Note for Internet Version - To find your score for each element, count one point for each planet (including the Ascendant) in that element. For example, if you have Sun and Venus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo and Neptune in Sagittarius, score 4 for Fire. Then read the paragraph for Fire = 4. Then do the same for the Earth signs, and so on.
FIRE = 0
You are likely to have a major problem in finding your own centre, and in learning to develop self-confidence, for however able you may be to involve yourself with the world emotionally, materially or intellectually, you are liable to rely on indirect methods of trying to discover your unique purpose in life. Most people have at least some intuitive sense of purpose which comes from a tacit recognition of themselves as worthy individuals in their own right, apart from any self-understanding they may develop through direct involvment with other people. You must learn to stand up for yourself, just because you are yourself, in addition to relying on abstract theories about "human rights", and learning by experience. Taking regular exercise will probably help, since this will stimulate a sense of purpose, encouraging you to aim for and achieve personal goals, thus increasing self-confidence.
FIRE = 1 OR 2
You may be rather lacking in self-reliance and self-confidence, since you are not identifying strongly with your own wishes. You may get along well enough most of the time, perhaps by taking an interest in other people or the material world, but you need to make sure that you do not neglect your own development as a unique person. After all, there are many other people who are only too ready to jump in with their own demands and you must try to develop more ability to compete when necessary. Developing some goals of your own is important for you so that you can achieve a stronger sense of self. You will then find that you have more enthusiasm for coping with the rough and tumble of life, leaving you with more time and energy to do what you really want to do. Taking regular exercise is likely to be a help since there is always a specific goal attached to this activity.
FIRE = 3 (average)
You probably have an adequate amount of self-confidence, and you are able to decide what you want and to set about achieving your aims. You are sufficiently sure of yourself to express your wishes openly and honestly, yet you are also able to allow other people their rights as individuals. You are quite enthusiastic when your interest is aroused, and keen to see some action: you are unlikely to tolerate long periods of inactivity well. Your good sense of self-worth will sustain you through times of hardship and you are fairly resilient, not being likely to be cast down for too long by any failure. While you can be quite self-reliant, you are also aware of the importance of becoming involved with other people, as you will be able to incorporate the understanding you gain thereby into your further self-development.
FIRE = 4 OR 5
You have considerable self-confidence, and you are likely to throw your- self into life with enthusiasm. You are likely to be keen to explore new territory keenly, and have the makings of an entrepreneur, lending large amounts of energy towards schemes which catch your interest. You are quite a restless person, who is eager to make things happen in the world. While these are admirable talents, a word of caution is indicated. You need to be careful not too use up too much energy fruitlessly, else you may be at risk of running yourself down. You also need to check that your self-centredness and courage is used constructively when dealing with other people, for your tendency towards action may be seen by others as self-willed impulsiveness, and they may regard your approach as crude or insensitive at times, leading to problems in relatiionships.
You are a highly impulsive person, and at best you may have tremendous motivation towards pursuing your own goals. You appear confident and assertive and you are prepared to take on almost any challenge. While these are admirable qualities if used constructively, in that you can accomplish a great deal with your tremendous energy, you need to be aware in no uncertain terms that you could develop into a very one-sided person. If you do not develop the capacity to compromise and reflect on your actions, you are likely to find that your strong self-will grates considerably on other people causing problems in relating to others sat- isfactorily. Another problem is that if you rely solely on your own abundant energy, you may burn yourself out, or find yourself with no second string to your bow when direct action is unsuccessful.
You are not naturally attuned to the physical world, nor to the basic require- ments for survival at a material level. You are likely to pay scant attention to the basic needs of your body, neglecting to pay attention to practical matters such as the management of food, warmth, shelter and money, all of which are important to healthy living. You may feel quite out of place in this world and the realities of everyday living, and you may well find it difficult to achieve a sense of material security. It is important that you take care to cultivate regular habits with regard to meals and rest, for this does not come naturally to you. If you can learn to accept at least the basic requirements of earthly living, you have considerable potential, for you are not one to accept practical limitations to your schemes and ideas, which makes you highly creative, provided you develop at least some sense of what is feasible.
