Outer Planet Aspects in Astrology
Uranus Conjunct Neptune
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, and you have been left with strong
ideas about how the world ought to be in theory, together with strong beliefs
about how you ought to feel towards the world and other people. The blending
of these two factors, each universal in application in its own right, can give
a very comprehensive, if rather ill-defined, understanding of the world at var-
ious different levels. In practice, your prejudices are likely to be influenc-
ed very much by emotional attitudes you developed when young, and in turn you
are likely to try to gain intellectual understanding of the reasons for emot-
ional patterns which are deeply ingrained. You may well be fascinated by any-
thing mystical or occult, and develop considerable ability in these areas.
Uranus Opposition Neptune
Your upbringing has affected you strongly in subtle ways, which are difficult
to define at an individual level, but you were presumably strongly influenced
by the 1914-1918 War. It is likely that you have difficulty in handling diff-
erent levels of consciousness, for while you may have strong ideas about how
the world ought to be in theory, feelings developed when very young get in the
way when you try to act out your beliefs, giving rise to confusion and disill-
usionment. Alternatively, you may have high ideals for making the world a
happier place, but find it hard to put them into practice because of what you
see as the world being prejudiced against you and failing to understand your
compassionate motives. You must learn to be firmer in the face of mass opinion.
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, in ways that are mostly positive.
Uranus Trine Neptune
In a general way, you find it easy for you to get along with other people, for
you are able to understand them at an emotional level as well as to accept
them as individuals in their own right at an intellectual level. You are
therefore able to do your own thing without treading on other peoples' toes,
and you believe it is right to live and let live. You are capable of under-
standing complex emotional situations at an intellectual level, and you are
also to give depth to your ideas at a human level. If your interest takes
you into areas involving the development of new techniques for handling en-
ergy, ( material or spiritual ), you should have good ability.
Uranus Square Neptune
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, in ways that are rather hard to
deal with, for you are subject to rather confused thinking when it comes
to issues of large-scale importance, and this can filter through to affect
your more everyday behaviour. At some level there is a conflict between
intellectual prejudice and emotional compassion, and the likely result
is that you will either go off the deep end with odd ideas or erratic be-
haviour that others find hard to accept, or that you will try to disguise
your uncertainty about your own ideas by using subversive emotional ploys
to undermine others' independent behaviour. You need to develop more
patience in dealing with others until you sort out your beliefs.
Uranus Sextile Neptune
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, in ways that are quite positive.
In a general way it is fairly easy for you to cooperate with other people,
and to get on well with them, for you are able to understand them at an
emotional level, as well as being able to accept them as individuals in
their own right at an intellectual level. You are capable of finding
original solutions to problems which are likely to be acceptable to others
since they do not neglect the emotional connotations which go along with
changes. You are also capable of showing compassion in a constructive
way which does not smack of soppiness or insincirity. You could develop
interest and ability in working with physical or psychic energy.
Uranus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Neptune
You may feel rather confused as to when to obey your intellectual prejud-
ices, or to behave according how you were taught you ought to feel.
You have decide whether to be "right" or to be kind, and sometimes this
decision is not easy for you. However as you mature, you can gradually
bring your decisions in this area under more conscious control.
Uranus Semisextile or Quincunx Neptune
You are likely to feel stress as to when to obey your intellectual prejud-
ices, or to behave according to how you were taught you ought to feel.
Your dilemma appears to be whether to be "right" or to be kind, and this
decision is sometimes hard for you. However as you grow older, you will
learn to bring your decisions in this area under more conscious control.
Uranus Conjunct Pluto
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, in that you have emerged with
some very clear and direct ideas about how the world ought to be in theory.
Since unconscious parts of your psychological make-up urge you to pursue your
ideas to the full, forming them into a comprehensive theory about the world,
it is likely that you will come up with some pretty dynamic ways of dealing
with the world at an objective level. You are likely to insist on your rights
as an individual, and you need to avoid taking this so far that you become in-
volved in violent rebellion, for this is a distinct possibility. You would
do better to be one of the pioneers in the technological revolution, for you
would excel at computer programming or other scientific endeavours.
Uranus Opposition Pluto
Your upbringing has made a strong impression on you, and you have emerged with
strong beliefs about the nature of the objective world, which you will try to
put into practice, but you will probably encounter strong opposition, for you
present your ideas in such a way that others gang up on you to put you down.
