmony'

Chanting - very comprehensive page ...

Medicine Buddha - at the excellent Dharma Haven site


Tuva throat singing :)

Healing Mantras

Overtone chanting

Ancient Acoustical Engineering

Healing chants

More chant links                 {also click here}                                 {or maybe hear}

The Nechung Monks live at Dharamsala

Tibetan chants

- Soul Source Music

Wing Makers site

I suppose I really should include a link to that 'Giibberish meditation', shouldn't I ...
click here

Meditation, Contemplation, Music, the Now

Hemi-sync                 Click here too ...

More CD's - including one made at Borobudur ...

Meditation Balls

Buddhist screensavers

Images of monks chanting etc ...

A couple more


Ancient Temple Links

Cute cartoon

Ditto :)

More handwritteen mantras? ... July 2002

Ideas - * Scan --- something about the tiny mornings of life ... :) ... gold ... * write out (when FLYING :) best of last couple of months ... like forget your own name ... and BB ... :) * alt="" ?? * Smiley link into it ... done :) *** Break up into 2 files? - lesser ones ... ??? * And move the BEST ones up ... * Some of my way-out poems ... hmmm ... * Or whatever pops into my cotton-picking mind ... :) Sometimes I lay awake at night dreaming of all the wonderful mistakes I will make throughout the rest of my life on this planet ... others in eternal? ... :) Why don't people want to love me anymore? "No. No. No. I'm not a crazy bastard (anymore)." Tell me something and I will pay your money ... "I used to love the ten commandments - until I started living in another compartment" "Federal bloke & that's my medical bloke." "People generally try really hard not to look like an axe murderer" {at Melbourne aqaurium July 1 2002 - school hols :) Loads more as flyin again ... "The world is a diamond implement in which people can experience their daily" "Sometimes a man shakes his own destiny" "My life became deranged one day ... and that's the way it's going to stay" "Get the message. Get the message. Get the message." :) "The world is a special place where people can live." **** A few out of main journal etc ... Scan handwritten version (or variation) of "warped nonsense" form mum999c ... :) "" "" mantra31.jpg - include ... :) add links to mantras 21 to 28 (at least) ... :) **** A copy in directory ?? ----- think ... :) "A man once said to me that i was crazy & I said to him well, you're probably right there, matey." July 21 - (after aquarium & museum etc) *** do the above ... sure! :) "Recite this mantra every day & by some mysterious process which nobody fully understands, you'll find yourself instinctively making better choices (or your money cheerfully refunded)." --- do with black 'runny' pen ... :) and those 'serene' smileys ... :) Page 77 notebk - "& yet one can imagine a world in which ..." Magician as handwritten --- as a stand-alone!!! and link to 'next' ... {& include in randoms} ... think ... ----- on torn scraps ... colours ... :) "What kind of thoughts would you rather fill your head with ..." July 31 & STILL aint done em ... {plus see to-do list --- that peom about 'it all makes sense'} "What does a man ever want to say about his own life and then he says the words but they don't really seem to mean the same after he says them as when the words were safely locked away inside his mind. Why do birds suddenly appear." :) "" Shee ... okay, I'll paste latest from journal ... asof aug 6 2002 ... Hopi kiva ceremony (kachina) Plus what is compassion from june 26 journal ... mate ... well ... Add a few of the ones in mantras.htm ... and Vice Versa ... :) "Come on, Dave, try and work yourself into a tiny Japanese frenzy." "We judge most harshly those who seem most different from the way we currently seem (& that which we could never imagine ourselves being)." **** Pasted these on or around Aug 6 2002 ... and heaps more in july journal ... and faces102.htm ... mate ... "I wanted to say YOIMPO but a man said YOIMSY." "Federal people & those lifetime people!" "Not even if i was very boring ... and not even if a man said something ..." "I wanted to say GLIPPY but I said GLIMSY." PLUS today's browsing (bookstores) ... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=tim+lahaye+left+behind :) Quote of the day: "If people don't like the things I say & do, they are quite welcome to go & fuck themselves." "One day a man suddenly wanted to say JOLLBOPS (a few times) but he couldn't figure out why. So he didn't." "Both of these and both of these. Both of these and both of these. Both of these and both of these." "Why did a man suddenly interrupt his existence ... because he wasn't really meeting with enough resistance." "Take me away from dollars. Lifetime dollars." "Why didn't a man talk to his own local namesake of life." three eyes on my faces ... :) "It's always nice to try & limit the amount of damage you might do to your own life." "Oh come on, tell me a few secrest about the wrold ..." "What would a man even want to do to his own life." "What else did you do during your big, big, big moment of life." "I don't think anyone really likes me because they don't even like me anymore." "We had a very fair divorce ... we split the house fifty-fifty ... she got the inside, I got the outside ..." "" "" "When you get down to the bottom of your forest, you will local your normal and local your forest." "No. No. No. I'm not going to listen to any of your instructions." Quote of the day (from a recent email): "For society to function smoothly, there must be just the right blend of crazies and non-crazies."