Jupiter and Saturn Aspects in Astrology

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn
Your upbringing has made a strong impression upon you, and this will come out
most strongly when you make judgements and decisions related to matters of
principle and conscience.  You perceive the importance of having an overall
purpose in life, and you feel that it should be workable in practice.  You
feel an inner sense of permission to develop your talents, and this is backed
up by your conscience which guides you through the ways and means of getting
what you want.  It is however important for you to get the balance between
expansion and consolidation right, otherwise you risk becoming too dogmatic
about your right to do what you want, or else being inhibited by your con-
science from putting your own interests first when it is really necessary.
Jupiter Opposition Saturn
Your upbringing has left you with a conflict between confidence and consci-
ence.  This is likely to manifest in one of two ways.  You may be a confident
person who feels that the world is trying to slow you down, placing obstacles
in your path of self-development, or you may be naturally a cautious person
who feels that the world is pressing you to move more quickly.  In either case
you are likely to feel restless and uncomfortable when you are not allowed
to go at your own chosen pace.  You need to learn how to compromise, how to
achieve a balance between the need for growth and expansion into new areas,
and the need for consolidation of your existing achievements.  You may also
have to face problems when sorting out your religious and ethical beliefs.
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Your upbringing has left you with an excellent balance between boldness and
prudence when dealing with the world at large.  You show a good sense of
timing and proportion, and are gifted with common sense, and these are part-
icularly valuable to you when dealing with material and ethical concerns.
You are somewhat of a practical idealist, and you are able to see a situation
as a whole as well as being able to analyse the details.  Your planning abil-
ity could be useful in business, where a mixture of enterprise and caution
is desirable.  What you may lack in spontaneity, you make up for in thorough-
ness, and people are likely to trust and respect your way of dealing with
matters which affect your interaction with the rest of society.
Jupiter Square Saturn
Your upbringing has left you with a serious conflict between expending energy
on expanding your activities and slowing down in order to consolidate upon
your achievements.  This leads to fluctuations in your level of activity,
and often a general dissatisfaction with the status quo.  Your restlessness
tends to affect important areas of your life such as your work or your under-
standing of life, and you may either tend to get stuck in a job which you
dislike, or else you may never feel satisfied with what you have and change
career in mid-stream.  You need to understand that the problem lies not in
the world, but in your attitudes: you need to look at the world more real-
istically, without being so influenced by your past conditioning.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Your upbringing has left you with a suitable balance between enthusiasm and
caution.  You are a good judge of when to broaden your sphere of activity,
picking up on opportunities, and when to spend some time consolidating your
assets.  Your common sense and good timing may make you good at handling
business and other practical affairs, and you will probably feel interested
in and concerned with the world as a whole beyond your immediate personal
interests.  You are somewhat of a practical idealist, and you will want to
become involved in enterprises which combine pursuit of a goal with the
attention to detail which you see as an important part of success.  Your
religious beliefs are liable to be fairly traditional and of help to you.
Jupiter Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Saturn
You feel some confusion over the more important issues in the world as a
whole, for your upbringing has had a negative effect on your ability to
make decisions objectively; you show a tendency to expect too much or too
little, showing problems with your confidence and your conscience.  You
need to learn to be less affected by your past conditioning.
Jupiter Semisextile or Quincunx Saturn
You are likely to feel stress since your upbringing has left you with a
conflict between freedom and restriction.  If you are free, you feel in-
secure, while if you are restricted you yearn to be free.  You need to
find out for yourself the correct balance between enthusiasm and caution,
for the conditioning you received in childhood was not very helpful here.

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus
Your upbringing has left you with a strong conviction that you should try to
develop your own personal belief system about the world, even if this is at
odds with prevailing views, which it may well be.  You need a considerable
amount of freedom to explore the world in your own way, and this may lead to
an interest in unusual subjects or a desire to travel widely.  You will grad-
ually develop an unusual philosophy of life, based on your wide experience
of different ways of looking at situations, and while you are firmly convinced
that your beliefs are right, you are likely to accept that others may have
their own views too, provided they do not try to force them upon you.  A pro-
gressive thinker, you are on the lookout for improving upon the status quo.
Jupiter Opposition Uranus
Your upbringing has left you with a conflict between what you were taught was
right and what your inner thinking processes tell you is right.  This is like-
ly to manifest in one of two main ways.  If you identify with what you were
taught, you may become quite dogmatic in your beliefs in an attempt to comp-
ensate for your inner uncertainties, while if you rebel against what you were
taught, you are likely to face opposition from the establishment as you try
to impress your unusual beliefs upon others.  In either case, the real problem
is that you are basically unsure about your beliefs, and rather than become
locked in idealogical battles, you would do better to recognise that you need
a considerable amount of scope to find things out for yourself in your own way.
