Pluto Sign Interpretations
With Pluto in Aries, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates particularly strongly,
and with compulsive directness. You are able to grasp the essentials of a
situation very quickly, and you are keen to see what direct benefit you can
gain for yourself. You strive to turn things to your advantage and you will
attempt to change either other people or your own motives if this looks like
producing a better deal for you. However, if you see that something is clearly
impossible, you will rapidly turn your attention elsewhere, for you are not
particularly patient. Your ability to transform your environment is something
of a double edged weapon, for while it can produce constructive changes if
you are wise, you are also capable of creating a certain amount of havoc in
the world around you when you act precipitately and without forethought. You
need to learn not to abuse your fine pioneering qualities, by involving your-
self in rash actions on impulse. You need to learn to keep some power in
reserve, waiting for the most effective time to use your creative energies.
With Pluto in Taurus, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates with considerable per-
sistence, and once you have set your mind on something it is hard to persuade
you to alter course. You have an intuitive knack of handling material res-
ources and manipulating the environment to suit your purposes. You feel a
strong need to attain material security, and once you possess something you
will not willingly let go unless something better comes along. You are keen
to involve yourself in physical experiences at the deepest level, and you
have an intuitive grasp of how to engineer things in your favour. You have
a keen eye for opportunities to use your relationships with other people
so that you gain materially, and you should not allow this to become an ob-
session, or you may never be satisfied with what you already have. You
also need to learn how to see things in the perspective of a more general
background, in which you take into account theoretical and emotional consid-
ation, so that your actions have deeper meaning than material satisfaction.
With Pluto in Gemini, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates with considerable ver-
satility, and is expressed mainly through your interactions with the world and
other people at an intellectual level. You quickly seize upon new ideas that
enter your head, and try to incorporate them into a body of knowledge that
you can later use to your advantage. You have a high level of curiosity, and
you value your relationships with other people in as far as they stimulate
you to develop your ideas further. You are also likely to be interested in
learning as much as possible in order to be one jump ahead, and you will want
to read widely, or to make sure you are well-informed through some other meth-
od. You are quick to come up with simple solutions to what appear to be com-
plex problems through the use of your lateral thinking ability, although this
may not always be a conscious process, and you will try to rationalise your
reasons for arriving at your conclusions. The main danger is that your in-
quisitive nature will make it hard for you to consolidate on your knowledge.
With Pluto in Cancer, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates with considerable em-
otional intensity, and is expressed mainly through the way you handle your
deeper relationships. You are highly possessive towards those people who
are important to you, and you strive to have control over their emotions,
because you feel that you fail to achieve this you will lose an important
part of yourself. Your feelings are very intense and you find it hard to let
go of people and possessions, but if a break appears inevitable, you will do
your best to make sure that you are in control even at the finish, fighting
all the way to hold onto that which you believe to be yours. You hold on
to some cherished beliefs which you have held since childhood, even though
your experience suggests that you would be better to change your attitudes.
However hard it may be for you to do so, you would benefit from cultivating
a more detached approach to your involvements, then you would be more aware
of the practical implications of your rather compulsive behaviour.
With Pluto in Leo, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates as a powerful trans-
formative force in your life, trying to make you more aware of your unconsc-
ious motivations and bring them out into the open to be acted upon in a con-
scious way to assist you in personal growth. You are therefore likely to
encounter people and situations which challenge you to take positive action.
You will want to take the lead, and to persuade others that your motives are
for the best, for you have strong belief in your ability to know the best
way to set out on a project. You will want to be appreciated for your sing-
lemindedness of purpose, but you have sufficient confidence to go it alone
if the need arises. You will find that you go through many psychological
changes as a result of your experiences, for you identify quite strongly
with them, recognising that if the world changes, you are also part of that
change. You would do better at times to become more detached from your
goals, thus being able to see them in the context of a broader setting.
With Pluto in Virgo, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates as a powerful trans-
formative force in your life, trying to make you more aware of your unconsc-
ious motivations and bring them out in the open to be acted upon in a consc-
ious way to assist you in improving your efficiency and methodology in deal-
ing with the demands of the real world at a practical level. You are there-
fore quick to perceive situations in which the old ways of doing things are
no longer useful, and you will want to take over control and use your own
methods of getting things done. There is a compulsive streak to your act-
ivity in this area, and you find it hard to leave things as they are if you
think you can do better. You are very inventive, and you are likely to want
to develop your own techniques and ways of communicating with others. This
may become something of an obsession with you, and while you may have con-
siderable organising ability, you should not allow organisation to become an
overriding priority at the expence of emotional and ethical considerations.
