
This was a pencil sketch of a bird brought into science class once. I think it was a red-tailed hawk. I rather like how it turned out, the head actually looks about right for once.


This is a manga style sketch of my favorite female Magic Knight Rayearth charater, Princess Emeraude. This is how she looked in the last episode, not the rest of the series, hope I didn't spoil anything for you. And the two faces in the bg are both her, the grownup and child versions.


Basic history of this is that I had a print out of it off the net and I got bored and I drew it. Turned out well for fan art.


Basically we all had to draw the Cultural Arts center for art class, and considering I don't think I draw buildings particularly well, it turned out good. The main problem is that the paper was too big and I didn't want to scan it four different times and piece it together in paint.


Another excercise in art class. It turned out good, but didn't scan too great. It actually looks quite a bit like him, which is pretty surprising.

Self portrait

The best of my attempts at doing a self portrait. I can't decide if I like it or not or if it even looks like me. Still a decent drawing by my standards.


This was a request picture from Jessica. This is her role-play character,Queen Lillian, who is half elf(thus the purple hair and ears). I went with more realistic porporptions and coloring when I cg'ed it(that means I uased the computer and a paint program) rather than the slightly comic-y style I sometimes use for things like this.


One of my only attempts with acrylic paints. Considering how much I use acrylic, it turned out well. I didn't want it looking realistic, I wanted to see the strokes and colors and not be as "blended" as my other stuff is.


I was bored. I had charcoal. I had fun. I got veeery messy. :-)