Jupiter Trine Uranus
Your upbringing has left you with a strong belief that your path towards per-
sonal growth will lie through your developing a personal understanding of life
as a result of your many and varied experiences.  You will enjoy seeking out
ways of increasing your understanding, such as by travelling widely, or by
interesting yourself in unusual topics where your original approach has most
scope.  Your tolerance and general understanding of human nature is likely to
be well developed, and you like to see a fair deal for everyone, especially
with regard to their rights as individuals.  Although you are not necessarily
rebellious by nature, you will want to question traditional views, and if you
find them unsatisfactory, you are well able to break through any red tape.
Jupiter Square Uranus
Your upbringing has left you with a conflict between traditional methods of
developing a higher sense of purpose in life, and your thought patterns which
tell you to follow a more unorthodox path to self-discovery.  This is liable
to lead to problems with philosophical or religious ideas, and you are likely
to find that these lead you into conflict.  You may be quite uncertain about
your beliefs, feeling that they are constantly being challenged by other peo-
ple, or you may feel quite sure of your beliefs, but suffer from a tendency
to try to force them onto other people with excessive dogmatism.  In either
case, you need to develop a more objective balance between excessive uncert-
ainty and excessive cocksureness when it comes to matters of philosophy.
Jupiter Sextile Uranus
Your upbringing has left you with a strong belief that your path towards per-
sonal growth will lie through your developing a personal understanding of life
as a result of your many and varied experiences.  You will want to learn more
about the world around you, either by studying unusual subjects that stimulate
your thought processes, or more directly by indulging in travelling in search
of discovering new ways of being.  You have an optimistic and inventive turn
of mind, and you will want to choose a job which gives you scope for exper-
imentation and considerable freedom to do your own thing.  You are keen to
help others to develop their own ideas and beliefs, and you tend to be quite
tolerant of a wide range of human behaviour, provided you are not tied down.
Jupiter Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Uranus
You may feel confused about philosophical issues, being unsure whether to rely
upon traditional viewpoints, or to branch out into developing a philosophy
based upon a digest of your own experiences.  With experience, you will learn
that both approaches can contribute to a rich and full understanding of life,
provided you manage to keep the two in perspective.
Jupiter Semisextile or Quincunx Uranus
You are likely to feel stress over philosophical and religious matters, feel-
ing ambivalent about whether to go along with traditional beliefs, or to
branch out on your own, basing your understanding of life on your own unique
experiences.  As you mature, you will learn that this need not be a problem,
and you will be able to achieve a balance between tradition and innovation.

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, leaving you with a considerable
amount of idealism in your character.  You feel a strong sense of obligation
towards other people and the world in general, and believe that you should
develop yourself as a person to the full by giving full rein to your feel-
ings in trying to come to terms with reality.  At best, you have consider-
able faith in providence, and optimism that things will turn out for the best.
However, it is one thing to believe that things will work out well, and quite
another to make them do so in practice, and your vivid imagination could mis-
lead you into believing that things are fine even when to a more objective ob-
server, this is not really the case: you need to become more realistic.
Jupiter Opposition Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with high ideals for yourself and for others, but
you are rather too gullible and easily misled.  When trying to do what you feel
is right for your self-development, you are open to deception from people who
play upon your feelings of guilt or obligation.  Sometimes you feel that you
are acting from the best and kindest of motives, but your altruism is mis-
placed, and other people abuse your good will.  You need to develop a more re-
alistic approach to life, and you would be unwise to indulge in financial spec-
ulations, for your expectations are coloured by nebulous overoptimism.  If you
can overcome the confusion generated by your conflict of interests, you could
develop real ability in the helping professions, and genuine unselfishness.
Jupiter Trine Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with high ideals for yourself and the world, and
you have a strongly developed imagination.  You are full of plans to make the
world a better place, and realise that a combination of an optimistic approach
and an understanding of human nature can work to give you insight into ways of
changing the world for the better, and developing a sense of purpose.  However,
some effort will be required on your part to bring your grand schemes down to
earth, for while you hold great visions for the future, this does not necess-
arily mean that you have the discipline to sort out what is important from
what is peripheral.  You are likely to be kind and tolerant, but you may need
to assert yourself in the real world at times, as well as in your imagination.
Jupiter Square Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with a conflict of beliefs, in that you feel torn
between the need for personal growth and the need to sacrifice your own needs
for the good of other people.  This conflict may well be unconscious, and you
will therefore notice it indirectly.  The main problem is that you tend to
get things out of proportion, due to your overactive and often unrealistic
imagination.  Sometimes this leads to overconfidence on your part, so that
you take on too much and feel let down by the world when you fail.  At other
times you feel discouraged, and feel that whatever you do will fail, and you
therefore become passive and negative.  You need to adopt a more realistic
attitude in either case, then you will learn to keep things in proportion.
Jupiter Sextile Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with high ideals for yourself and for other people
and you have a well-developed imagination, which makes you rather sensitive.