This is because at an unconscious level you are sending out messages that you
want to force your ideas on others. You may be rather fanatical in your att-
itudes, and you will achieve more, less dangerously, if you try to tone down
your approach somewhat. You also need to avoid overreaction when other people
come up with ideas or methods which take you by surprise. You need to find a
balance between self-assertion and cooperation with constructive change.
Uranus Trine Pluto
Your upbringing has left you with a strong need for independence and the space
to live your life according to your own plans. Your ability to form an ob-
jective view of human nature is fuelled by unconscious forces that urge you
to get ahead in the world, and the combination makes you inventive and trans-
formative in your methods. Fortunately, you usually have a good sense of
timing, and you are able to achieve your ends without too much opposition.
People realise that you mean business and leave you to get on with it, part-
icularly as you do not look for trouble unless it is unavoidable. You could
show considerable ability in the forefront of any scientific research, and
although you would need to be your own boss, you could also work in a team.
Uranus Square Pluto
Your upbringing has made a strong impression on you, and you may experience
some problems when you try to put your ideas into practice. Part of you
has strong ideas about how the world should be a fair place, with equal
opportunity for all and individual freedom, but you express this in such a
way that you run into power struggles with other people. This is because
at another level you are giving out messages that you want to control other
people with your ideas and life-style. This conflict between your ideas
concerning general freedom and your urge towards much more immediate per-
sonal freedom may get you into some dangerous situations, until you learn
to settle down a bit, and develop a better sense of timing in your actions.
Uranus Sextile Pluto
Your upbringing has left you with a strong need for independence and the space
to live your life according to your own plans. Your ability to form an ob-
jective view of human nature is fired by unconscious forces that urge you
to get ahead in the world, and this combination makes you original and trans-
formative in your methods. You have a good sense of timing, however, and
despite the fact that you come across as a person who clearly knows his
business, people do not usually stand in your way as you are good at cooper-
ating with them and winning them round to your way of doing things. If
you choose a career in science or technology, you should find that you have
considerable talent in these areas, and a liking for research.
Uranus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Pluto
You may feel confused when deciding whether to act spontaneously, or accord-
ing to ideas you developed about the world in response to your upbringing.
You may find yourself taking sudden departures from your normal course of
action to your own surprise and that of everyone else. With maturity, you
will gradually learn to watch out for this tendency and midify its effects.
Uranus Semisextile or Quincunx Pluto
You feel under stress because part of you wants to be spontaneous, while
part of you feels compelled to stick to the idea you have of the world de-
veloped as a result of your upbringing. This can give rise to sudden re-
bellious action or to attempts to limit others' freedom. As you mature,
you will need to understand the rights of society and the individual.
(Speculative - ignore if you like)
Uranus Conjunct Zed $$$
Your upbringing has had a stong effect on you, in that you have developed a
strong set of beliefs about the nature of the objective world. Although you
would like to think that your theoretical viewpoint is stable and reliable,
you will find that there is a continuous flow of bizarre ideas and experi-
ences stemming from your unconscious thought processes which comes along to
make you think again. The result is that your ideas are highly flexible,
or even erratic, and this can lead you into some very strange mental terri-
tory. Ideally, you should use your learned ability to organise your thoughts
so that this new material from your unconscious is incorporated into an ex-
isting framework, then you can be something of a genius in the world of ideas.
Uranus Opposition Zed $$$
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, in that you have developed a strong
set of beliefs about the nature of the objective world. While some of these
beliefs may be accurate, you are likely to find your prejudices to be chall-
enged, for you behave in such a way that you come across ideas and behaviour
which are completely alien to your preconceived ideas about the world. This
will cause you to constantly rethink your ideas, and make you mentally rest-
less. You may be attracted to bohemian individuals, but you may be using
them as testing ground for some of your wilder ideas, and the associations
may not last. You need to relax more, and to learn not to jump to erroneous
conclusions. If you do this, you can become a very versatile thinker.
Uranus Trine Zed $$$
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, in that you have developed a strong
set of beliefs about the nature of the external world. Many of these beliefs
are accurate, but you will find that you are constantly improving on your
belief system, on account of a flow of creative ideas which stem from your
unconscious thought processes. You show a fine ability to cope with abstr-
actions, and you are likely to have scientific aptitude, provided you learn
to apply your ideas in practice. You are friendly enough towards other people
but you are reluctant to get tied down too strongly, for you want to be free
to go where your whim takes you, and it will probably take you a long way.
