Mars Aspects in Astrology

Mars Conjunct Jupiter
When you take action based upon your conscious appreciation of your feelings,
you act with considerable force, for as a result of your upbringing you have
been left experiencing an inner sense of permission to go around asserting
yourself in order to get what you want.  You are courageous and enthusiastic
when it comes to competing with other people, and you certainly want to win.
Your energy is admirable, but ideally you should learn to channel it wisely,
for you are prone to take risks in your keenness to prove yourself, and you
may overreach yourself through over-optimism.  However your eagerness to ex-
perience life to the full emotionally should lead you to cover more ground
than most people, and you thrive on stirring up your own and others feelings.
Mars Opposition Jupiter
You have a considerable amount of energy, but to make the most of this, you
need to understand yourself better and to organise yourself better, for your
upbringing has left you with views about self-assertion which are rather out
of proportion.  One possibility is that you invest considerable energy in
projects which later turn out to be unproductive, or arouse so much opposit-
ion that you have to abandon them.  Another possibility is that you fear to
take action for fear of upsetting others, or you feel oppressed by the actions
of others.  In either case, you are likely to experience swings in your levels
of energy and enthusiasm, with periods of considerable activity interspersed
with times of laziness.  You need to learn to achieve a more balanced approach.
Mars Trine Jupiter
Your upbringing has been fortunate in the sense that you have developed con-
siderable enthusiasm for acting on the basis of your conscious emotions, for
you experience an inner sense of permission to compete for what you believe
to be rightfully yours.  Your timing is usually good, and people will appre-
ciate the honest and open way in which you express yourself in action, even
if they find it hard to compete with you.  Ideally you should use your large
reserves of energy constructively, not only to achieve personal goals which
you are well able to do, but also to make the world a better place too, en-
couraging others with your ability to assert yourself bravely and openly;
you will find that you need considerable personal freedom to express yourself.
Mars Square Jupiter
Your upbringing has left you with some most unrealistic notions about self-
assertion.  You may be a very timid person who feels that any assertive action
will upset the apple-cart, and you may be scared of other people's actions.
In other situations you may act over-hastily and rashly, with exaggerated
views as to your capacity to handle all you take on.  You need to achieve
a balance between fearful inactivity and over-confident self-assertion, then
you will be able to channel your considerable energy constructively and
wisely.  If you can develop a better sense of timing, you will discover what
it is really worth your spending time and energy upon, and that which is
better left alone; you can then achieve a great deal.
Mars Sextile Jupiter
Your upbringing has left you with a positive outlook on life in respect of
expressing yourself in action based upon your conscious feelings.  You
feel an inner sense of permission to set about getting what you want, and
you do so in a way which enlists other people's cooperation rather than their
opposition.  You have plenty of energy, and you may enjoy physical exercise
or competitive activities; your good judgement and timing should make you
a formidable opponent.  On a more serious level, you have strong beliefs
and high ideals, and you could set a fine example to other people as to
how to put these things into action.  Others may think you lucky, and so you
are; if you want to, you can make a great deal out of your life.
Mars Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
You may feel some confusion when it comes to asserting yourself on the basis
of your conscious feelings about someone or something, for there is some
conflict between your desires and what your upbringing taught you was right.
You are likely to do considerable experimenting to find out for yourself
what is right for you, and how to go about getting what you want.
Mars Semisextile or Quincunx Jupiter
You are likely to feel stress when you act on the basis of your conscious
feelings, for your upbringing has left you with unrealistic beliefs about
self-assertion.  You will have to learn through experience to achieve a
balance between inactivity and too much activity, for until you do, the for-
mer may lead to missed chances and the latter to rashness and overhaste.

Mars Conjunct Saturn
You have a considerable amount of ambition, for your upbringing has left you
with a strong conscience which tells you that you should channel your powers
of self-assertion through constructive and orthodox channels.  You feel that
you have to work very hard to get what you want, and you may therefore develop
strong powers of concentration, suiting you to any occupation that needs met-
iculous attention to detail and perseverence.  You may however feel frustrated
at the responsibilities thrust upon you, and find it hard to show your angry
feelings, feeling that they should be kept under control, unless you can find
reasons for them.  Overall the feeling is likely to be akin to driving a car
with the brakes on: despite your successes you may strive ever harder.