You are likely to have an optimistic approach to life, and a kind, tolerant
disposition, though you have sufficient sense to confront practical issues in
the real world when necessary.  Your imaginative ability enables you to see
possibilities which are not readily seen by others, and you may appear to
be a good speculator and to have a lucky streak.  In fact you have a good
sense of timing, since you are able to tap into different levels of human
consciousness.  You will probably want to find some practical outlet for your
inspiration, perhaps in the arts or in the helping professions.
Jupiter Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Neptune
You probably feel some confusion about whether you should pursue what you see
as a path towards personal goals, or whether you should put your obligations
to other people first.  The two are not neceesarily incompatible, but while you
are young it may seem that way.  As you mature, you will learn to decide when
it is appropriate to act for yourself, and when it is right to help others.
Jupiter Semisextile or Quincunx Neptune
You are likely to feel stress when it comes to issues of whether to follow
your own course towards self-development, or whether to put other people first.
You may try to do both at the same time, which is very hard, and is likely to
over-expectations and disillusionment.  With the development of a more real-
istic approach to life, you will be able to realise some of your dreams.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto
You have a strong desire to be the master of your own destiny, for powerful
unconscious factors in your make-up emphasize the importance you attach to
personal self-development along the lines you have been encouraged to pursue
as a result of your upbringing.  Your acute perception of opportunities for
personal growth will lead you into exciting crusades, which will be rewarding,
even if you find that some of your beliefs have been changed as a result.  You
have a considerable amount of power to influence the way other people behave,
and it is important that you use this power wisely, so that you encourage
people to support your ambitions.  If they feel that you are trying to coerce
them into cooperation, you will arouse considerable antagonism and resistance.
Jupiter Opposition Pluto
There is a conflict between philosophical beliefs you have developed as a res-
ult of your upbringing which encourage you to develop in a certain way, and
other less conscious drives which pull in the opposite direction.  Thus you
may encounter stiff opposition from other people when you pursue your more
conscious goals, or you may instead try to undermine the efforts of others to
go their own way without really understanding why.  In either case, power
struggles are likely, and you are likely to be quite dogmatic about your own
beliefs, whilst also disagreeing with those of others.  If you can tone down
your feeling that you need to be right all the time and in control, you are
more likely to use your considerable insights constructively and successfully.
Jupiter Trine Pluto
You have strongly developed ideas about right and wrong, for your moral code
resulting from your upbringing is frequently updated since your unconscious
drive towards self-development encourages you to refine your ideas about the
best way to get ahead in the world.  You are likely to become involved in
activities which lead to improvement in your status, and you are able to
achieve this by the constructive use of your persuasive abilities.  You are
able to see ahead with a clear sense of direction, and you are keen to make
your ambitions a reality.  You realise that you are most likely to manage
this if you can enlist the support of other people, although you are quite
capable of putting others in their place if they try to oppose you.
Jupiter Square Pluto
You have strong beliefs about right and wrong, but you are so obsessed with
these issues that you identify with your ideas too strongly.  You may there-
fore experience a frustrating need for power, feeling dissatisfied with your
place in life.  You also tend to try to better yourself, often at the expense
of other people.  While you behave like this, you will experience a lot of
hostility and resentment from other people who will learn to mistrust your
motives.  You would do far better to aim for greater detachment from your
established beliefs, allowing more room for change and greater flexibility
in managing your affairs.  You can actually achieve a great deal once you
use your understandings to guide you rather than to enslave you.
Jupiter Sextile Pluto
You have strongly developed ideas about right and wrong, for your moral code
resulting from your upbringing is constructively challenged by unconscious
factors in your make up which urge you to develop as a person by the suitable
use of your philosophical insights.  This means that you will develop a use-
ful code of conduct as a result of your experiences, and this can be put to
good use in any situation where leadership qualities are required.  You are
also able to organise other people to cooperate with you and with each other,
especially if you use persuasion rather than coercion.  If you have a fault,
it may be that you are rather too sure that you are right all the time:  You
will gradually have to learn to accept that other people can be right too.
Jupiter Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Pluto
You may feel some confusion over your philosophy of life, since part of you
wants to act in a way which is contrary to your normal code of practice.  In
fact, your beliefs may change as you grow older, and you will become more
flexible in formulating a belief-system which will encompass all your behav-
iour, making it seem more natural and less provocative to other people.
Jupiter Semisextile or Quincunx Pluto
You are likely to feel stress when it comes to your beliefs about how you
should conduct yourself along the path of self-development, even though your
moral code is quite strong.  You are quick to perceive when you deviate from
your normal practice, and you should use this knowledge to understand your
own motives better, rather than to pull a fast one on other people.

(Speculative - ignore if you like)
Jupiter Conjunct Zed $$$
You are keenly interested in attempting to formulate a philosophy of life
which allows you to achieve personal growth, but you may have a difficult
time in achieving a stable belief system, since your unconscious is const-
antly presenting you with a supply of ideas which forces you to look at
things from a new angle.  However, this challenge can be most creative, as
long as you can learn to discriminate those ideas which might prove useful
from those which are merely incidental.  At best you will be able to draw
on experience from widely different spheres of interest, and if you can
develop the concentration necessary to string everything together into a
cohesive whole, you may develop your own particular brand of ingenuity.