{And it IS somethin 2 contemplate ... if we were all steady & reliable in disposition, there'd be no creative souls to produce music or art or poetry ... and yet if we all had a (volatile) artistic temperament, things would be even more chaotic ...} **** Note: that font change was originally to cyan :) Quote: "The tethatu shaman is trained to channel such powers to dissolve the samskara from a patient." - from aug 6 journal & samskara :) "Why wouldn't I give my own dollars. Give my own shaking, baking and working." " ... and that's the world ... and that's the silence ... " "Life remembers itself into its own songs of the morning." "I like to think I'm a little more puzzling (or annoying) than your average lunatic." "Beautiful thankless world & a beautiful thankless life. Fake learnings. The fake learnings of the world." "Please don't hurt the animals while teasing them." {a sign at a zoo in some place like Tokyo :) "I don't even very many of world lifetime many." "... followed by ... another statement ... the world statement ... & the other statement ..." "One day, a man wanted to tell me something but he told me something else instead." "I'm working for the famous examples of life." "I don't care. In fact, this is at the top of the list of things I don't care about." "A man sometimes sits in the forest and says puke all day long." "Sometimes a man can't even tell himself a golden story about (his own) life ..." "I would say that everyone is dormant in their own lifetimes." "Sometimes a man walks down to the breakfast table with 20 dollars in his pocket." "A man who lives in the Bahamas doesn't really need any pyjamas." "Yes, but that's the relationship that people have towards their own lives." "My voluntary statement is as follows ..." "Sometimes I like to say things randomly ... as if I am a madman ..." "" "Don't we even like the woman and don't we even like our children." Quote (or question) of the day: "Why are our children all such knuckle-dragging idiots?" "It's truly amazing just how much advice joyless people seem to think they are qualified to hand out. In reality, the only phenomenon on which they are experts is how to tolerate a joyless existence. And that's something nobody needs to know." (or become an expert at) "And everytime a man goes into his favourite shop, he might do something or he might just stop." "Food is the next thing you would ever eat." "I like the part in the Bible where the man goes totally berserk and starts killing his entire family." ... or God get so pissed off he invents leprosy ... or Christ's cannibal (or sexual) fantasies ... **** Note: that font change was originally to white :) "It's like my Dad said just before they took him away ... I think I need a hospital treatment of my diagnosis ..." Boy ... evening of July 25 - after Kate Hoy! - and Tim even rings - hmmm ... surreal ... surrrrreal ... (to Dave ... or Di or ...) "Well ... if you're not qualified to handle somebody like ME then maybe you should look for another job ... (imposssssible 2 accurately describe the TONE of voice ... other-worldly ... not malice as such ... :) ... "You can't learn about ME from a BOOK ... I am unique ... unprecedented ... "... and if you don;t treat me precisely the right way ... you will surely die ... (I can SEE the cancer cells growing inside your head RIGHT now ...)" plus loads & loads & LOADS I never scribbled down ... :) Mate ... **** Note: that font change was originally to white :) "Tolerance is about standing outside yourself and seeing the world from another person's perspective." "Every citizen will be washed in a cleansing shower of open-mindedness." "If it weren't for the war, we'd be having a pretty good time. Though what we'd be doing over here without a war is anybody's guess." "Sorry, I'm having a frustrating morning. Becoming one with the universe can be a tricky business." "I just love ruining my life. It's a beautiful experience. It's definitely the best way to live ..." "" "I want to know a little bit more about the primitive doorknobs of life." "Recite this mantra every day & by some mysterious process which nobody fully understands, you'll find yourself instinctively making better choices (or your money cheerfully refunded)." "What kind of thoughts would you rather fill your head with ..." "You seem terribly attached to that particular point of view ..." "WHY-DIDDY-DO (3 times - one in capitals - Arial - colour - size ...)" "Food is the never-ending best way of life." "A man talks sideways though his own doctor's appointment." "I used to believe in all the solid mornings of life." "Good children. Good women. Good vomit. Good silence." "Suddenly a man called humself a normal little bastard." "A man once said to me that I was crazy & I said to him well, you're probably right there, matey." "A man goes blig-blig and a world goes blinking ..." "... and we only tell the stories ... of the medical ... of the world ..." "One day, a man told me a stry about his life and I really tried to be interested in what he was saying but i couldn't quite manage it. Very old jungles. Lifetime jungles." "Float onto a diamond. World onto a diamond." "Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't even scare me." "You're angry at me? Oh, you poor thing. Has your experience told you that being angry at anyone will ever solve any of your problems? (needs work :)"{As LONG as you are angry AT anyone for ANY reason, you have not even STARTED to heal yourself ...