Venus Aspects in Astrology
Venus Conjunct Mars
Your conscious attempts to understand the world and other people objectively
through relating to them on equal terms are highly influenced by your drive
to act on the basis of your feelings. Thus your thinking and evaluation of
people is highly coloured by how you feel about them personally. You are a
person of strong likes and dislikes, and you will express your ideas with
feeling, and there will be a persuasive quality in the way you behave. You
have considerable personal magnetism, and you are unlikely to be ignored.
You would do best to learn a proper balance between cooperation and self-ass-
ertion, for you may get too involved when detachment is called for, and you
may vacillate when direct action is called for: at least you will not be bored!
Venus Opposition Mars
Your conscious attempts to understand the world and other people objectively
through relating to them on equal terms operate in one way: your conscious
attempts to assert yourself on the basis of your feelings operate in another.
The two drives oppose each other, and you are likely to have difficulty in
getting on with other people until you sort yourself out a bit. Though you
will certainly be involved in relationships, to make the most of them you
must learn to cooperate better. You tend to come across either too strong
when a softer more understanding approach is called for, or you hesitate to
show your true feelings when this is exactly what is necessary. You need to
learn to see your own desires in perspective with those of other people.
Venus Trine Mars
Your conscious attempts to understand the world and other people objectively
through relating to them on equal terms are likely to be successful, for you
relate to people with genuine feeling, and are able to keep your own wishes
and the wishes of other people in proportion. Your ability to cooperate is
likely to lead to popularity, though some effort on your part will be needed
to make the most of your abilities: just because you relate well to people
in general is no guarantee that you will set yourself worthwhile goals and
organise yourself to achieve them. Having said this, you have considerable
talents, and you should develop these consciously, as there is some tendency
towards a complacent attitude: life sometimes seems too easy!
Venus Square Mars
You are prone to difficulties in relationships, either finding it difficult
to act on the basis of your feelings for fear that your actions are inapprop-
riate and out of context, or finding it hard to deal with emotionally-based
actions from others. You may also find that people respond negatively to
your overtures, or that you see others as crude in their approach. Your
sense of timing may be poor, in that you blow hot and cold, being passionate
one day and distant the next. You will certainly learn a great deal about
yourself and others through your experiences, and you will eventually learn
when you need to take the lead in your affairs, and when it is better to
sit back and await developments, allowing others some of the action.
Venus Sextile Mars
Your conscious attempts to understand the world and other people objectively
through relating to them on equal terms are likely to be successful, for you
are able to achieve an appropriate balance between acting according to your
own emotional desires and cooperating effectively with the wishes and needs
of others. You are likely to be generally popular, for people will sense
that you are a strong person in your own right, as well as being willing to
go along with their way of seeing the world. You are likely to value rel-
ationships, partly as you believe that working with others brings the biggest
rewards, and partly because you enjoy company, though you are capable of ach-
ievement on your own if you have a particular crusade in mind.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Mars
You may feel somewhat confused about when to take the initiative in relating
to the world and to other people, and when to allow others to have their own
way while you take a back seat. As you become more experienced, you will learn
when it is necessary for you to take action based upon your feelings, and when
it is useful for you to take a more objective approach and cooperate instead.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Mars
You are likely to feel some stress when relating to other people, for two of
the ingredients necessary for successful relationships, self-assertion and
cooperation, tend to work at cross-purposes in your complex make-up. You will
learn by experience that there is a proper time and place for both these act-
ivities, although initially you are likely to have some disappointments.
Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Your upbringing has encouraged you to place considerable importance upon ob-
taining objective understanding of the world, and you feel an inner sense of
permission to pursue knowledge of the real world through study and through
relationships with other people. You are therefore likely to be generous,
with a tendency to share things with other people including your affections
and ideas. While this makes it easy for you to get on in the world, it is
also important for you to remember your personal requirements and the details
of everyday living, for you may be so interested in the world "out there"
and relating to others that you neglect to look after yourself properly, ass-
uming optimistically that things will always turn out for the best.
Venus Opposition Jupiter
You attach considerable importance to gaining objective understanding of the
world through gaining knowledge and relating to other people, but you tend to
get things out of proportion as a result of your upbringing. You may either
be too easy going and tolerant, allowing people to take advantage of your
unrealistic ideas about them, or you may feel compelled to explore relation-
ships that you would be wiser to avoid, in your enthusiasm to gain under-
standing. You need to discriminate between that which appears attractive on
the surface, according to what you were brought up to believe, and what is
really important to you here and now, otherwise there is a risk that you will
spend much time and energy, (and perhaps money), in trivial pursuits.