Jupiter Opposition Zed $$$
You are likely to have strong ideas about the correct direction to take along
the path of self-development, but you will probably find it hard to stick to
your purpose, for your unconscious mind presents you with a barrage of ideas
which act as diversions.  Thus you may consciously pursue your aims, only to
attract, albeit unconsciously, people and circumstances who present bizarre
obstacles to your progress, or you may yourself spend too much time trying
to thwart other peoples' plans by erratic and irrelevant behaviour on your
own part.  If you can learn to live with the high degree of unpredictability
which will certainly encompass your life, you could develop a highly flex-
ible code of conduct which helps you make the most of your many chances.
Jupiter Trine Zed $$$
You are keen to develop a workable philosophy of life so that you can develop
to the full as a person, and you will be assisted in doing so by flashes of
insight which stem from your unconscious thought processes.  Although many
people find unusual ideas distracting, this is not the case as far as you are
concerned.  You will feed upon them and endeavour to incorporate them into
your code of conduct in a positive way.  Other people will value your fresh
approach to religious and philosophical issues, even if your beliefs are
unorthodox in the context of present-day thinking.  You are likely to enjoy
attacking unusual problems which demand lateral thinking, and you will be
able to help other people to develop their own intuitive abilities.
Jupiter Square Zed $$$
You would like to feel that you had a reliable philosophy of life, so that
you felt you had a sense of direction along the path of personal growth.
Unfortunately, as soon as you feel you have understood some aspect of the
meaning of life for you, someone or something comes along to upset the apple-
cart, and your ideas are thrown into disarray.  You may even feel tempted to
attack other people's beliefs rather than try to formulate your own.  In
either case, considerable restlessness is likely, and you may feel that
you cannot depend on anything.  However your vulnerability to bizarre exper-
iences also gives you the opportunity to learn how to find original solutions
to your problems, and with more discipline you could go a long way.
Jupiter Sextile Zed $$$
You are aware of the importance of creative ideas when formulating your per-
sonal philosophy of life, and you are open to changing your beliefs in the
light of unexpected developments, indeed you may even search for circumst-
ances where things are unpredictable so that you may grow more quickly.  You
need work of a non-routine nature to avoid boredom, and your optimistic app-
roach to solving problems may inspire others who are used to more convent-
ional methods.  However, you should not carry your enthusiasm for bizarre
involvements too far, for your flashes of insight also need to be backed up
by an organised approach which will allow you to put your ideas into practice,
and which will also be more understandable to other people.
Jupiter Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Zed $$$
You may feel confused at times over philosophical issues, for the ideas you
have developed from your upbringing are rather different from the thoughts
which stem from your unconscious mind.  You will eventually get used to the
notion that life has its unpredictable side, and you will develop the flex-
ibility to pursue your aims despite the various distractions you encounter.
Jupiter Semisextile or Quincunx Zed $$$
You are likely to feel stress when it comes to developing your philosophy of
life, for your upbringing has taught you one set of goals to aspire to, while
your unconscious mind tells you to ignore them in the interest of developing
objective understanding.  Until you develop more persistence, you are likely
to be rather restless and distractable when trying to stick to your goals.

(Accurate birth-time required!!)
Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant
Your keen involvement with philosophical matters and in developing a personal
code of conduct is quite noticeable to other people, for your natural initial
approach to life is coloured by ideas about right and wrong developed from
your upbringing.  You come across as a confident optimistic person with high
ideals, and one who is not afraid to express them openly and honestly.  You
are likely to need a considerable amount of freedom to seek out the experience
you need for your personal growth, and you are also keen for other people to
do the same, which means that you are tolerant of a wide range of people and
their ways of being.  The exception occurs when someone offends your sense of
propriety, in which case you become quite outraged unless they repent quickly!
Jupiter Opposition Ascendant
You are likely to develop much of your philosophy of life through your invol-
vements with other people, and you will require freedom to meet people and
travel to places which help you to grow.  When you are young, you may feel
somewhat overawed by older people, feeling that you have to put them first,
rather than act spontaneously in your own right.  Once you are older, you
may be tempted to tell people what they should be aiming for as a result of
wanting to share your experiences with them.  Neither of these should be a
real problem, unless you take things too far, and overall you will be a
seeker after truth.  You will feel most at ease if you are in a position to
find things out for yourself, and you will probably be fairly optimistic.