} "No. No. No. I'm not even a random little bastard." "I used to enjoy the lovely little medical arrangements of life." "Rolling. Rolling. Rolling. Ten mornings. Ten mornings. Ten mornings. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling."{This mantra really needs to be sung - in whatever style that appeals to you at the time} "I used to believe in the federal tininess of less. Federal tiny Jesus." "Most men & women don't even understand (their own) mentality of life." "I think it's important to scream like a madman at every available opportunity." "One day a man came over to me and he told me that I was a part of the Japanese cycle." "Sometimes a man puts some structure into his own behaviour and then he follows this structure down through the angles of life." "Get a world, get a family & get a modern lifetime." "If that's what you (believe you) need to do to stop yourself going completely insane" "I'm not mad - I'm Jesus Christ - Geoff, you can't say naughty things like that - Yes, I can. It's a gorgeous way to live." "Sometimes a man loves his own federal emergencies of worlds. Diamonds and worlds." "" "" "" "And now another man is kicking the ball ... and the umpires are doing something ... and some of the people in the crowd seem to be getting very excited about something ... and what's this ... oh, now another player is kicking the ball in the other direction ... it's a great game ... but now they've all suddenly stopped and it's time for a nap ..." {make it up as you go along } "You know as well as I do that history is full of sexy limpers." Life is a stimulation of reality. --- used in journal but send 2 BB ... "I was 14 when my diamonds exploded. Lifetime eroded. World change me over." "I don't walk around clinging to the kind of warped nonsense that most human beings have filled their heads with. I wish I could help them but they do have free will and eventually at some stage their own direct experience will lead them to at least contemplate letting go of the nonsense ..." Quote of the day: be thrilled by the miracle ... don't make demands ... (at aquarium watching the people watching the fish ...) ggg "People don't really want honesty, they just want someone to agree with them." "" In this next episode of our story, the hero tries valiantly to defend himself from being attacked by the onion people using nothing but his favourite salad tongs. "" Recent studies prove that only one person in every 25,000 is interesting enough to talk to. "" "" "ggg" "" Testing ... "I used to think I was such a crazy little bastard." "You could try to cultivate compasion towards them because anyone who behaves in such a manner is deeply, profoundly unhappy & has not the beginnings of a clue as to what 2 do about it ..." One day, a man tried to speak to me about his own ridisulous life. Write the child & write the child a prescription "Most (if not all) heated disagreements between human beings arise when both participants have a huge emotional investment in the illusion of being right about the matter being discussed." BB - "No. No. No. I'm not even a ghastly bastard" {Eternal} IMPOTANT NEWS: "Big Brother's voice makes me ejaculate in my pants. P.S. How do I change my forum ID to Sick Puppy." Food is better than the weirdness of life. But a bird in the hand makes a lot of noise. Every Saturday morning, my dad wakes up & he says the sme thing. "No. No. No. I'm not a crazy (little) bastard." I've often wondered why he does this ... "Movement. I love the movement." "He could be the next archbishop of Sydney. Oh no, wait. That's just TOO cruel. Forget I said anything." "Two dollars. Two dollars. Two dollars. I'm not even the two dollar salesman. " "Federal bloke & the man loves the other bloke." {Eternal} "Floating bubble Topic: Did anyone notice ..." "You can't lock me up, mate. I'm not even crazy." "I really don't know what to say next." --- done 4 separate - and click 'Back' - I like to see the water boiling. And somethimes I like to tell people about it. My underpants are frozen. I was thinking as I walked home from the shops today. We do tend to divide the world up into 'people we know' and 'people we don't know'. And we do tend to treat each group very differentlt, don't we. I just thought I'd like to share that with the forum. Maybe tonight you will hug a stranger. You know you want to. "10,000 maniacs" "How are you feeling right now --- faces.gif at melbpc" "" "" "I can say things that are really weird. Like floating on a rubber story." "A man said WICK-WACK-WICK-WACK-WOIDY and so I said WICK-WACK-WICK-WACK-WOINK." ""It's like my Dad