You should however be careful not too ignore the more human aspects of life.
Uranus Square Zed $$$
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, in that you have developed a strong
belief system about the nature of the objective world. While you may think
you know all the answers, you are likely to be forced to change your mind by
the many unexpected and bizarre events which enter your life, and the strange
way others react to your ideas. Another possibility is that you will free to
follow up any whim or fancy that enters your head without accepting respons-
ibility for your actions, in which case you will meet persistent and rigid
resistance from others in unexpected ways. You need to get your thoughts in
order, for your ideas are disorganised, and you say the wrong thing at the
wrong time. With better timing you could become somewhat of a genius.
Uranus Sextile Zed $$$
Your upbringing has affected you strongly, in that you have developed a strong
set of beliefs about the nature of the external world. Many of these beliefs
are quite accurate, but you realise that no system is perfect, and you are
willing to change your mind on the basis of thoughts which stem from the work-
ings of your unconscious mind. Some of these ideas may be rather strange, but
you are able to incorporate them into your belief system relatively easily.
Since you are able to think at different levels, you would make a good scient-
ist with a bit of discipline, and you are likely to have a good sense of hum-
our. You are able to cooperate well with other people, though you are too
impatient to work under any conditions other than those of your own choosing.
Uranus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Zed $$$
You sometimes get confused over different levels of thinking, in that you
have strong beliefs, derived from your upbringing, about the nature of the
objective world, yet you sometimes find you are wide of the mark when pre-
sented with strange or totally alien behaviour. In fact you are rather
strange yourself, and when you realise this you can become quite creative.
Uranus Semisextile or Quincunx Zed $$$
You feel under stress when different levels of thinking are involved, for your
unconscious thoughts work at cross purposes with thoughts derived in accord-
ance with the way you were taught to think. In practice, this means you are
likely to be involved in some unexpected situations, which cause you to rev-
ise your ideas. As a result you have the potential to improve your ideas.
Uranus Conjunct Ascendant
(Accurate birth-time required!!)
You come across as being different from most people, because you find it diff-
icult to be natural, since preconceived ideas about the world, developed in
response to your upbringing, get in the way. You come across as taking your
ideas very seriously, and other people sometimes feel disconcerted by your
self-awareness, but they usually see you as being honest and friendly. You
need a lot of independence to follow up your ideas, and you are likely to be
a highly original thinker, becoming involved in anything novel or off-beat.
Although you have a good understanding of human nature in a theoretical sense,
you need to be careful not to ignore the emotional side of life, nor should
you rebel against something solely because it does not happen to suit you.
Uranus Opposition Ascendant
You have strong beliefs about the nature of the objective world derived from
your upbringing, and these sometimes get in the way of your acting naturally.
Perhaps you believe that relationships tend not to last, and you therefore
tend to attract unreliable people who let you down, or exciting people who
lack the stability required in a longer-term relationship. As you become
older you are likely to become more aware of your own considerable need to
be free to experiment for yourself, and you may stretch the patience of
others considerably. You need to learn to compromise really: you need to
express your own needs for independence, but unless you want to be alone
you will have to make some concessions to get along with others closely.
Uranus Trine Ascendant
You come across as having a natural ability to understand people, for your
upbringing has left you thinking it is alright to express yourself natur-
ally, whilst also making it clear that you grant the same right of self-
expression to other people as you do to yourself. You are therefore friend-
ly and open in your approach, and interested in increasing your understand-
ing of the world. While you enjoy company, you also make it clear that
you need freedom to follow up your own plans, and you will not be tied down
to one person or place unless you choose so. You may enjoy travelling, for
you have the ability to get along with many different sorts of people, as
you are a fairly unusual person yourself in a quiet sort of way.
Uranus Square Ascendant
There is a considerable difference between the way you tend to come across
when you are feeling relaxed, and the way you come across when you are
hooked into the idea system you developed about the world in response to
your upbringing. Many of your beliefs are eccentric, although they may
lead to considerable creativity. You are likely to find that you either
attract exciting people who are unreliable, or that you insist on your
own right to have an exciting independent time even if other people object.
Whether you see the need for independence as existing in yourself or in
other people, you would do better to avoid going to extremes in your be-
haviour: that way you will lead a more rewarding and relaxed existence.