Jupiter Trine Ascendant
You will not want to be too tied down in life, for you feel the need to
find out as much as you can about the world, partly because this is what
comes naturally to you, and partly because you set a high value on develop-
ing a philosophy and understanding of life which enables you to grow as a
person.  While you are young, you may find it difficult to settle down to
anything too serious, for everything seems so interesting, especially if
your sense of humour is aroused.  You are likely to get on well with other
people, for your generally optimistic outlook is usually popular.  As you
mature, your enquiring spirit will encourage you to broaden your horizons,
and you can achieve a great deal, provided you learn some persistence.
Jupiter Square Ascendant
There is some conflict between the way you approach situations naturally
and spontaneously when you are feeling calm and relaxed, and how you be-
have under pressure.  Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, en-
couraging you either to achieve a great deal, or to deal with people who
are powerful in some way.  You have high ideals, and you make high demands
of yourself and other people at times.  You tend to send out double mess-
ages, although you may not be aware of this, and people react quite str-
ongly to your behaviour.  If you can learn to settle down a bit, you will
be able to use your energy constructively, rather than waste it in either
attacking the world, or in defending yourself from it.
Jupiter Sextile Ascendant
Your initial approach to life blends in well with your need to develop a
sincere code of moral conduct, and you come across as a genuine honest
person with an interest in personal growth and the good of society at
large.  Your optimistic approach to life is based on a firm belief that
you are pursuing the right course in life, a belief which you will want
to reinforce through travel and/or further education.  You will want to
be involved with groups of people, for this will give you positive feed-
back, and the respect they hold for you may mean that you take a leading
role in the group.  You need a fair amount of personal freedom to allow
you to satisfy your considerable curiosity, and you should do well.
Jupiter Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
You may feel some confusion about when to act naturally, and when to act
in accordance with moral principles which derive from your upbringing.
It may take you some time to learn that both ways of being are valid,
and your philosophy of life will be that much the richer because you
have had to find out from experience what works for you in practice.
Jupiter Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant
You are likely to feel some stress in finding out a philosophy of life
for yourself, since you feel a conflict between the need to act naturally
and the need to conform to the moral code you inherited from your upbring-
ing.  In fact both needs are valid, and once you sort out your priorities
your philosophy will be that much the richer, being based on experience.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, leaving you with firm preconceived
ideas about how the world should be, and the sense of discipline to make the
necessary changes to make the world conform more closely to your ideals.  This
can be a creative combination, resulting in constructive changes in your en-
vironment with lasting effects.  The only problem arises if your plans are not
realistic: they are after all based on what you were taught, and are not nec-
essarily workable in the real world.  This can lead to frustration and rest-
lessness, when the world does not respond as you expect.  You may then find
yourself alternating between efforts to maintain the status quo and attempts
to achieve progress, resulting in a rather erratic and unstable lifestyle.
Saturn Opposition Uranus
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, but has left you finding it hard to
achieve a balance between your sense of duty and responsibility, and your need
to have freedom to explore your ideas about the world on your terms.  You are
likely to experience this conflict in one of two main ways, or perhaps both.
Sometimes you feel you are prevented from being as free as you would like to
be by pressure from other people or the demands of the outside world, and you
will resent this: at other times you will feel that other people are eccentric
and unreasonable, and that they need to be kept in check.  In either case you
are likely to feel a build up of tension, and you need to learn to release this
gradually, rather than allow a build-up to the point where you over-react.
Saturn Trine Uranus
Your upbringing has left you with a fine balance between conservative and pro-
gressive thinking, and the picture you have built up of the objective world
through your education is quite accurate, making you excel in scientific-type
thinking.  Your good balance between inventiveness and common sense means that
you are able to apply your novel ideas in practical terms.  You are keen to
develop a rigorous approach, and your ability to grasp an overall plan and to
manage the details in a disciplined way is a formidable advantage where any
form of research is involved.  You will probably prefer to control your own
working conditions, and you should have teaching ability, since you are per-
ceptive of those truths which remain the same throughout generations.
Saturn Square Uranus
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, but it has left you with pro-
blems with discipline.  There is a conflict between your need to toe the line,
conforming to society's requirements, and your need to escape from the limit-
ations on your freedom that this imposes, by acting unpredictably and in a
non-conformist rebellious way.  You need to learn that there is a false di-
chotomy between freedom and conformity, though you may find it hard to see it
this way.  Until you do so, you are likely to go to extremes, perhaps con-
forming most of the time, albeit grudgingly, then rebelling in a stubborn way
which leads to problems with authority.  At other times you may be too easy-
going, then suddenly apply the brakes, leading to problems in relationships.
Saturn Sextile Uranus
Your upbringing has left you with a fairly realistic view of the objective
world, and you are able to appreciate both the overall workings of society
and the details of everyday practical life.  You are able to attend to your
responsibilities and duties without feeling that your freedom is being tram-
pled upon, and you are also able to follow up your individual interests with-
out neglecting other important aspects of your life.  Your ability to combine
innovative thinking with practical common sense makes you well suited to sci-
entific thinking and planning, and you will probably want a job involving
these skills.  Your ability to understand people of a different age from you
enables you to enjoy the company of the very old and the very young.