Mars Opposition Saturn
You have a considerable amount of ambition, and you want to act constructively
on the basis of your conscious feelings, but your conscience gets in the way
to hinder you.  You may experience the world as a demanding place in which
there is little room for you to do your own thing, and this is likely to lead
to bitterness and a negative approach to people and situations which upset you
Alternatively you may feel that other people behave irrationally and outrage-
ously, and that they are in need of your correction.  In either case, you have
a problem with self-assertion, sometimes feeling too inhibited to act, some-
times going too far in your attempts to control your environment.  You need to
learn to stand up for your own rights, while respecting those of others also.
Mars Trine Saturn
You have considerable ambition, for your upbringing has left you with the
impression that you should channel your self-assertive qualities into const-
ructive channels.  You may appear to be rather cautious when you set about a
project, but you more than make up for this when you get going, for you have
great powers of persistence and concentration which let you achieve a great
deal provided you are allowed to go at your own pace.  The only danger with
this aspect is that you may get stuck in certain habit patterns which limit
your ability to broaden your horizons, especially if other areas of your per-
sonality show conservatism.  If however you have an adventurous streak, you
will find that your fine common sense brings it to light profitably.
Mars Square Saturn
Your upbringing has left you with conflicts between your conscience structure
and your desire to act assertively on the basis of your conscious feelings.
Early in life you may feel that the world is hard to you, making demands which
get in the way of what you really want to do.  The risk is that you may con-
tinue this attitude later in life, with the result that you become cynical or
disenchanted: this will not help you to get on with people or your life succ-
essfully.  You need to learn more about yourself, and to realise that just be-
cause you experienced frustration in the past, this is no reason to expect a
hard time in the future.  With more confidence, you can develop a better sense
of timing which will enable you to achieve the ambitions you really desire.
Mars Sextile Saturn
You are fairly ambitious, for your upbringing has impressed upon you a strong
sense of discipline.  You are also rather cautious about acting on the basis
of your conscious feelings, for your conscience tells you that these should
have a constructive and approved outlet.  You are able to work persistently
at a task, particularly one which requires close attention to detail, and you
will probably put considerable energy into working hard for your future sec-
urity.  You are able to tolerate a considerable amount of frustration, but
you should try to express any angry feelings promptly, rather than store them
up so that you are motivated more by resentment than by a genuine desire to
see your actions bear fruit in tangible form; then you can go a long way.
Mars Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Saturn
You may feel somewhat confused over issues of self-assertion, for your con-
science tends to inhibit you from acting spontaneously.  With experience
you will learn to assert yourself appropriately without feeling too sensitive
about how your actions will affect others, and you will be able to relax more
since you won't feel so obliged to control your life so rigidly.
Mars Semisextile or Quincunx Saturn
You are likely to feel stress when it comes to issues of self-assertion, for
you have a conflict between a sense of responsibility derived from your con-
science and a desire to fulfill your own needs and to do what you want.
This may make you rather indecisive, and others may take advantage of this
until you learn through experience how to sort out your priorities.

Mars Conjunct Uranus
Your upbringing has resulted in your developing an unusual way of understand-
ing the world, and this shows up strongly when you assert yourself on the
basis of your conscious feelings.  Although you may have a clear idea of what
you are doing and why, by ordinary standards your behaviour is nonconformist
and deviant!  Whether your behaviour is highly original and innovative, or
just erratic and stubbornly rebellious, will depend on how much self-discip-
line you are able to muster, for you are unlikely to respond well to outer
controls, as you demand a great deal of freedom in action.  You also thrive
on excitement, but you should be careful not to take unnecessary risks, other-
wise accidents or unexpected complications will accompany your exploits.
Mars Opposition Uranus
Your upbringing has resulted in your developing an unusual way of understand-
ing the world, and this shows up most strongly when you assert yourself on the
basis of your conscious feelings.  You may feel that other people's behaviour
presents a constant challenge to your preconceived ideas, and that you have to
respond by unsettling them in some way.  At other times you may feel that you
are quite "normal", and that it is other people who act disruptively, and who
will not leave you in peace.  In either case your life is fairly restless,
and since you do not take kindly to being ordered around, you need to develop
your own system of internal discipline, otherwise there is a risk of explo-
sive situations developing which lead to accidents or unexpected reversals.