Uranus Sextile Ascendant
You come across as having a natural understanding of other people, and
you cooperate well with them as long as you are also allowed to do your
own thing, for you have a fair demand for independence. Your upbringing
has left you with the belief that having a clear theoretical framework
to work from is important and you are keen to incorporate new ideas and
experiences into your vocabulary, so you need a certain amount of freedom.
This is also true in your work, where you will not choose an ordinary
career, but will require one where you can show your inventiveness and
particular brand of initiative. Even if you have close relationships,
you will still feel the need to have friends outside the relationship.
Uranus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
You may feel some strain over whether to come across in a natural way,
or to behave according to the intellectual prejudices you developed
about the world as a result of your upbringing. You will probably
find as you mature that it is possible to relate naturally without sac-
rificing your right to follow up your own ideas at times.
Uranus Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant
You are likely to feel stress due to a conflict between your need to be
free to do things in your own way, and your need to behave naturally
or as is expected of you. This may lead to considerable tension in
relationships until you learn that there is room for compromise: you
can choose your own areas to express your need for independence.
Neptune Conjunct Pluto
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, and you were probably brought
up in turbulent times, which encouraged you to develop a strong sense of com-
passion and understanding of humanity at an emotional level. This is because
strong unconscious forces encourage you to develop to the full as an individual
by means of behaving towards others according to how you were taught you ought
to feel. You share this tendency with people born over a number of years, and
therefore the effects may not appear to be strong to you. The effect will be
most noticeable when dealing with those who are several years different in age
from yourself. They will notice the intense, almost compulsive, energy you
invest in trying to transform the way people care for each other.
Neptune Opposition Pluto
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, and you probably had a fairly
tough ride, although you are in the same boat as people born in roughly your
age group and you may therefore not be directly aware of your suffering, at-
tributing it, probably correctly, to outside factors beyond your control. In
psychological terms there is a battle between your unconscious desire to get
ahead at all costs, and a rule system, developed from your upbringing, which
tells you to deal with people according to how you were taught you ought to
feel towards them. In practice you are likely to feel very sensitive to
threats you perceive externally, trying to deal with them by subterfuge, or
you may try to control the world as a defence against being exploited.
Neptune Trine Pluto
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, and you were probably born
during a period of constructive change, when you had to be aware of both
the necessity for improvement on old methods and the emotional nurturing
that was needed during them. This has left you, in psychological terms,
with a combination of a pioneering spirit, together with a strong aware-
ness of how you believe others are likely to feel about your actions. You
therefore have considerable potential for changing the world in an ordered
way, and you are also very versatile. If a direct approach does not get
you what you want, you may well find that an indirect approach does so.
This gives you a great deal of creative potential.
Neptune Square Pluto
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, probably in connection
with difficult events in the outside world, since many people your own
age share this aspect. You experience a conflict between asserting
yourself as an individual in obedience to your unconscious urge to get
ahead, and behaving compliantly in accordance with the way that your
upbringing taught you that you ought to feel. This confict means that
you either feel very threatened by external forces or people and try to
avoid confrontation with them by deceit or camouflage, or else that you
try to control others unfairly. In either case you need to achieve a
better balance between aggression and passivity, though this may be hard.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
You were brought up during a period of constructive change, and you have thus
learned that for improvement to occur neither direct self-assertion according
to the will of your raw unconscious urges, nor faith in human nature derived
from your childhood understandings from how you were taught you ought to feel
are enough by themselves, yet a suitable combination of assertion and comp-
assion may work. You may not be conscious of this talent you have, for it
is shared by many people of your time, but this does not reduce its import-
ance. Being just one of many does not absolve you from the obligation to
be alert for the opportunity to assist in constructive change, and you need
to cooperate with others to make the most of this highly important aspect.
Neptune Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Pluto
You were reared in rather confusing times, when opportunities were diffic-
ult to spot and it was hard to take advantage of openings. Even now you
may feel some confusion over when to be assertive and when to sit back and
let things take their course. You need to learn how to achieve a balance
between aggression and passivity, for both are sometimes appropriate.
Neptune Semisextile or Quincunx Pluto
You feel stress when it comes to a decision as to whether you should act
in your own interests, or you should put other people first, according to
how you were taught you ought to feel by your upbringing. Part of the
problem may be the mark external circumstances made on you as a child.
You need to remember that you are free to change your response patterns.