Saturn Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Uranus
You feel somewhat confused about the need for you to conform to your respons-
ibilities, for you also feel a need to be free from them to follow up your
own plans in your own way.  You need to discover that both these needs are
valid, and that there need not be a conflict betwenn them: it is possible for
you to develop rules for yourself so that neither need is neglected.
Saturn Semisextile or Quincunx Uranus
You are likely to feel considerable tension between restriction and freedom
in your life until you learn that the two are not incompatible.  Once you do
so, you will find that you can develop considerable patience and achieve a
great deal, but only once you have found a way to let off steam gradually.
You need to ensure that you make your own rules wisely and stick to them.

Saturn Conjunct Neptune
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, leaving you with a conscience stru-
cture which is coloured by your early emotional experiences in such a way that
your vivid imagination comes into play when you try to live within the limits
of your perceived capabilities.  On the positive side, your ability to see be-
yond the ordinary boundaries of a situation can give you considerable creative
ability, since you do not readily accept any limits to what is possible.  How-
ever, this can also work against you, for there are some areas of life where
discipline is essential, and if you neglect this fact, disappointments are
likely when life does not live up to your high expectations.  You need to cha-
nnel your imaginative faculties through some practical and tangible outlet.
Saturn Opposition Neptune
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, but it has left you with some un-
realistic ideas about yourself and the world.  You may lack confidence, for
although you may try to live up to your responsibilities, you experience con-
fusing and often negative feedback from others.  This may tempt you to evade
your duties, or to resort to deception which will only compound the problem.
You may also feel obliged towards other people, but find that they take ad-
vantage of your generosity, which is again discouraging.  You need to learn
to organise your beliefs about duty and obligation according to current re-
ality rather than your past conditioning, then you will be able to turn your
fear into practical sensitivity, a more positive and creative emotion.
Saturn Trine Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with an excellent balance between your imagin-
ation and common sense, which means that you have the ability to make your
dreams come true more easily than most people.  There is a strong idealistic
streak in your make-up, and you willingly work hard to make your visions
a reality.  You are able to use the resources in the world when necessary,
if this fits in with your plans, but your real interest lies in achieving
your inner hopes and wishes rather than external success.  Thus you may be
positively interested in religion or the betterment of mankind, and you
do not show much overt interest in ordinary affairs, indeed you may appear
quite ascetic in your tastes, as you have chosen to follow an inner path.
Saturn Square Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with a potentially serious conflict between
your inner ideals and dreams and the way you handle external reality.
You have high hopes, but you find it hard to achieve them in practice.
You tend to be somewhat of a self-defeatist, since your fear sometimes
stops you from making the effort that would bring success, or else you
make the wrong move at the wrong time and experience negative effects.
You need to develop a way of dealing with reality in such a way that it
does not make you feel you are upsetting other people, and a way of cha-
nnelling your imagination in such a way that it does not go against soc-
iety's rules.  If you can do this you will feel much more confident.
Saturn Sextile Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with a useful balance between your imagination
and common sense, which means that you do not have to work as hard as other
people to make your dreams come true in reality.  You have a strong streak
of idealism in your make up, and you are often more interested in making
this manifest than in dealing with external reality, though you are able to
use the resources of the material world when necessary for your purposes.
You will want to have work which involves working towards some vision in
your mind: examples might be religion, achitecture, art or the caring pro-
fessions.  You may be so involved with idealism that your requirements in
the material world are relatively small, and you may be quite ascetic.
Saturn Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Neptune
You are likely to feel confused over the duties that exist for you in the
real world and the obligations you imagine yourself to have to yourself
and others in your inner world.  This can lead to some difficulties in
handling reality appropriately, at least while you are young, and dis-
appointment may result through unrealistic hopes and expectations.
Saturn Semisextile or Quincunx Neptune
You are likely to feel strain when trying to reconcile your fantasies and
imagination on the one hand with the duties and demands of the outside
world.  Your imagination may be suppressed and turn up as irrational fears
which inhibit you from constructive action, or you may try to evade reality
by living in fantasy.  In either case you need to feel more worth-while.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which is affected by
unconscious parts of your personality which seek self-expression.  This is a
difficult combination of energies to handle, leading to an impulsive desire
to be free to act as you want, combined with a conscience which tells you to
be cautious and practical as well.  At best, you have the ability to be high-
ly creative, for you can tap your unconscious potential and channel it constr-
uctively into recognisable achievements, using your powers of strength and end-
urance.  However your striving to be free from the restrictions imposed upon
you by your conscience may lead to considerable frustration, with periodic up-
heavals in your circumstances which appear to be beyond your control.
Saturn Opposition Pluto
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which tries to block
the expression of your unconscious desire to do your own thing spontaneously.
