Buffy:"My Spidey sense is
Giles:"Your...Spidey Sense?"
Buffy:"Pop Culture references...
I root, you Jane
Buffy:" Who are you?"
Angel:" Let's just say
I'm a friend."
Buffy:" Well, maybe I don't
want a friend."
Angel:" I didn't say I
was yours."
Welcome to the Hellmouth/Harcest
Giles:" A vampire in love
with a slayer. It's rather poetic...in a maudlin sortof way."
from Invisible Girl
Buffy:"That much quality
time with my mom would probably lead to some quality matricide."
from The Witch
Xander:" Whoa, let's stop
this crazy whirlygig of fun. I'm dizzy."
from Angel
Buffy:"I'm Buffy.The Vampire
Slayer.And you are?"
from Anne
Xander:"I laugh in the face
of danger and then hide until it goes away."
from The Witch
Spike:" I may be love's
bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
from Lover's Walk
Xander:" I'm twice the fool
it takes to do something like this."
Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered
Giles:"Why should someone
want to harm Cordelia?"
Willow:"Maybe because they
met her? Did I say that?"
from The Witch
Miss Calender:"I know our
ways are strange to you, but soon you'll join us in the 20th century with
three whole years to spare."
from I robot, you Jane
Xander:" We're right behind
you, only further back."
from The Witch
Xander:" Yeah, I'm gonna
have to go with dead boy on this one."
Angel:" Would you not call
me that?"
from Lie to me
Buffy:" Are you ok in that?"
Willow:" It's a little
binding. I guess vampires really don't have to breathe. Gosh look at those."
(referring to her breasts)
Giles:" You just run on
to class, while I wait for the feeling to return to my arms."
from The Pack
Buffy:" Well, at least we
all have someone to go with now. Some of us are going with demons, but
I think that's a valid lifestyle choice."
(commenting on Xander going to prom with Anya)
The Prom
Willow:" Give me time, and
I may be the first Wicca to do all my conjuring in fresh pine scent."
Bad Girls
Buffy:" Tell me the truth.
How's my hair?"
Xander:" It's great. It's
your best hair ever."
(right after Buffy gets electrocuted)
from I robot, you Jane
Buffy: " There's one thing
I really didn't factor into all this...you're a thundering looney."
from Invisible Girl
Buffy:" Wow, that was boring."
Xander:" I don't feel that
boring covers it."
Buffy: " No, boring falls
Willow:" Even I was bored
and I'm a science nerd."
Buffy:" Don't say that."
Willow:" I'm not ashamed.
It's the computer age, nerds are in. They're still in right."
from Prophecy Girl
Buffy:" Destructo Girl,
that's me."
from Teacher's Pet
Willow:" It's horrible.
That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and skanky. And I think I'm kindof
(referring to her vampire double)
Wesley:" You're not helping."
Giles:" No. I feel just
sick about it."
Bad Girls
Flutie:" We all need help
with our feelings. Otherwise, we bottle them up and before you know it,
powerful laxatives are involved."
from Teacher's Pet
Buffy:"Cordelia, your mouth
is open and sound is coming from it. This is never good."
from When she was bad
Xander:" Those who can do,
those who can't laugh at those who can do."
from Teacher's Pet
Giles:" I'll be back in
the Middle Ages."
Miss Calender:" Did you
ever leave?"
from I robot, you Jane
Willow:" Hands! Hands!"
(to her vamp double, whose hands were roaming bad places in a hug good-bye)
Xander:" It's funny how
the Earth never opens up and swallows you when you want it to."
from Teacher's Pet
Flutie:" You're gonna have
so much detention, your grandchildren will be staying after school."
from The Pack
Spike:" It's a big rock.
I can't wait to tell all my friends. None of them have a rock this big."
(referring to demonic statue Akafla)
Becoming Part 1
Buffy:" I hate it when they
drown me."
Bad Girls
Buffy:" She certainly looks
Xander:" Yeah. Color in
the cheeks, bounce in the step. I don't like it, it's not healthy."
from I robot, you Jane
Xander:" Your certainly
a font of nothing."
from Welcome to the Hellmouth/Harvest
Xander:" What, I can't have
information sometimes?"
Giles:" It's just somewhat
from I robot, you Jane
Xander:" First, vampires,
now witches. No wonder you can still afford a house in Sunnydale."
from The Witch
Oz:" As Willow goes, so
goes my nation."
Willow:" Why are you suddenly
worried about looking like an idiot? That came out wrong."
Inca Mummy Girl
Wesley:" Stay calm, Mr.
Giles. We have to stay calm."
Giles:" Well, thank God
your here. I was planning to panic."
Bad Girls
Buffy:" It's sweet and thoughtful,
and full of neat words to learn to say like wilt and henceforth."
Angel:"Then why did you
act happier, last year, when you got a severed arm in a bax?"
from Helpless
Wesley:" These are all the
diaries then, yours included?"
Giles:"That's everything.
Knock yourself out. Please."
Bad Girls
Xander:" Hello, excuse
me, but have you ever heard of knocking."
Jonathan:" We're supposed
to get some books...on Stalin."
Xander:" Does this look
like a Barnes & Noble?"
Giles:" This is a school
library, Xander."
Xander:" Since when."
Buffy:" Will, you ok?"