Mars Trine Uranus
Your upbringing has resulted in your developing an unusual way of understand-
ing the world, and this shows up strongly when you assert yourself on the
basis of your conscious feelings.  You feel a strong need to be independent
in action, and you may develop leadership qualities since you see ways of
getting things done effectively before others.  Original in action, others
will sometimes question your common sense, but you usually know what works
best for you.  You are keen to embark on new projects, even if they appear
hazardous, for you are resourceful, but your focus of interest shifts rather
quickly, and to make the most of your considerable capabilities you may need
to train yourself to follow a course of action through to its conclusion.
Mars Square Uranus
Your upbringing has resulted in your developing an eccentric way of under-
standing the world, and this manifests strongly when you assert yourself on
the basis of your conscious feelings.  Behaviour which appears disruptive
and unusual is likely to be an important theme in your life, whether you
experience this within yourself or see it as coming from other people.  You
will learn a great deal about life through your strange experiences, but
until you develop some inner self-discipline your original way of asserting
yourself is likely to go against the grain, and you may even be at risk
of being in trouble with the authorities if you become too disruptive, or
your lack of planning in your actions could lead to accidents.
Mars Sextile Uranus
Your upbringing has resulted in your developing an unusual, rather progress-
ive, way of understanding the world, and this shows up when you assert your-
self on the basis of your conscious feelings.  You are dynamic and original
in your methods, with an ability to encourage other people to take a fresh
approach to a problem.  You cooperate well with other people provided that
they accept your need for considerable personal freedom, and you are likely
to have a good sense of humour in view of your ability to use the right
words to appeal to people's feelings.  Ideally you need to be your own boss
for you do not care to be ordered about; your own sense of discipline is
good enough for you, but you need to ensure you persist at tasks.
Mars Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Uranus
You may feel some strain when it comes to asserting yourself on the basis of
your conscious feelings, for your preconceived ideas sometimes get in the way
which has the result that you resist committing yourself too closely, poss-
ibly because you like to conserve your right to your freedom.  You will learn
that it is possible to commit yourself without sacrificing your individuality.
Mars Semisextile or Quincunx Uranus
You are likely to feel stress when it comes to asserting yourself on the basis
of your conscious feelings, for you find it hard to do this naturally: your
preconceived ideas about the world and human nature derived from your upbring-
ing get in the way.  This will result in erratic and impulsive behaviour until
you learn to achieve a balance between freedom and emotional commitment.

Mars Conjunct Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with the feeling that you should not assert your-
self directly on the basis of your conscious feelings.  It may be that you feel
that you cannot get what you want via open competition, or you feel that other
peoples' wishes are more important than your own.  Your needs are still there
however, and you may be tempted to resort to devious methods to get what you
want, as you have a vivid imagination which enables you to see ways and means
which are not open to others.  Ideally, your vision should be used construct-
ively towards some altruistic goal, but there is a risk that you will be dis-
couraged too easily, feeling that your efforts will be useless.  You need to
develop more trust in your own worth, then you can almost work miracles.
Mars Opposition Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with problems in the area of self-assertion on the
basis of your conscious feelings.  Perhaps you try hard to express yourself
directly, but experience strong negative feedback from other people to which
you are highly sensitive; they may make you feel that you are being selfish
or bad in some other way.  Another possibility is that you see other people
as being strong and assertive, and feel that you cannot compete with them.
In either case you are likely to feel discouraged, and you need to develop
more self-confidence.  You could learn to channel your vivid imagination more
positively, instead of worrying about what other people want, then you will
be less tempted to use deceptive tactics to try to get what you really want.
Mars Trine Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with a strong imagination, which is especially
operative when you act on the basis of your conscious feelings.  You are
not particularly assertive in the ordinary sense of the word, but you are
usually able to achieve your hopes by using your sensitivity to understand
human nature in depth, and then use subtlety as your main weapon.  You are
basically kind and have a genuine desire to help people, perhaps because
you feel that this is a more worth-while cause than trying to get ahead
yourself.  You have genuine ability, but to make the most of it you need
to ensure that your sensitivity is directed towards some practical ends, as
otherwise there is a risk that you will spend too long in idle fantasy.