(Speculative - ignore if you like)
Neptune Conjunct Zed $$$
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, in that you were brought up
with firm rules about how you ought to feel in, and display the right emotion
for a given situation. You feel obliged to continue to do this, but at the
same time your sense of obligation is subject to a stream of bizarre notions
which stem from the workings of your unconscious thought processes, and this
causes you to refine your ideals whether you like it or not. This can lead
to a certain amount of confusion, for you find it hard to reconcile the ideas
you get with your code of behaviour. On the other hand, it can lead you to
develop your own standards of what constitutes considerate behaviour, and you
may develop an original and unusually kind way of treating other people.
Neptune Opposition Zed $$$
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, in that you were brought up
with firm rules about how you ought to feel in, and display the right emotion
for a given situation. When you try to obey these rules, however, you will
encounter some problems. The most likely effect will be that you end up
feeling misunderstood and rejected when people act in bizarre and unexpected
ways in return for your attempts at kindness and well-meaning behaviour.
Another possibility is that you find it hard to accept kindness from others
because of your unconscious thought processes get in the way causing odd be-
haviour on your part. You need to modify the way you come across in either
case, learning to accept yourself and others as they are in reality.
Neptune Trine Zed $$$
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, in that you were brought up
with firm rules about how you ought to feel in, and display the right emotion
for a given situation. However you are subject to a stream of creative ideas
which stem from your unconscious thought processes, and these help you to
modify your behaviour based on your sense of obligation in a positive way.
You are able to come up with original ways of helping other people, whether
you do this in a direct way, or through some artistic pursuit. You are
able to appeal to people at several different levels, and you may be able
to help others to see the amusing side of things. You have strongly devel-
oped intuitive faculties and could have some clairvoyant ability.
Neptune Square Zed $$$
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, in that you were brought up
with firm rules about how you ought to feel in, and display the right emotion
for a given situation. However you are especially sensitive to your uncon-
scious thought processes, and this may give rise to some problems. You
may have an irrational fear of showing your appreciation of others' kindness,
reacting instead by behaving bizarrely, or you may feel thoroughly confused
by other peoples' strange behaviour towards you, feeling that they do not
understand you at all emotionally. In either case you need to be less sens-
itive about your thoughts and feelings. Although they are your own, you
cannot alter them, but you can alter the way you overreact to them.
Neptune Sextile Zed $$$
Your upbringing has had a strong effect on you, in that you were brought up
with firm rules about how you ought to feel in, and display the right emotion
for a given situation. However you are subject to a flow of creative ideas
which stem from your unconscious thought processes, and these help you to
modify your behaviour based on your sense of obligation in a positive way.
You are able to come up with positive ways of contributing to the common
good through a combination of intuition and idealism which may take form
through artistic creativity, though with your versatility you could excel
in any activity you set your heart on. You are also equipped with a fine
sense of humour, and you can appreciate the funny side of most situations.
Neptune Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Zed $$$
You may feel some confusion over when to have a good laugh over some idea
that has entered your head, or whether to suppress it through a sense of
needing to protect the feelings of others. You are rather oversensitive
to your thoughts and feelings, and you need to identify rather less with
them, for you cannot change them. You can change your behaviour though.
Neptune Semisextile or Quincunx Zed $$$
You may feel stress when deciding whether to enjoy playing with your ideas,
your fear being that you may offend other peoples' feelings. You may also
think other people too sentimental at times, and wonder whether to put
them right. Your thoughts and feelings are rather at cross purposes, but
you can control the way you put them across with a bit of practice.
(Accurate birth-time required!!)
Neptune Conjunct Ascendant
Your natural way of approaching the world spontaneously is coloured by your
upbringing, which has influenced you towards behaving according to how you
were taught you ought to feel. You therefore spend a considerable amount of
time trying to pick up the vibes, and to play the role you feel you should
to fit the scene. While you may develop considerable ability to guess how
people are feeling, at first the effect is to make you rather confused about
where you end and the world begins. You would do well to define clearer
boundaries for yourself, for you are likely to be too impressionable for your
own good, and to imagine that the problems of other people are your respons-
ibility. You may develop fine artistic and musical ability in time.
Neptune Opposition Ascendant
There is some conflict between the way you approach the world spontaneously
and the way you were taught you ought to behave according to your feelings.