This likely to have two effects, though you may be more aware of one than the
other.  First you may feel a strong need to be in control of the world around
you, feeling that any changes are a threat to you.  Second you may feel that
the world is set in its ways, and that you must change them in order to give
yourself room to be yourself.  In either case, you live under tension which
arises from your conflict between the need for stability and the need for
change.  You need to relax more, and to learn how to compromise with others,
or else they will come to resent your inflexible attitudes and behaviour.
Saturn Trine Pluto
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which allows you to
tap into your unconscious creative ability in such a way that you are able
to make changes both within yourself and in the world in a constructive way
and with lasting effects.  You feel a strong need to do your own thing, and
you manage to do this in an organised way which shows a true understanding of
the way that discipline and hard work combined with an envisioned goal can
bring about considerable success.  Your efficiency and ability to get things
done your own way may give others the impression that you are totally inter-
ested in your own aims.  Even if this is not true, you should take care to
take ethical and emotional factors into account in your activities.
Saturn Square Pluto

Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which conflicts
with impulses stemming from your unconscious which tell you to do your own
thing spontaneously.  Unless you are very self-aware and flexible, this is
likely to lead to problems with others.  You may be over defensive, adopt-
ing a controlling attitude towards other people whom you see as threatening
the security of your established order, becoming something of a wet blanket.
Alternatively you may be deeply resentful of society's attitudes, and feel
the need to rebel in a ruthless and callous way.  Either attitude is quite
self-destructive in the long run, and you need to moderate your actions and
reactions when you are dealing with issues of self-will and responsibility.
Saturn Sextile Pluto
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which allows you to
tap into your unconscious creative ability in such a way that you are able
to make changes both within yourself and in the world in a constructive way
and with lasting effects.  You feel a strong need to find out things for
yourself and to succeed through your own efforts, though you are capable of
cooperation when necessary.  Your sense of direction combined with common
sense and discipline enable you to achieve success with the minimum of raw
materials.  While you are keen to see the world behave according to plan,
and you will try to make this happen, you should not allow yourself to for-
get that theoretical and emotional factors are also of importance.
Saturn Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Pluto
You may feel confused about when to do your own thing spontaneously, and
when to conform to your beliefs about what other people expect of you.
This can lead to feelings of frustration, at least until you learn that
there is a time and place for your own wishes and a time and place to take
others into consideration: it need not be all of one and none of the other.
Saturn Semisextile or Quincunx Pluto
You may feel stress when faced with issues of change, either feeling that
changes would threaten that which you have already established, or that
if you make changes they will be resisted by other people.  You may there-
fore feel tense when changes loom; you need to relax more, and learn to
adopt a more flexible attitude to changes, for they are inevitable.

(Speculative - ignore if you like)
Saturn Conjunct Zed $$$
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which operates rather
erratically to all appearances, for the large number of original and sometimes
bizarre ideas which stem from your unconscious thought processes constantly try
to break through into consciousness, despite probable efforts you make to re-
sist them.  You may therefore find it hard to develop firm standards and to dis-
cipline yourself, since your active mind spurs you on to rethink your plans.  If
you allow these intrusive thoughts to be considered seriously, you may establish
a code of behaviour which is flexible and original.  If you try to resist them
too strongly you may be fearful of madness, while if you let them take over com-
pletely you will find it hard to achieve continuity of purpose in your actions.
Saturn Opposition Zed $$$
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which is resistant to
the ideas which stem from the workings of your unconscious mind, but one way or
another these ideas will attempt to come into your consciousness.  Your conflict
between wanting things to stay under control and wanting things to evolve natur-
ally is most likely to affect the way you relate to other people.  You sometimes
try to lay down the law, attempting to block what you see as irrational behavi-
our on the part of others, yet at other times you express ideas or behave in
such a way that other people try to clamp down on your eccentricities.  You need
to achieve a greater sense of proportion and flexibility in the way you handle
issues of stability versus change, not taking extreme positions in either case.
Saturn Trine Zed $$$
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which is fairly flex-
ible and capable of changing in a positive way in the light of new information.
You have a fertile mind, and you are keen to use your ideas constructively,
since you understand that ideas by themselves, however original they may be,
need some practical application and some effort on your part before they are of
much use to you in the real world.  With your abilities you are the right sort
of person to question the validity of established doctrines, since you are lik-
ely to do this in a non-threatening way, presenting positive alternatives to
established procedures.  You are able to use your understanding to get along
with people who come from different cultures and generations from your own.
Saturn Square Zed $$$

Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which is at odds with
that part of your unconscious which presents you with a fund of original and
sometimes bizarre ideas.  In practice this is likely to have two effects in
your life.  First you may see all the strangeness in other people, and feel
threatened by their apparent lack of discipline, endeavouring to control them
and to make them see reason.  Secondly, at other times, you may feel that you
are being stifled by red tape and regulations, and that you have to act very
eccentrically to express you ideas in practice.   In either case, you need to
become more flexible over issues concerning control and freedom, otherwise
you are likely to be involved in unnecessary disputes with other people.