With Pluto in Libra, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates as a powerful trans-
formative power in your life, trying to make you more aware of your unconsc-
ious motivations and bring them out in the open to be acted upon in a con-
scious way to assist you in improving your objective understanding of other
people and the world around you. You are therefore quick to perceive ways
in which theories about objective reality are outdated, and you will want
to develop and test out your own theories with a sense of urgency. This
will give rise to compulsive interactions with the outer world and with
other people, the underlying psychological aim being to achieve a greater
understanding of the world outside yourself. In practice, you are likely
to want to control the world and other people, for although the focus of
your interest lies outside you, the motivation lies within, and part of you
wants to ensure that other people remain under your control so that you can
study them and learn from them. Be sure not to take this too far!
With Pluto in Scorpio, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you
to get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates as a powerful
transformative power in your life, trying to make you more aware of your
unconscious motivations and bring them out in the open to be acted upon in a
conscious way to assist you in refining your subjective understanding of
other people and the world around you. You are penetratingly aware of
how you feel at a conscious level, and you are keen to take strong action
on the basis of how you feel. You are also able to put yourself in others'
place and understand how they feel. Your emotional restlessness spurs you
to take action and to indulge in pursuits that involve intense emotional
experience for you, since you feel an intense urge to seek emotional sat-
isfaction, and you are aware that you need to undergo changes in your feel-
ing states before you can achieve this. Others are obviously deeply invol-
ved in your emotional self-exploration, and you should exercise some care
over how you use them, for you really need them for self-development.
With Pluto in Sagittarius, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges
you to get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates strongly and
in a personal way, for your upbringing has left you with a sense of inner
permission to develop these pioneering qualities to the full. You are keen
to broaden your horizons to gain as much personal experience as possible, so
that you can develop a philosophy of life which enables you to exploit any
opportunities which arise for personal growth to the full. You will need
to feel free to challenge existing moral codes, and you will present your
own beliefs powerfully as you feel them to be an extension of yourself. You
are likely to be friendly enough as long as people do not interfere with your
need for freedom, and you are capable of pursuing a goal with considerable
enthusiasm when you believe in the validity of your cause. You need to remem-
ember, though, that there is plenty of room in the world for the beliefs of
other people as well as your own, and you should take care not to become too
fanatical about your beliefs, or to act excessively in upholding them.
With Pluto in Capricorn, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges
you to get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates constructively
and cautiously, for your upbringing has left you with a conscience which tells
you to concentrate these energies and to channel them towards achievement thr-
ough disciplined action. You are therefore ambitious, wanting to make your
mark on the world in a tangible way, but your common sense tells you that
you must take things step by step, despite your inner wish to get things done
immediately. In order to deal with the impatience you are likely to feel as
a result of your need to control your energies, you are likely to develop
your own code of discipline which allows you to express yourself more freely.
This may lead you into conflict with authority, but it also gives you the
chance to transform existing rule systems in the outer world as well as within
yourself, provided you do not go overboard in laying down the law. You need
to appreciate that it is possible for you to improve your circumstances through
gradual change: it need not be an all or none process for you.
With Pluto in Aquarius, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you
to get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates erratically and
idiosyncratically, for your upbringing has left you with the understanding
that you should seek to express your dynamism within the context of the strong
belief system you have developed about the nature of the objective world in
an attempt to break free from the limitations of your childhood. Since your
belief system, though objective in scope, is based on your unique childhood
experiences, your ideas are original and not necessarily conformist, so that
other people may see your assertive behaviour as compulsive and strange.
However, you usually know what you are doing and why, and you will use your
unique understanding to enhance your control over the world and other people,
possibly coming up with revolutionary ways of transforming the quality of
human experience as a side effect. You need to recognise that although you
may be sure of your beliefs, that does not give you permission to behave
autocratically and dogmatically, and you should also respect others' rights.
With Pluto in Pisces, that part of your unconscious make-up which urges you to
get ahead and to satisfy your personal demands operates indirectly and subtly,
for your upbringing has left you with the impression that when asserting your
will you first have to take into account the likely effect that your actions
are likely to have on other people at an emotional level. Thus beliefs and
fantasies about your effect on other peoples' feelings make it difficult to
act directly, solely according to the basis of your own wishes. However,
you are likely to try to develop as much understanding of human nature as
possible through interactions with others, and to build up a picture for
yourself of the emotional undercurrents underlying all human behaviour, so
that you are able to strive for what you want despite your feelings of ob-
ligation to consider others first. You may learn to tap into others' feel-
ings at an unconscious level, so that you know how to get round them in
devious ways, but there is a risk of your becoming involved in subterfuge
and subtle manipulation where a direct approach would be more appropriate.
Page created February 21st 1999. Thank you for visiting.