EARTH = 1 OR 2
You are not particularly concerned with material things, including your own needs for money, food and practical ability, and you need to become more au fait with the requirements for smooth living in the real world, otherwise you will be brought down to earth with a bump from time to time, having neg- lected some obvious facet of reality for too long. You need to look after your physical needs to some extent at least, for only then are your plans and ideas likely to come to reality, rather than to remain impractical dreams. However, you may be quite creative, for you are not likely to be too con- cerned about practical obstacles in your path which would daunt others. Just make sure that you pay some respect to the requirements of healthy living at the physical level, as well as investing your energies into the development of spiritual or emotional goals and ideas.
EARTH = 3 (average)
You are reasonably in touch with the here-and-now realities of the material world, and you probably understand how to fit in with the mundane needs of making a living and looking after your physical needs. Although you may be quite efficient in running your day-to-day affairs, relying on experience and practical common sense, you should not allow your ability to be meth- odical to close your mind to those aspects of life which have less obvious connections with the tangible realities with which you are familiar. While you probably have sufficient imagination and empathy to avoid falling into the trap of believing only what you see right in front of you, it is also important for you to fit your own experience into a broader framework of understanding if you are to make the most of your talents: your ability to organise is useful, but should not be allowed to become an obsession.
EARTH = 4 OR 5
Although you are likely to be methodical and pragmatic, with a keen ability to organise, you may tend to rely too much on things as they are, or as they appear to be. You need to be aware of the value of imagination as a feature of creativity, and to avoid dismissing ideas and plans because they appear to be insufficiently down-to-earth. Work is likely to be important for you, since it allows you to exercise your organisational abilities well, but here again it is important to keep things in perspective, paying attention to the larger issues as well as the minutiae. You also need to recognise that other people do not necessarily share the view that practical reality is what matters, and you may find difficulties occur in dealing with others unless you allow them to organise themselves in their own way if they want to, and give them scope to do their own thing.
You are very good at spotting the essential features of a situation, and deciding upon the most appropriate action. You have a considerable amount of organising ability, and are efficient at getting things done. However, your strength in this department means that you may fail to see the wood for the trees. Unless you develop a broader perspective on your endeav- ours, there is a danger that you will become bogged down in attention to detail, showing an excessive concern with what works in practice, rather than considering the wider implications of your behaviour. You may also be mistrustful of people who appear to think to much, or to act without any obvious reason, and there is a risk of your becoming overly sceptical about things for which you cannot find an immediate practical use. You also need to avoid letting your work dominate your life totally.
AIR = 0
You are clearly highly involved in action,feelings and material concerns, but you lack the necessary detachment to enable you to stand back in order to consider the implications of your involvements. Thus you are very likely to find yourself enmeshed in commitments insufficiently considered beforehand, and you will almost certainly find it difficult to adjust to new ideas and different sorts of people, making it hard for you to cooperate effectively, leading to disappointment in relationships. Although you probably have a strong personality, it is necessary for you to attempt to achieve a greater ability to detach yourself from immediate concerns, and in particular to learn to understand other people and how they tick. Although this may not be easy for you, it will benefit you in the long run, and you will find it easier to take things in your stride when things go wrong.
AIR = 1 OR 2
You may distrust people who appear to think too much, preferring instead to get on with the business of running your own life, making things happen, seeking emotional experiences and generally doing your own thing. However, the ability to stand back from ones actions and involvements and to consider the implications they carry is highly useful, and you lack this ability to some extent. It is also much easier to cooperate with other people towards a common goal if you are able to identify to some degree with their point of view, or at least to engage in objective discussion with them, rather than to act irrationally or respond with emotions where clear think- ing would be more appropriate. You will find that your life will run more smoothly if you cultivate a habit of listening to others, and thinking ahead; this will leave you better able to get on with the things you really enjoy.
AIR = 3 (average)
You show a fair balance between the ability to go about your own concerns, and the ability to appreciate the wishes and points of view of others, without necessarily agreeing with them. Thus you can detach yourself from your own feelings and concerns in order to cooperate with others, and this detachment is also helpful for allowing clear forward planning. However, at least in Western society, education places considerable emphasis on fitting in with society and the wishes of other people, and you need to make sure that you don't identify too strongly with this notion! At best you are likely to use your ability to think clearly in such a way that it helps you pursue your own objectives as well as enabling you to contribute successfully towards joint efforts. Fortunately you are likely to achieve the necessary balance between the needs of self and the needs of others.
