
Not that you would care, but these are the most
recent updates I have made to my page.

9-4-99: I added pics to the episode guide. Each episode has a picture from it now. All except for Teacher's Pet and Earshot which I have not found yet. Will try though. I got most of the scanned pics used in the episode guide from Sunnydale High School.

8-29-99: I moved all my pages to their new location at http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/druid/294/index.html. It can also be accessed through my V3 URL at http://fly.to/buffyssanctum. It took me all night but I finished making changes to all my pages. I totally revamped the main page and added an index page. I changed the links on my picture pages to reflect the move. I episode its own page. And updated the Episode Guide to reflect this. I also worked on my banners and awsards. I have been doing some of this over the past couple of days. A good chunk I did last night, though.

8-26-99: I have done major revamps to my main page, I am mostly finished. I use a page creator if you haven't guessed, Netscape Composer. I am giving each episode its own page, instead of dividing them by season. To help with faster download and to make things less confusing. I am also going to start revamping my image gallery with buttons instead of text links.

8-25-99: I got a new faster URL, it is http://fly.to/buffyssanctum. I also created a new start page and I am revamping my main page and episode guide. (Start page and Main page are going to be two different things. Main page is an index.)

8-21-99: I have created new buttons for my image galleries.

8-19-99: I moved the Battle of the Sites image to http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/druid/294/buffvote.jpg. I have also started to create new buttons the picture pages for my image gallery and the main page.

8-18-99: I realized that the image link to my Battle of the sites wasn't working. This was due to Tripod's new policy of no linking images stored on their servers outside of your webpages also stored there. I have decided to move my site because of this. My Battle of the Sites image,  spoiler board image, add a link image, polls image, & most importantly My Banners no longer work because of this policy. So I am moving.

7-31-99: I updated my polls, today. I deleted some of the questions, feeling they didn't pertain any more. I added some new ones and edited the answers on the old ones. I also reset all the vote counts. So here we go again.

7-28-99: I finally added an episode description for Grad 2, I was waiting until  most people had had time to see it. You can check it out on the Season 3 episodes page.

7-27-99: I noticed yesterday that a couple of the pictures on my Angel pages were messed up. The thumbnails didn't match up the pictures they linked to. I remembered that when I did all the thumbnailing and uploading of new pics a while ago I had removed some pics I didn't like from my files and had to renumber. I was really tired after creating the thumbnails and revamping several other pages and I decided to fix it later since it was already pretty late. Then I forgot, until last night when I was trying to link to one of my pictures and noticed it didn't match it's thumbnail.

7-25-99: I created a Buffy club at Yahoo. It is free to join and basically has a message board for posting and talking to others, a chat room where members can set up chats, a photo gallery that all can add to ( either through uploading, though it only has a 5meg limit for the whole club, or by linking to pics), it also has a links page that you can check out or add to, & much more.

7-14-99: Created the Buffy's Sanctum Sanctorium Battle of the Sites. I created it at www.freevote.com. You can add your sites to the competion, which will run in three month intervals. After each period I will give out an award. Then I will reset the vote counts and we will start again. Sites won't be deleted, just the votes reset. You can join the competion at http://www.freevote.com/booth/buffsanctum. You can find a pic to put on your site to link back to the voting booth at http://members.tripod.com/Clio6/buffvote.jpg. Good luck to all the Sites in the Battle. Thanks for joining.

7-12-99: I had to move some of my files to another site because I ran out of space, a little while ago. It turned out to suck. I was storing some of my picture pages there & didn't like it. That was the www.50megs.com site. I now have them stored at www.fortunecity.com. I also created  a second page for the friends and lovers pics, to facilitate easier download. ( I use the Netscape Composer to create my pages.) There were alot of them and I realized it would be better to have two pages. I also added a pic of Mr. Trick, I had been wanting one for awhile and a new pic of SMG.

7-10-99: I changed my awards up. I removed some of the limits from winning them. I had some ranking thing that I feel is stupid now. I also made one of them for friendship sites. I have seen some sites on the friendships on Buffy and wanted to have an awards for that.

7-9-99: I changed my Message Board into a Spoiler Board. I haven't been big on spoilers about episodes that have yet to air, but I am getting into it. If you have any spoilage you want to share go there.

7-7-99: I put a countdown to the Buffy season finally on the main page. Below it is a link where you can read a press release about the episode airing. Check that out if you want to know more. There is also an article about the airing in the TV Guide for the week of the 13th on newstands now, pretty good one.

7-3-99: Changed some of the pics on my main page. I switched one of Willow & Oz to Buffy & Xander. I took off the Battle of the Cattle pics and link, since the contest is supposed to be over. I put in its place a pic of Buffy and Angel kissing.

6-22-99: Continued to create thumbnails for all pics and move things to my new server directory. Added even more pics to the picture pages. Moves, additions,  pages loaded to my servers, and links changed to reflect moves I created this update page to inform people of the new stuff on my pages.

6-21-99: Added tons of new pics to all the picture pages. Found new server to store my files on, www.50megs.com. Moved some of my picture pages to it. Added Spike and Dru picture pages. Began process of creating thumbnails for all picture pages. Registered with three sites that will submit my webpages to various search engines (see the three little banner on my main page).

6-19-99: Changed font colors on main page from grey to blue. Updated my banners to reflect new site name and uploaded them to my server.. Also changed some of the fonts on that page from Amazone BT to Atlantis & Alison.

6-16-99: Changed Site name to Buffy's Sanctum Sanctorium. Added a banner on main page and a Welcome picture with site name on it.

6-8-99: Added Message Boards, Greeting Cards, Polls, & Add a Link pages to my site from Bravenet. You can get them too for your pages, they are free at: http://www.bravenet.com.

6-7-99: Revamped Episode Guide. Gave each season a seperate page to help with quicker download. Also added Episode List, in case you just wanted to know the episodes not see the spoilers.

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