Mars Square Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with a tendency to feel discouraged far too
easily, especially when issues of self-assertion are involved.  You may
feel that it is pointless to stand up for your rights, as others will use
subtle but powerful methods to render your actions ineffective.  You may
also use deceptive methods to avoid a direct confrontation which you fear
you would lose.  However difficult it may seem to be, you need to face up
to reality honestly and openly, without so much fear of failure, then you
will find that your strong imagination is set free to pursue more construct-
ive paths than worrying about what other people are up to.  You also need
to ensure that you do not try to escape reality through drugs or alcohol.
Mars Sextile Neptune
Your upbringing has left you with the feeling that when you take action on
the basis of your conscious feelings, there should be higher motives than
mere self-advancement.  You are not very ambitious in the ordinary sense,
but you have a well-developed imagination, and if you feel that an ideal
is worth fighting for, you will use every trick in the book to make it come
into reality.  Your sensitivity helps you to be well in tune with your own
feelings as well as those of others; it is perhaps this that makes you sen-
sitive to human vulnerabilities, and makes you want to make the world a
happier place.  However, you are not necessarily very practical, and you
will need to find concrete ways of manifesting your creative potential also.
Mars Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Neptune
You may feel quite confused when it comes to issues of self-assertion, for
your upbringing has probably left you feeling that other people should come
first.  As you gain more experience, you will learn that this is not the case
and you will learn to stand up for yourself more confidently; then your well-
developed imagination can be released for pursuit of your spiritual goals.
Mars Semisextile or Quincunx Neptune
You are likely to feel considerable stress when it comes to asserting yourself
on the basis of your conscious feelings; you may feel that your efforts will be
a waste of time, or that you have to resort to devious methods to get what you
want.  You need to develop more self-confidence by asserting your rights more
often and more directly, then you will not feel discouraged so easily.

Mars Conjunct Pluto
You are certainly a force to be reckoned with, when you act on the basis of
your conscious feelings, for your psychological drive towards self-assertion
is tied in with powerful unconscious forces which urge you to take the init-
iative.  There is therefore a compulsive quality to your emotional self-ex-
pression, and whether you are pleased or angry you will be quick to show it.
Your intense emotionally based behaviour is sure to result in considerable
changes both in your own motivations and in the world around you, though
whether these changes are constructive or destructive will depend upon how
use the power at your disposal.  You might benefit from toning down your
approach somewhat, saving your fighting qualities for when really necessary.
Mars Opposition Pluto
You are likely to be involved in power struggles of one sort or another, for
when you take action based upon your conscious feelings, you do so in such a
way that you evoke strong opposition from other people.  At other times you
may feel that you have to respond very powerfully yourself when other people
assert themselves, probably because you feel that their actions are a direct
threat to you.  Whether you perceive yourself to be powerful, or you see
other people as powerful, you need to understand yourself better, and tone
down your responses, for you sometimes come across stronger than you need to,
and this will eventually alienate other people.  You need to learn how to use
your power more constructively, then you can do a great deal.
Mars Trine Pluto
You have a considerable amount of energy when it comes to acting on the basis
of your conscious feelings, for your self-assertive abilities are fuelled by
powerful unconscious forces that urge you to get ahead and develop as a person
in your own right.  Other people tend to respect your strength, and allow you
to seek out your own path, but if they resist you, you are quite capable of
hard tactics to defeat them.  You take people seriously, and expect them to
take you in the same spirit, and you are quite ambitious, wanting to change
the world in some way, perhaps in order to reaffirm your own worth.  You can
also use your considerable understanding of human nature to help other people
to go through difficult changes, growing yourself in the process.
Mars Square Pluto
You have a considerable amount of power at your disposal, but you may run
into some problems when you try to use it constructively.  You are likely to
see other people as a threat, and you may either try to dominate them, using
excessive force in the process, or you may feel that you have to resort to
unfair tactics to get your own way.  While you see life this way, you are
likely to become involved in serious battles, which do you little lasting
good whether you win them or lose them.  You need to learn to allow yourself
and other people the same rights and responsibilities, then you will be able
to use your transformative abilities to change situations and attitudes
which really need altering, rather than to waste your energy fruitlessly.
