FAQ - Information - Rants - other

This is currently a new page, I'm working on it!


  1. What is Sekhmet's Valley?
    This page is essentially a gallery of my artwork. Sekhmet Designs is computer type graphics and my art gallery is my other stuff- mostly just drawings and stuff now.
  2. What is Evil Rikuo's website?
    That is my original site, which, over time, has pretty much turned into a huge page about anime(japanese animation), which means lots of super cute bug-eyed cartoons!! Heehee, just kidding, its not like that. Check it out if you want, the site is good but I haven't updated it in ages(ick).
  3. Do you do other peoples pages?
    Yes, and in case you are wondering, so far no one has asked me to do their site(not even some logos!) and frankly I spend most of my time broke or close to being broke,so I wish you would ask me. I charge little or nothing, I mainly want publicity.



    Hello again. Repeat visitors to my site(assuming I have any) may have noticed my pages are more plain looking, with more solid colors and less wallpapers and clutter. The reason is that in recent web wanderings, I have noticed that some sites tend to use something, like wallpapers, just because they know how. This can make viewing hard and increase loading time. One site I visited recently had a very very complex bg image and small green text (it gave me a headache). I am guilty of this too, when I learn something new with html I have a tendency to use it, whether I should or not. But I accept this and am trying to change. I want this to look professional so I must oust the clutter and remember my motto: This is MY page, it doesn't matter what others think about it, if I think it looks good and professional,good. If not I should fix it. This motto should not be confused with my other motto: Life is like being stuck in a giant twinkie. Adios!

    My Index. This should be a pop up screen, so you probably won't need it.