Saturn Sextile Zed $$$
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which is quite flex-
ible, for you are able to allow original ideas  which stem from your unconsc-
ious thought processes to become incorporated into your life in a practical
way.  You have a fertile mind, but are able to show discrimination over which
ideas are useful and which are not applicable.  Your ability to crystalise
new ideas into some tangible form makes you appear to be a progressive per-
son, one who seeks to improve the structure of society by constructive reas-
oning.  This is likely to be reflected in your choice of occupation: pol-
itics and science would both be suitable fields for you to combine your men-
tal ability with your desire to see results for your labours.
Saturn Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Zed $$$
You may be somewhat confused over a conflict between duty and freedom, feeling
that the two are mutually exclusive.  You may be scared to express your spont-
aneous thoughts for fear they will be ridiculed or classed as irrelevant, yet
at other times you may show a lack of discipline, perhaps joking over an issue
which others take seriously.  You will learn to be more flexible as you mature.
Saturn Semisextile or Quincunx Zed $$$
You are likely to feel stress over the conflict between the sense of respons-
ibility you feel to behave properly, and that part of your make-up which tells
you to let go of all controls and allow your thoughts to flow freely and take
you where they will.  You will learn as you mature to compartmentalise your
life so that there is room for both of these needs to be met at the right time.

(Accurate birth-time required!!)
Saturn Conjunct Ascendant
You have a very serious approach to life, and you take yourself equally ser-
iously, for you have a strongly developed conscience.  You have a strong sense
of responsibility and view the world in terms of what it is important for you
to do.  The positive effects of this aspect are that you have considerable
determination and application, which means that you have the potential to
achieve your goals through a combination of good organisation and hard work.
The drawback is that you may take yourself so seriously that you are oversens-
itive and inhibited, and you may feel overburdened with responsibility while
others are having fun.  Whether you are aware more of the helpful or the diff-
icult side of this aspect, you need to learn to relax at least some of the time!
Saturn Opposition Ascendant
Your upbringing has left you with a conflict between your conscience structure
and your natural way of approaching the world.  When you are young, you may
feel that however you behave you are subject to criticism, even though you are
just behaving naturally, or you may feel that you have to deny your own needs
to fit in with the demands of others.  This may embitter you, so that later in
life you may fight back and become critical of others' spontaneous behaviour.
You probably need to relate to people outside your family to get positive feed-
back about yourself, and you also need to learn to be less defensive, for many
of your problems stem from a limited outlook taught to you in childhood.  You
need to relax more, and to take yourself and your reactions less seriously.
Saturn Trine Ascendant
Your upbringing has left you with a conscience structure which blends well with
the way you approach the world spontaneously.  You probably learned when you
were quite young that it is important to develop common sense and a practical
approach in order to get along in the world.  You are likely to develop a
pragmatic approach to life, and you are willing to work hard if you feel that
the end result will be worthwhile.  You have good organising ability, which
means that you would make a good business executive, or deal with the real
world in some other practical way.  While your common sense is a useful asset,
unless other aspects in your chart show more dynamic features in your character
make-up, you could get bogged down in practicalities and become rather boring.
Saturn Square Ascendant

Your upbringing is likely to have left you feeling that you are unworthy in
some way, but in fact you are excessively demanding of yourself.  Probably you
were brought up to feel that your natural way of being in the world was wrong,
and that you should put other people first.  In order to compensate for this,
you are likely either to have retired into yourself, or else to be striving
furiously in the outer world in order to achieve some sense of self-worth
through achievement.  It is important that you learn to relax more, and that
you realise that many of your opinions about yourself and your duties are
based more upon what you were taught to believe, rather than upon reality.
It is possible for you to change your way of looking at things if you wish.
Saturn Sextile Ascendant
Your upbringing has left you with a conscious structure which blends well
with the way you approach the world spontaneously.  You probably learned the
importance of common sense and of developing a practical approach when you
were young, and you probably have a job where you can see tangible results
for your efforts.  You are good at dealing with reality without your emot-
ions getting too much in the way, which makes you a reliable person who is
willing to take on and live up to your commitments.  You do however need
to relax at times, for you push yourself quite hard.  In addition, you need
to ensure that you do not get bogged down in dealing with details to the
extent that you ignore the overall picture, including emotional factors.
Saturn Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
You may feel some confusion about how to behave in the world, wanting just
to be yourself on the one hand, whilst also feeling that you have to conform
to the expectations of other people.  With experience you will learn that
these options are not mutually exclusive, and that it is possible both to
be yourself, and to be so without upsetting other people.
Saturn Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant
You are likely to feel stress when coming across situations for the first
time, feeling unsure whether to act naturally, or to try to do what you
think is expected of you.  This may lead to feelings of insecurity while
you are young, but as you mature, you will learn that it is possible to
behave spontaneously, developing your own rules for your own behaviour.

Page created February 21st 1999.  Thank you for visiting.

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