Mars Sextile Pluto
You have a considerable amount of energy when it comes to acting on the basis
of your conscious feelings, for your self-assertive abilities are assisted
by powerful unconscious forces that urge you to get on with developing your
personality to the full.  Once you have set yourself an objective, you are
likely to be quite obsessional in pursuing it to the end, and you will not
tolerate any opposition, though this is not likely to be forthcoming since
people respect your emotional power.  You take yourself very seriously, and
you expect other people to do so as well.  You have a need to be involved
in activities which foster your talent for making constructive alterations
in the status quo, and you will grow through these experiences.
Mars Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Pluto
You may feel somewhat confused over issues of self-assertion, since for you
acting on the basis of your feelings is tied in with notions of domination
and power.  You may feel inhibited from committing yourself through fear,
or you may act compulsively at times.  As you mature, you will learn that
assertion and power are distinct entities, and will learn more flexibility.
Mars Semisextile or Quincunx Pluto
You are likely to feel stress over issues of self-assertion, feeling that
these are tied in with the need for power struggles, that it is a question
of who gets his own way.  This is of course not the case, and as you gain
more experience you will learn that healthy competition is quite different
from domination, and be able to use the two in a less compulsive way.

(Speculative - ignore if you like)
Mars Conjunct Zed $$$
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feelings
and asserting yourself is strongly influenced by your unconscious thought pro-
cesses with the effect that you do not obey the ordinary rules of behaviour as
you express your many and varied desires through direct action.  Your actions
are not governed by normal logic, though this may be an advantage since your
ability to think laterally gives you considerable versatility.  However you are
rather erratic, and you may tend to lack perseverence, finding that too many
distractions come along to interfere with your concentration.  Your curiosity
will lead you into many and varied relationships and pursuit of unusual hobbies
and interests, and you can make valuable contributions in these areas.
Mars Opposition Zed $$$
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feelings
and asserting yourself is strongly influenced by your unconscious thought pro-
cesses in a way which can cause problems until you understand yourself better
and learn to focus your activities in a more organised way.  Until then, you
are likely to find that when you pursue something you want, bizarre obstacles
come in your way, or you are opposed by apparently crazy people whom you tend
to attract.  Another possibility is that you are scared to assert yourself
directly, instead preferring to respond to assertion in others by attempting
to sabotage their behaviour by indulging in bizarre and erratic behaviour
yourself.  You need to develop more perseverence in your activities.
Mars Trine Zed $$$
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feelings
and asserting yourself is strongly influenced by a fund of creative ideas which
stem from your unconscious thought processes.  You have a high level of cur-
iosity, and you are not deterred from trying out a new approach to a situation
just because most people would regard it as highly unorthodox.  In fact you
pour considerable mental and emotional energy into trying to understand people
and the world, and this can lead you into unfamiliar territory in which you
have the ability to make many new discoveries.  To make the most of your cre-
ative abilities, you need to try to find some practical outlet for your inspir-
ation, otherwise there is a risk that your talents may remain mostly invisible.
Mars Square Zed $$$
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feelings
and asserting yourself is strongly influenced by your unconscious thought pro-
cesses in a way which is quite disruptive at times.  Thus your mind tends to
work overtime, and the barrage of bizarre ideas which enter your head may pre-
vent you from taking effective action, or you may frequently change your mind
about what you really want, leading to erratic behaviour on your part.  You
may also find that when you do assert yourself you encounter irrational res-
ponses from others, and you may learn to counter like with like, responding
in a bizarre way yourself.  You have real creative talent, but you need to
develop more concentration and perseverence, becoming less distractable.
Mars Sextile Zed $$$
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feelings
and asserting yourself is strongly influenced by your unconscious thought pro-
cesses in a way which can be most helpful to you.  You have a high level of
curiosity, and you want to understand as much as possible about the world and
other people, particularly those aspects which are bizarre and unorthodox by
ordinary standards.  You need considerable freedom to express yourself along
these lines, though you should be careful to develop the necessary persever-
ence to achieve practical results from your experimentation.  You require a
wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and you have a preference for peo-
ple who stimulate your mind as well as your feelings.