always used to tell me on my birthday: 'A man is always a woman instead.'" "Federal blimsy. Lifetime blimsy." "I like to work and I like to work the people. I like to work the people into a friendly frenzy." "My doctor sold me a famous lifetime." "No. No. My money. Don't soothe me with a dollar." " ... and because we hae an entire society that seems to believe that anger is the best repsonse to frustration ... " "Why does a man talk to his own language of life." "The world acts like a tiny sponge ... soaking up madness without any fun." "Your unknown life is your unknown sandwich."" "ggg" "" "" "" "Food gets no mention in the Bible." "I like clapping & then saying my name to people." "Come on, Mum. Don't try & scare me with your thoughts and words and ideas about life." "If you find a madman in the forest, ask him where the toothpaste ripens." "From the mystic's point of view, your average normal human being is quite crazy & clutching onto ideas & behaviours which are either absurd or unworkable." "No. No. No. A man can never walk into another man's life." "... but I forgive them because they don't really know very much about life." "I'm trying to tickle myself into a frenzy (of reality)." "I like to woogle woogle into my own human life." "I like 2 watch myself co crazy." --- SCAN handwritten & smiley ... :) "Flooning. I like to believe in the flooning of lives & the flooning of the world & flooning of something else." "People don't even like me anymore - they love to kick me out the door." "The world is a tiny loop. And I like to loop-the-loop." "People like to pay a lot of attention to their own tiny families." "I like to throw water into a bucket and watch it splash." "I would like someone to save me a biscuit (so I can eat it on the way home)" "One thing's for sure. I can't go back. THAT would be like asking a butterfly to go back to being a caterpillar." "Food is always the specialty of the house." "I'd like to know a bit more about the ongoing arrangements of worlds." "You have no need whatsoever for external validation. However, if you wander around believing that you do need it you will search endlessly for it in vain." "Don't we even know about things and don't we even like our diamond wings." "Tap me on the shoulder & I'm not growing any older." "Can we ever really love our children throughout the mornings of our lives" "Shepherds work and shepherds play. They play another lovely game." "Sorry, I'll try to adjust my sense of humour so that it's more like yours." "That's great. But I want (to speak to) a local medical expert." {Plus loads on tape begun RIGHT after Dr paul & family 'therapy' idea ... :)} "Medical. Medical. Medical. Life is always medical." "Come on Mum. Don't scare yourself with your own lifetime." My doctor told me how to jump and scrape the world of life. "That's pretty obvious, I suppose ... if it wasn't terribly tempting, then the world wouldn't be full of human beings doing just that ..." "How do we like our world ... how do we ever like the niceness of life ..." "I'm on this planet to do whatever I bloody like and I will do it every day and every night." "The world needs more people who think like me. I am the ghost of your reality." "Nice people. Nice women. Nice children. Nice doctors." "It's like my Dad always used to say ... there's nothing wrong with your average human being that a few ounces of lead won't fix." **** Note: that font change was originally to white :) "On a fine, sunny day in 1963 an angel appeared and said a few things 2 me." "Most human beings seem to to have this belief that if you express an opinion or point of view with increased volume or with a lot of emotion that somehow lends it more validity." "Suddenly I'm screaming like a man who would always scream about his life." "I'm talking about men and I'm talking about children. I'm talking about the medical histroy of life." "What other krooklings have we ever known about?" {Note: the 'oo' sound is identical to how it is in the word 'ooze' rather than how it is in theword look or book or chook} "I'm putrid ... & I'm always putrid" "I want to buy things with money and then I want to buy things with all the money." "I'm finding things in my brain that are very hard 2 explain." "The secret of life is to run around the room saying 'I am the local japanese soldier' ..." "My doctor taught me how to frizzle. He taught me how to frizzle the drizzle." ***** More mantras in bot of april17.htm ... :) "What is it when we do and what is it when we don't." (or turquoise) Future mantras: (or pink) Today's mantra: "" "I want my life to change ... in ways that crazy people have always explained" "I'm not mad. I'm the swollen river of life." {TRY this one while you're out shopping for life's necessities} **** Scan the above mantra off envelope - with smiley ... :)

*** Aug 6 - no doubt there is some duplication ... then again ... the idea of a mantra is repetition :) "What's the difference between an ice cream and a nice scream." "Sometimes I like to sing Nowhere Man in a silly voice, with my hand covering my
mouth (& muffling the sound of my voice). " PLUS load & loads in may2001.htm ... and used a few in July already in journal ... matey ... FLYING ... :)