Willow:" Yeah, the shaking
is a side effect of the fear."
from The Zeppo
Xander:" Will, gotta say,
not loving the new you."
Willow:" Malcolm, Moloch,
whatever he's called. The one boy that's really liked me and he's a demon
robot. What does that say about me?"
Buffy:" Doesn't say anything
about you."
Willow:" I mean, I thought
I was really falling..."
Buffy:" Hey, did you forget?
The one guy I've had the hots for since I moved here and he turned out
to be a vampire."
Xander:" Right, and the
Teacher I had a crush on? Giant preying mantis."
Willow:" That's true."
Xander:" That's life on
the hellmouth."
Buffy:"Let's face it. None
of us are ever going to have a happy, normal relationship."
Xander:" We're doomed."
Willow:" Yeah."
(everyone laughs and then
upon pondering goes dead silent)
from I robot, you Jane
Spike:" Someone wasn't worthy."
Becoming Part 2
Buffy:" Whenever, Giles
sends me out on a mission, he says please, and after I get back I get a
from Bad Girls
Buffy:' I'm going to give
you all a nice, fun, normal evening, if I have to kill every singel person
on the face of the earth to do it. "
The Prom
Xander:" I'm thinking nerve
Faith:" New watcher?"
Buffy & Giles (in unison):"New
Faith:" Screw that."
Buffy:" Why didn't I just
say that?"
Bad Girls
Cordelia:" God! What is
your childhood trauma?!"
What's my line? Part 1
Miss Calender:" It's kindof
warm and fuzzy for a message of doom."
from Prophecy Girl
Buffy:" I can't wait for
the boys to go non-verbal when they see you."
( referring to the costume Willow was wearing)
Giles:" Testosterone is
a great eqalizer. It turns all men into morons."
The Pack
Giles:" We must stay calm,
first thing."
Xander:" Calm?"
Willow:"I think he's right."
Xander:" I'm sorry. Calm
may work for Locutus of the Borg here, but I'm freaked out and I intend
to stay that way."
from Prophecy Girl
Balthasar:" You know what
I want?"
Giles:" If it's for me
to scrub those hard to reach areas, I'd like to request you kill me now."
Bad Girls
Wesley:" I didn't get this
job because of my looks."
Buffy:" I really, really
believe that."
Bad Girls
Willow:" I still think we
should have went with her."
Xander:" If Buffy is about
to lose it, I think we should be trying to reach a minimum safe distance."
from When she was bad
Buffy:" I'm over the whole
Buffy gets one perfect high school moment thing."
The Prom
Buffy:" I wasn't going to
use violence. I don't always use violence. Do I ?"
Xander:" The impertant
thing is...you believe that."
from Inca Mummy Girl
Annointed One:" I hate that
from When she was bad
Buffy:" Aren't you going
to introduce me to your...Holy God...your Willow."
Buffy:" Is he evil?"
(referring to Wesley)
Bad Girls
Willow:" Buffy killed a
vampire last night."
Buffy:" Uh, I think you
can get a little more volume if you speak from the diaphragm."
Willow:" Sorry."
from When she was bad
Wesley:" Just give me a
minute. And some defribulators, if it's not too much trouble."
Xander:" Typical museum
trick, promise human sacrifice, deliver old pots & pans."
Inca Mummy Girl
Angel:" Dance with is a
pretty loose term. Mated with might be a little closer."
Buffy:" Don't you think
your being a little unfair. It was only one little dance, which I only
did to make you crazy. By the way, behold my success."
from Some assembly required
Giles:" All right then.
Go on."
Xander:" You're closer."
Buffy:"Pathetic much."
(discussing who is going to check inside a coffin)
from Some assembly required
Harmony:" I hope we don't
lose touch."
Willow:" No, we'll hang
out... Oh, I'm gonna miss her."
Buffy:" Don't you hate
Willow:" Yes, with a fiery
vengence. She picked on me for 10 years. The vacuous tramp. It's like a
sickness, Buffy. I'm just missing everything. I miss P.E."
Graduation Part 1
Xander:" You were staring
at my neck."
Angel:" What?"
Xander:" You were checking
out my neck, I saw that."
Angel:" No, I wasn't."
Xander:" Just keep your
distance, pal."
Angel:" I wasn't looking
at your neck."
Xander:" I told you to
eat before we left."
Prophecy Girl
Cordelia:" Well, obviously,
Kevin has underestimated the power of my icy stare."
Prophecy Girl
Mayor:" Now, let's kill
your little friends."
Faith:" Nicely diverted,
Buffy:"Diverted. That was
me fighting for my life, Miss Attention Span."
Faith:"This isn't a Tupperware
Party. It's a little hard to plan."
Buffy:"The count of three
isn't a plan. It's Sesame Street."
Bad Girls
Oz:" A werewolf in love."
from Phases
Angel:" Prom?"
Buffy:" End of high school
rite-of-passage thingy. Think cotillion with spiked punch & electric
Buffy:" Sure. We saved the
world, I say we party. I mean I got all pretty."
from Prophecy Girl
Angel:" By the way, I really
like your dress."
Buffy:" Yeah, yeah, a big
hit with everyone."
from Prophecy Girl
Angel:" Your still my girl
aren't you?"
Buffy:" Always."
from Enemies