Mars Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Zed $$$
You may feel rather confused when it comes to issues of self-assertion and
acting on the basis of your conscious feelings, for bizarre ideas enter
your head which interfere with your capacity for emotionally-based action.
However, as you become more mature, you will learn that your ideas need not
get in the way of your feelings, indeed they can help to enrich them.
Mars Semisextile or Quincunx Zed $$$
You are likely to feel stress in the area of self-assertion, feeling that
if you commit yourself on the basis of your conscious feelings, you will
lose a certain amount of freedom to follow up the various ideas that con-
stantly stem from your unconscious thought processes.  You need to learn
that it is possible to commit yourself without giving up all your freedom.

(Accurate birth-time required!!)
Mars Conjunct Ascendant
Your attempts to act on the basis of your conscious feelings about people and
situations come high in your lists of priorities, for your drive to assert
yourself in action comes accross as a natural part of your spontaneous app-
roach to life.  Other people quickly realise that you are not a person to be
trifled with, and you show considerable self-reliance, courage and other self-
assertive qualities.  You tend towards being competitive rather than cooperat-
ive, but you may be rather too quick to defend yourself when it is not really
necessary.  However your fighting qualities make you well suited for any sort
of challenge, and you may enjoy engaging in physical sports as an outlet for
your considerable energy, or pursue a chosen cause relentlessly.
Mars Opposition Ascendant
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feel-
ings about people and situations features strongly in your life, but it is
expressed in a way which operates against your spontaneous initial approach
to life.  How this affects you will depend on how you deal with your aggre-
ssion.  Some people with this aspect are very quick to take offence on the
slightest provocation, and respond in a very aggressive fashion in self-def-
ence.  Others do not consciously seek fights, but nevertheless attract other
people who are strong-willed and assertive, and find that arguments still
happen.  In either case, you need to achieve a better balance when it comes
to issues of self-assertion, using your strength more appropriately.
Mars Trine Ascendant
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feel-
ings about people and situations blends in very well with your instinctive
spontaneous approach to life.  This gives you a strong belief in your own
abilities, and a considerable amount of initiative and courage in running
your own life.  You will fight hard for your beliefs when necessary, but
often people will respect you for your honesty and will not try to oppose
you.  You are capable of taking action independently, and you may enjoy
competitive sports in which you feel you are able to demonstrate your own
worth.  You prefer people around you who share similar qualities, and you
have little time for anyone who appears to take things half-heartedly.
Mars Square Ascendant
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feel-
ings about people and situations is strongly developed, but it operates in a
way which goes against your spontaneous, more natural approach to life,
resulting in your giving out double messages.  You are likely to experience
a conflict of interests between fulfilling your own needs and getting along
with other people.  You either feel you must have your own way at all costs,
which will lead to disputes with others, or you feel you must get along with
people and therefore suppress your own wishes.  In either case anger is a
feeling you have to learn to express appropriately, neither going overboard,
nor allowing people to walk all over you while you feel frustrated.
Mars Sextile Ascendant
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feel-
ings about people and situations blends in rather well with your instinctive
spontaneous approach to life.  This gives you a strong belief in your own
ability, and considerable courage and initiative in organising your life
effectively.  While you want to cooperate with people when they go along
with you, you will not be ordered around and you will fight strongly for
your beliefs when necessary.  Your fighting qualities could usefully be
employed in competitive sports, or in any venture demanding stamina and
strength of purpose.  You admire strength in others, and have little time
for people who appear to take life half-heartedly.
Mars Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
You may feel some confusion about when to be your natural self, and when to
assert yourself more forcibly.  You feel that you either have to sacrifice
your wishes, or sacrifice getting along with people.  This need not be so,
however, and as you gain experience you will find that you are able to bal-
ance your energies so that you get what you want without too many disputes.
Mars Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant
You are likely to feel stress over issues of self-assertion, for you prob-
ably feel that if you strive to get your own way you will not get along with
other people.  With experience and self-understanding, you will learn that
it is possible to assert yourself more appropriately, and in such a way that
you do not find it impossible to get along with others.

Page created February 21st 1999.  Thank you for visiting.

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