When you are young this is likely to lead to your being all too willing to
take on people who turn out to be a disappointment in some way, and you may
feel that they have not lived up to your unrealistic expectations. When
you get to know yourself better, you will discover that you have real talent,
particularly in the arts, and that you can use your imagination to understand
other people and to offer constructive help. This is much better than turning
the tables and using your psychic abilities to deceive other people, just
because you felt this was what happened to you when you were young.
Neptune Trine Ascendant
You have a strong imagination and you are rather an idealist, for your natural
way of approaching life works well with that part of your upbringing which
taught you how to be empathetic towards others. You can be quite unselfish
and giving in relationships, sometimes feeling that this is more important
than other considerations. You are good at picking up on how others are
feeling, and you will improve at this as you grow older, and learn to sort
out which are your own feelings and which are those of other people. You
are likely to be fascinated by anything mysterious, and you may develop
psychic ability which you could put to positive use. You should also remem-
ber to keep your feet grounded in reality also, as you prefer to avoid it.
Neptune Square Ascendant
You are far too sensitive for your own good, picking up on impressions
which are missed by most people. Unfortunately your upbringing has not
really prepared you for the realities of the outer world, and you may be
lacking in confidence, and tend to pick up only negative feelings which
discourage you further. You may overcompensate by trying to portray an
image of yourself which is deceptive, but people will eventually see through
the facade. If you can learn to be a bit more realistic, your imagination
can help you to develop genuine ability in the arts and in helping people,
though you should avoid taking on the role of saviour just to assuage your
own guilt. You need to learn to trust yourself and other people more.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant
You have a strong imagination and you are somewhat of an idealist, for
your natural way of approaching life works well with that part of your up-
bringing which taught you how to be empathetic towards others. You are
good at picking up on how other people are feeling, though when you are
young you may have some difficulty in sorting out your own feelings from
those of other people. While you are not necessarily impractical, you
certainly seek an ideal beyond ordinary reality, and you may become involved
in artistic or spiritual work which takes you away from everyday concerns.
The only danger with your approach is that others may initially take ad-
vantage of your generosity, though you will soon learn to avoid this.
Neptune Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
You may feel rather confused over when to act naturally, and when to take
other peoples' feelings into account, for you sometimes feel you cannot
do both. As you grow older, you will realise that you do not need to be
so sensitive about the effect you have on other people, and you will learn
that you can stand up for your own rights without upsetting others.
Neptune Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant
You are likely to feel stress, since you often feel that you must give way
to other people in order to get on with them, and this may leave you feeling
resentful, and others will pick up that you are not quite genuine. You would
do better to decide in advance those sacrifices you are prepared to make,
then you will not have to deny yourself your own needs entirely.
(Speculative - ignore if you like)
Pluto Conjunct Zed $$$
That part of your unconscious psychological make-up which urges you to get
ahead and to satisfy your personal demands is influenced by your unconscious
thought processes to a considerable extent. You are therefore likely to be
subject to strange impulses which defy ordinary logic, but which are based
on lateral thinking rather than rational thinking. You are likely to be
highly versatile in your approach to getting your own way, and others will be
quite unsure as to what to expect from you next. Although you may be very
inventive in your attempts to get what you want, you would do well to check
out the feasibility of your schemes using more ordinary methods of analysis,
otherwise there is a risk of your involving yourself in impractical projects.
Pluto Opposition Zed $$$
That part of your unconscious psychological make-up which urges you to get
ahead and to satisfy your personal demands is influenced by your unconscious
thought processes in a way which may give rise to problems in dealing with
other people. Will-power is a sensitive issue for you, and you are likely to
find that when you strive for something you want very strongly, your actions
are thwarted by unforeseen bizarre behaviour from other people and unexpected
complications, or that you yourself act strangely and perversely in the face
of assertive action by other people. You need to use your planning abilities
in a more organised way, with better timing, then you will find that you can
more effectively combine originality of thought with originality in action.
Pluto Trine Zed $$$
That part of your unconscious psychological make-up which urges you to get
ahead and to satisfy your personal demands is influenced by your unconscious
thought processes in a way which can be most helpful to you in the planning
and execution of your projects. You have a good intuitive ability to foresee
problems in advance, and to get round them by the use of lateral thinking.
You show a good understanding of the way people think, and of how they are
motivated, and you are often aware of their wishes before they are themselves.
You are highly versatile, and while you are able to see a large number of
possible courses of action in a given situation, you are also able to focus
in on how to act so that you can benefit the most from your endeavours.