Venus Trine Jupiter
Your upbringing has encouraged you to become actively involved with the world
and with other people in pursuit of greater objective understanding about the
significance of life. You are likely to get on well with other people, being
keen to share your ideas and optimistic approach with them. You may take an
interest in making the world a better place, through your considerable under-
standing of human nature, and the discipline developed through an education
would help here, since you ideally need a focus for you to make the most of
your abilities. You set high standards for yourself and the world, and try
to live up to them, and if you learn to pay some attention to the detailed
execution of your plans, you will go a long way.
Venus Square Jupiter
You attach considerable importance to gaining objective understanding of the
world through gaining knowledge and relating to other people, but your up-
bringing has not encouraged you to develop a sense of proportion in these
matters. Your conscious ideas about the world and other people are at odds
with the philosophy of life you were brought up to believe in, and you may
waste a considerable amount of time and energy in trying to reconcile the
two. You rarely feel satisfied with the way things are, and you tend to
go overboard in trying to improve them. Other people may pick up on your
lack of self-assurance and take advantage of your generousity or overoptim-
ism, and you need to learn to channel your enthusiasm more wisely.
Venus Sextile Jupiter
Your upbringing has encouraged you to become actively involved with the world
and with other people in pursuit of greater understanding about the signif-
icance of life both for yourself and other people. You cooperate well with
others, providing an optimistic outlook and a willingness to share your ideas
towards achieving the common good. An education will help you to decide to
which use your talents would best be employed; any work involving other peo-
ple or the world at large would be suitable, for you have the enthusiasm to
make your high ideals a reality, provided you pay some attention to the de-
tails necessary for practical success. You are also likely to have a fine
sense of humour which will help you through any difficult times.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
You may feel somewhat confused when formulating your ideas about the world
and other people, for your upbringing has left you with beliefs which int-
erfere with the free operation of rational thought, and until you learn
to separate out preconceived ideas or prejudices from reason, you may tend
to enter into relationships or enterprises of dubious value.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Jupiter
You are likely to feel stress when relating to the world and other people,
for there is some conflict between your intellect and your preconceived
beliefs about the world derived from your upbringing. Experience will
teach you to distinguish between the two, then your prejudiceas to what is
right will interfere less with your ideas based more upon reason.
Venus Conjunct Saturn
Your conscious drive towards achieving objective understanding of the world
around you and relating to other people is affected by your conscience str-
ucture. You were probably brought up rather strictly, at least as far as how
to relate to others is concerned, and you take relationships very seriously.
Depending on how realistic the rules you were taught as a child are in the
present, this seriousness may be expressed in terms of a strong sense of duty,
an appreciation of the efforts needed to make relationships work and a capac-
ity for deep understanding of life's structure; alternatively it may be ex-
pressed in terms of self-doubt and negative thinking patterns tinged with cy-
nicism, in which case you may need help to see things in a more positive light.
Venus Opposition Saturn
Your conscious drive towards achieving objective understanding of the world
and relating to other people is strongly developed, but your upbringing has
also left you with a strong conscience which may lead to problems in this area.
You may have a feeling that you are not worth much to anyone, or that you are
stupid, a feeling which may be reinforced by your quickness to notice when
you are criticised or people take advantage of your timidity. In addition you
may be scared of relating to others openly and honestly, trying to gain control
by making others feel they are in the wrong. In either case, loneliness may be
a problem, and you may need some help in developing the self-confidence necess-
ary for you to relate to other people in an easier and more natural way.
Venus Trine Saturn
Your conscious drive towards achieving objective understanding of the world
and relating to other people operates along traditional lines, for your con-
science developed as a result of your upbringing prevents you from straying
into areas where you would feel insecure. You prefer people who seem dependable
and reliable, being aware that these qualities tend to stability in relationship
and you also have an eye for the material and practical implications of your
involvements. You may feel that you are not a very exciting person when you
are young, but as you become older, the advantages of your common sense app-
roach will become more clear, and you have the discipline and understanding
to become a reliable, respected person of considerable integrity.