AIR = 4 0R 5
You are probably full of ideas about the world and about other people, and you are quite curious about what makes people tick. This is probably because you often go about seeking information about other people and the world in search of some general understandings which you can then apply to yourself. This is rather a round about way of discovering your own atti- tudes, but as a side benefit, you may develop considerable breadth of understanding about all sorts of things. However, there are some disad- vantages: although you get on well with people in general, some individ- uals may find you superficial or hard to pin down. They may feel that you are not committing yourself in a personal sense, and see your ability to be objective as being an ability to be indifferent. It is important you develop depth to your ideas, and allow yourself to feel as well.
You have a highly active mind, and many people may consider that you live entirely in your head. You ponder greatly about life, trying to find some theory that covers everybody, including yourself. You find it hard to make quick decisions, having to think things out first, and this may be infuriating to people who are used to more spontaneity and a more direct personal response! It is particularly important that you find some way of making your theories and ideas come into contact with reality at some point, otherwise mental exhaustion is likely as a result of endless spec- ulation. If you can provide some practical implementation for your ideas, or use them to pursue some spiritual quest, you may well be an innovator in the world of philosophy or science, or you may be able to share your insights in a way which transforms the lives of many people.
You are likely to have great difficulty in relating to others at an emotional level and you find it hard to get in touch with your own feelings. You tend to deny both your own feelings and those of other people, which can make you appear to be quite insensitive though the real problem is that you tend to dismiss feelings as unwelcome and unimportant annoyances. You are likely to be particularly scared of emotional pain, and will make every attempt to deny your feelings, either by rationalisation or by displacing them into actions or material concerns with which you feel more comfortable. Although it is certainly useful to be able to behave without emotion sometimes, you need to develop at least some ability to relate to others emotionally, or you will feel lonely and miserable. Another problem is that cramping your emotions may lead to a wide variety of so-called psychosomatic problems.
WATER = 1 OR 2
You are likely to have some difficulty in relating to others at an emotional level, and you also prefer to avoid getting too much in touch with your own feelings. You are not necessarily insensitive, but you may appear to be so, since you prefer to dismiss feelings both in yourself and in others as being unimportant annoyances. While your ability to show a stiff upper lip may be useful on occasion, in the long run, you are likely to feel emotionally isolated unless you make some conscious effort to face both your own feelings and those of other people as having special importance. If you continue to avoid your fear of emotional pain, defending yourself by involving yourself in practical concerns or attempts to rationalise or deny your feelings, you are at risk not only of a feeling of emptiness, but this may readily disguise itself as a wide range of physical symptoms, forcing you to become dependent.
WATER = 3 (average)
You are likely to be in touch with your feelings, and to be able to empathise with the feelings of other people, provided that you have not been taught to dismiss feelings as unimportant in comparison with practical considerations or with maintaining strong boundaries between your inner sense of self and the outside world. You are also aware that intangible factors play a more important part in human behaviour than is generally recognised, and are not likely to deny the importance of your feelings or those of others. However, you are also able to keep the importance of feelings in perspective, using your judgement as to when to become involved emotionally, and when to allow more practical or theoretical considerations to take precedence, or when to decide that action in self-interest is indicated irrespective of the feelings of other people. However people are unlikely to see you as insensitive.
WATER = 4 OR 5
You are really quite a sensitive person, being keenly involved with your feeling states, and you are likely to be introspective, and rather hard to fathom out. You are motivated by forces which are often unconscious, and which probably indicate deep yearnings and insecurities, of which you are only dimly aware. This sensitivity may manifest in either of two ways, or perhaps both at different times. At best you may develop an inner sense of trust in your own feelings, and be able to share a rich emotional life with other people; certainly you will want to be involved with them. How- ever, your sensitivity could manifest as considerable insecurity, where you feel at the mercy of your feelings, and unable to achieve emotional peace. You may than look to other people to lean on, but you need to learn that your sensitivity can become a tremendous strength rather than weakness.
You are a highly emotional person, and being so impressionable you often feel at the mercy of emotional patterns over which you have no control. This is likely to lead to excessive emotional reactions which are not easy to predict, since your early conditioning affects the type of responses you make in the present so strongly. Your behaviour is likely to range from inappropriate timidity to equally inappropriate tantrums. You are likely to be highly introspective, and with maturity you will hopefully come to trust your feelings, even if your strong intuition leads you into situations which others find difficult to understand. At best you can provide an abundance of emotional encouragement both for yourself and for others, but to make the most of your talents you need to develop at least some ability to channel your energies constructively.
Page created February 21st 1999. Thank you for visiting.