Pluto Square Zed $$$
That part of your unconscious psychological make-up which urges you to get
ahead and to satisfy your personal demands is influenced by your unconscious
thought processes in a way which is likely to cause considerable problems
due to a general scattering of your energies in directions which are un-
fruitful. You have a quick mind, but you find it hard to coordinate your
thoughts and your actions constructively. The result is likely to be that
you experience unexpected difficulties in realising your goals due to per-
verse action by others, and that you use diversionary tactics in an attempt
to foil the efforts of others. You need to learn to control your impulses
more effectively, so that you develop a better sense of timing.
Pluto Sextile Zed $$$
That part of your unconscious psychological make-up which urges you to get
ahead and to satisfy your personal demands is influenced by your unconscious
thought processes in a way which is likely to help you in the realisation of
your goals. You are able to tune in to ideas at a number of levels, both
in yourself and other people, and you are quick to spot peoples' motives.
This helps you to plan and execute your own schemes effectively and with a
good sense of timing. You are able in the field of lateral thinking, and
you are capable of coming up with original answers to situations which
would baffle most people. You do, however, need to check out that your
projects are feasible in practice as well as in theory.
Pluto Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Zed $$$
You may feel confused at times by the turn of events, feeling that your
plans have gone astray through unexpected developments over which you have
little control. You may also feel that you are not allowed to think for
yourself and to do things your own way. Things will improve as you mature
and develop a deeper understanding of the motives behind your plans.
Pluto Semisextile or Quincunx Zed $$$
You may feel under strain when you feel subjected to strange impulses or
ideas which seem to be beyond your control, sometimes finding your plans
foiled by adverse luck. You need to develop a more penetrating understanding
of the motives underlying your behaviour, and you will learn as you get older
how to plan your activities with a better sense of timing.
(Accurate birth-time required!!)
Pluto Conjunct Ascendant
Your initial approach to life, and your unconscious way of trying to organise
your experiences is coloured by powerful unconscious drives which make it hard
for you to do anything in moderation. You feel a strong urge to transform the
world to suit your own will, and you are likely to undergo considerable psych-
ological transformation yourself as a result of your thorough involvement with
the motives underlying your actions. You are certainly a force to be reckoned
with, and you will do best to be aware of this, so that you use your power con-
structively, rather than to gain your own ends at all cost. Although you show
penetrating insight into your own and other peoples' motives, your direct man-
ner tends to frighten people rather and you would do well to tone it down a bit.
Pluto Opposition Ascendant
Your initial approach to life, and your unconscious way of trying to organise
your experiences is coloured by powerful unconscious drives which highlight
the importance of your interactions with other people. These have a strong
effect on you, and you may find it hard to relate to others in a relaxed way,
since a certain amount of compulsive behaviour is likely either on your part
or on the part of other people. When you are young, you may feel scared of
others, feeling that they are out to control you, or you may try to fight them.
As you mature you may show a similar tendency to try to control other people.
While your relationships are likely to be important to you, you should try not
to let power struggles become an issue: try to adopt a more easy-going attitude.
Pluto Trine Ascendant
Your initial approach to life, and your unconscious way of trying to organise
your experiences is coloured by powerful unconscious drives which urge you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands. You therefore take yourself
and the world more seriously than most people, and you want to understand
yourself and other people in depth. As a result of your experiences you are
likely to develop a penetrating understanding of what makes people tick, and
you will learn how to behave assertively to make the most of any situation,
though you should take care that you do not overdo this to the extent of
trying to control other people for your own ends. You have a knack of doing
the right thing at the right time, but you are restless and need to relax more.
Pluto Square Ascendant
Your initial approach to life, and your unconscious way of trying to organise
your experiences is coloured by powerful unconscious forces which urge you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands. This may manifest directly,
in that you try to force other people round to your way of thinking through
gaining control of them in some way, or it may manifest more covertly as a
passive resistance to any attempt at compromise. You need to become more
in touch with the part you play in causing any disputes, for others will
resent your reluctance to cooperate with them in a flexible way, and you are
unlikely to get what you want if you antagonise other people or frighten
them; you need to learn to allow the others and yourself the same rights.
Pluto Sextile Ascendant
Your initial approach to life, and your unconscious way of trying to organise
your experiences is coloured by powerful unconscious drives which urge you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands. You therefore take yourself
and other people more seriously than most, and you want to understand your-
self and other people in depth. You will develop a penetrating understanding
of how people tick, and you will want to use this to further your own self-
development and progress towards your self-determined goals. You will want
to change things for the better, and you are also oaware of the need to be
open to change yourself if you are to grow psychologically, but you should
not necessarily expect others to share your need for plenty of action.
