Crosis was one of the Borg who was affected by the reintegration of Three
of Five ( Hugh ) and his individuality into the Borg Collective.
He took well to his new life and embraced his superiority as a Borg over
normal biological entities. When the android Lore found the downed Borg
ship he took it upon himself to lead the new rogue Borg against the Federation,
and Crosis became his 'lieutenant', carrying out the orders that Lore did
not have time for. Crosis gained his new designation - as he referred to
it - from Lore, as did all of the others.
Crosis was once captured by the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D,
but after utilizing technology from Lore's emotion chip he persuaded Lieutenant
Commander Data to help him escape. Crosis was killed by Commander William
T. Riker. |
Locutus of Borg was created using the biological distinctiveness of Captain
Jean-Luc Picard on stardate 43989.1 of 2366. His knowledge and experiences
were added to the collective consciousness and used to decimate the Federation
fleet at Wolf 359.
Picard was assimilated to provide a voice for the Borg, in an attempt by
the collective to make other bipedal species more receptive to the idea
of assimilation, however, the Borg Queen also had the agenda of creating
a companion for herself within the collective mind. Picard's extreme strong
will allowed him to retain some elements of Humanity and after the Borg
cube was destroyed he reverted to his original state. |
The Queen of the Borg hive - she is the Borg mind's primary controlling
force. She brings clarity and order to the collective, allowing it's one
voice to remain coherent and stable. She exists within the subspace network
employed by the Borg to remain linked - and therefor cannot be destroyed.
She has used a physical being to carry her consciousness at least twice,
possibly with the intention of seeming more like other Humanoids in an
attempt to convey familiarity. In both instances her form was destroyed,
but the collective was not affected in the slightest.
She is a seductively evil being, using reason one moment and sheer power
the next - and both with equal skill. She is a contradiction to the Borg,
openly displaying raw emotion, a face never before seen by other races,
and it is possible that the centuries of assimilating others has contributed
to her twisted personality.
On two occasions the Queen attempted to secure a companion for her within
the collective, the first; Jean-Luc Picard as Locutus of Borg, was released
by the destruction of the ship which assimilated him, and the second; Lieutenant
Commander Data, used her trust to deceive and destroy her artificial body. |
Three of Five, or 'Hugh', as he was nicknamed by the crew of the USS
Enterprise, was part of the crew of a Borg scout craft which crashed
whilst in Federation space. After his rescue he was studied by Enterprise
crew members - including Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge and Dr. Beverly
Crusher - and used to devise a plan to destroy the Borg Collective. Eventually,
however, he became self aware, and upon his request was returned to the
Borg, where his individuality spread to his ship and disconnected it from
the subspace network.
After the android Lore took control of them 'Hugh' formed a Borg 'underground'
and two years later he assisted in freeing the other rogues from Lore's
leadership. |
Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One, was aboard the Borg
cube which negotiated a temporary alliance with the starship Voyager.
She was selected as a singular representative for the Borg during the 8472
war, and created a small Borg station on Voyager after her ship was destroyed
defending the Federation ship.
Seven took the Voyager into fluidic space to test the new Borg nano-weapon
on Species 8472 and after the malevolent species was defeated attempted
to initiate Voyager's assimilation. She was disconnected from the
collective by a deliberate power surge and from that time forward took
up residence within the starship's crew as a valued member.
She was assimilated when she was a small child, named Annika Hansen, along
with her mother and father when the Borg strayed across their ship in the
Delta Quadrant. |