It is some times hard to remember his time before the sensitivity to race brought forth in the 1960�s. The view Chambers put forth is in keeping with most of WASP America then current, who saw the solution to their nation�s troubles in terms of �the exclusion of foreign-born Jews as a measure of national self-preservation, the settlement of the new independent negro state of Suanee, the checking of immigration, the new laws concerning naturalization, and the gradual centralization of power in the executive...� * Note also Chambers views on government assisted suicide and how much they match the views of a certain doctor who is much in today�s headlines. DOWN
Robert W. Chambers was not a prophet. His later career has much more to do
with profit and ego, his subject matter and style changing at the
slightest breeze of public whim. The question is not why he stopped writing
like he did in The King in Yellow the question is why he ever wrote
that way in the first place?
Chambers was a different man in Paris then the upper class boy that went
to the Art Student League with Charles Dana Gibson. His later writings seem
to be from a different hand and soul. Read The Fighting Chance if you
can, I couldn�t. Then compare it to The King in Yellow.What was
happening to Chambers in Paris? Why is this one book so much greater then
that that came after?
My view is that young Robert was driven out of his mind by the destruction
of his first love relationship, possible at the hands of his father who
may have felt that his son�s choice in lady friends was beneath their
class. This is just my view.DOWN
What facts do I have to support this view? Just the complete body of
Robert W. Chambers� work. The broken heart is on the sleeve that wrote
The Mask and The Yellow Sign, two of the greatest from
The King in Yellow, it is also there in The Demoiselle D�Ys and
The Street of Four Winds. At last he whispered: "Sylvia, it
is I."** Sylvia is mentioned more than once within the pages of the
King, who is she? Is she his lost love?
The King in Yellow is a love story gone very, very wrong, written
by a young man who has had his first true love ripped from his arms. It is
written in grief. The rest of Chambers� career deals with one theme and one
theme only. That theme is the obstacles put in the path of true love by the
parents, almost always the father or uncle, of the upper class. No matter
what the subject, historical, romance, adventure, or even horror, this
theme is almost always in the mix, waiting in the wings.DOWN
The fact that The King in Yellow was written by a mad man comes as
no surprise, that the author was so normal later in life is the really
strange thing. I see him in his later life, his best work way behind him,
wistfully bitter and overly self inflated by his popular magazine serial
sales and oriental antiques, propping up a failing ego, knowing in his
heart and head that he chose family and his class instead of love or even
greatness. But that is just my view. Maybe he was happy with his life?
Maybe there was never a Sylvia? Maybe his family didn�t step in and destroy
his first love? Maybe I�m reading into his works too much just trying to form
some logical pattern because I can�t understand how The Fighting Chance
and The King in Yellow were written by the same man?
NOTE: All my guesses are just that, guesses. I have found no
biography and precious little else of Robert W. Chambers. But I have
forced myself to read far too much of his later romance fiction then is
health for a proper horror fan. A lot of my wilder guesses come straight
from the hunted eyes in the grainy photo from 20th Century Writers,
this in not the face of a happy man. DOWN
*"The Repairer of Reputations" from The King in Yellow
** "The Street of Four Winds" from The King in Yellow