Pluto Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
You may feel confused as to when to act naturally and when to assert yourself
in accordance with your right as an individual to get what you want. This
may lead to some problems while you are young, but as you mature you will
learn when it is appropriate and useful for you to assert yourself in your
own interest, and when it is wiser to sit back and let things come naturally.
Pluto Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant
You may feel stress when it comes to deciding whether to try to get your own
way, or to behave more naturally and less compulsively in the interest of
cooperation. as you get older you will learn when to assert yourself and
when to sit back, but you should be aware that you have a tendency to become
involved in battles of will with other people: you need to modify this.
(Speculative - ignore if you like)
(Accurate birth-time required!!)
Zed Conjunct Ascendant $$$
Your initial approach to life and the way you set about organising your ex-
periences is influenced by your unconscious thinking processes in such a way
that you come across on the surface as being full of original ways of view-
ing the world which show up in your spontaneous behaviour as eccentricities
which indicate either inventive genius or an egregious lifestyle. In either
case you will need considerable independence to follow up on your whims, and
you will find it hard to behave normally in a given situatiion especially if
you think this is expected of you. You discover how to do things for your-
self, and you will insist on your freedom to behave according to your own
peculiar thought patterns even if you are very unconventional.
Zed Opposition Ascendant $$$
Your initial approach to life and the way you set about organising your ex-
periences is coloured by your unconscious thinking processes in such a way
that you need to achieve a balance between behaving naturally and behaving
eccentrically. While young you are likely to find your attempts to behave
naturally result in bizarre and unexpected responses from others which you
find generally unsettling. When older you are more likely to behave in
unexpected ways yourself in response to natural behaviour from others. In
any case, you are likely to become involved in complex situations which de-
mand considerable ingenuity and versatility on your part to deal with them
effectively, and you will have to develop considerable openness to life.
Zed Trine Ascendant $$$
Your initial approach to life and the way you set about organising your ex-
periences is coloured by your unconscious thinking processes in such a way
that you show a creative balance between behaving naturally and behaving
with originality. You show a fine ability to understand people and sit-
uations intuitively, and you have a knack of doing the right thing at the
right time. It takes a lot to upset your composure, and you thrive on
dealing with bizarre situations which would baffle more ordinary people.
You are naturally curious and you aim to discover what you can about ob-
jective reality so that you can draw on your experience to deal with
situations efficiently and often with considerable versatility.
Zed Square Ascendant $$$
Your initial approach to life and the way you set about organising your ex-
periences is influenced by your unconscious thought processes in such a way
that you experience problems. You may think that you deal with the world
realistically and practically, but you are consistently surprised and dis-
turbed by the bizarre behaviour you elicit from other people. Alternatively
you may think that other people approach situations in a totally inapprop-
riate way, and you feel compelled to make them revise their ideas by be-
having abnormally yourself in response to them. In either case you need to
sort out your priorities and to act less rigidly: you just need to learn
to be more tolerant of the differences which exist between people.
Zed Sextile Ascendant $$$
Your initial approach to life and the way you set about organising your ex-
periences is coloured by your unconscious thought processes in such a way
that you show a fine balance between behaving naturally and behaving with
originality. You show good ability to understand people and situations
intuitively, and your sense of timing is good. You are good at working with
other people, combining practical common sense with ability to see things
in the context of the overall plan. You will want to feel free to follow
up on your ideas in your own way, and you may become interested in fields
of study which are strange and rather frightening to people of a more ord-
inary disposition, enjoying solving complex logistical problems.
Zed Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant $$$
You may feel confused about when to behave naturally and spontaneously, and
when to behave more eccentrically in accordance with where your train of
thought takes you. This should not be a major problem, but you may feel
mentally restless when you have to behave "normally", while you may feel
apprehensive about your ability to cope with unexpected situations.
Zed Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant $$$
You are likely to feel stress when you attempt to approach people and sit-
uations naturally and spontaneously, thinking that you will not be free to
follow up the many ideas which stem from your unconscious thought processes.
You will gradually learn that this need not be the case, and you will learn
to feel easier with people without having to sacrifice your freedom to think.
Page created February 21st 1999. Thank you for visiting.