Venus Square Saturn
Your conscious drive towards achieving objective understanding of the world
and relating to other people is strongly developed, but your upbringing has
left you with a conscience structure which makes it hard for you to relate
to other people. You may show considerable lack of confidence in your worth
as a person, leading to inhibited behaviour for fear of criticism or reject-
ion, or you may feel that the demands of the world prevent you from pursuing
relationships and seeking understanding in a spontaneous way. Your fear may
prevent you from sharing your ideas and values with others on an equal basis
and you may feel generally lonely. If this is the case, you need to develop
the capacity to trust yourself and others more: you may need help to do this.
Venus Sextile Saturn
Your conscious drive towards achieving objective understanding of the world
and relating to other people operates along rather traditional lines, for
your conscience structure developed as a result of your upbringing results
in your feeling most secure when things go according to plan. You therefore
prefer reliable dependable people, realising that a sound relationship needs
considerable commitment to duty in addition to genuine affection. In your
work also, you will wish to see tangible results for your efforts, being
prepared to spend time and energy in bringing a scheme to a successful con-
clusion. While you may feel yourself to be rather boring as a person when
you are young, as your mature you will reap the rewards of your common sense.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Saturn
You may feel some confusion when you try to reconcile the need you have to
relate to other people spontaneously and the need you experience to conform
to behaviour dictated to you by your conscioence. With experience you will
learn to get your priorities right, finding an appropriate area to exercise
your sense of duty, leaving you free to enjoy company at other times.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Saturn
You are likely to feel under stress when it comes to deciding between duty
and pleasure, for in your mind the two interfere with each other, either
making you feel guilty when you enjoy relating to other people, or making
you put business before pleasure, with a resulting feeling of lack of fun.
You must learn to make room for both of these important aspects of living.
Venus Conjunct Uranus
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and
to relate to other people operate in an unconventional way by ordinary stan-
dards. You have an unusual way of looking at things, probably as a reaction
to some strange restrictions you experienced as a child, and you demand con-
siderable freedom to relate to people and the world in your own way. You
are either bohemian in your own right, or you are attracted to others who
are unpredictable or different in some way; for example you would be more
likely than most to marry someone from a different race. However, although
you appear very free and open, you are in fact quite logical and disciplined
in your own way and you will insist on setting your own limits yourself.
Venus Opposition Uranus
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and
to relate to other people are strong, but your upbringing has resulted in
your forming some pretty strange ideas about the world and other people,
and these are difficult to change. You will therefore either identify with
these ideas and expectations and find that they only hold true in off-beat
situations, which you therefore actively seek out, or you will project them
onto other people, and experience others as unreliable and strange. In
either case, you are likely to lead an exciting life, but one that will be
highly erratic and unstable, until you appreciate that for you there are
two levels of thought, preconceived ideas and ideas that work in practice.
Venus Trine Uranus
You have a highly original mind, for your capacity for conscious objective
thought is backed up by an idea system which stems from understanding dev-
eloped as a result of your upbringing. You also have a fine understanding
of human nature and a capacity for clear thinking, which while being scient-
ific in nature is not lacking in compassion, though it tends to be human-
itarian in general terms, rather than attached to any particular individual.
In fact you demand considerable freedom in your relationships with individuals
preferring a certain amount of unpredictability to serve as a challenge to
your coming up with novel solutions to unusual problems. You would also work
well in a group fighting for necessary reforms or the eradication of injustice.
Venus Square Uranus
You have an unusual way of relating to the world and other people, presumably
as a result of considerable instability in childhood or an eccentric parent
leaving you with some strange preconceived ideas. When you think consciously
and logically, and behave according to your conclusions, you attract unusual
responses, or at least you are quick to experience other peoples' behaviour
in these terms, and this leads you into some unexpected situations. You
have a tendency to jump to conclusions when dealing with other people and
you are highly erratic at times, showing considerable impatience and intol-
erance, even though you mean no real harm. You need to settle down a bit, and
re-evaluate your ideas: some may relate more to the past than the present.
Venus Sextile Uranus
You have a rather pronounced original streak, which manifests most strongly
in the areas of how you think about the world objectively, and how you relate
to other people. Your upbringing has left you with some unusual preconceived
ideas about things which are nevertheless quite useful to you when dealing
with current reality. You are able to think clearly, even if your ideas are
unconventional, and you are also adventuresome in your choice of relationships,
liking to be with exciting people who are rather different. You may also
enjoy dressing in an unusual way, or making yourself stand out as an individual
in some similar way. You will not be tied down to a boring job, but will seek
out a career which allows you to express part of yourself creatively.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Uranus
You may be confused about whether to deal with the world and other people acc-
ording to your conscious understanding of a situation, or to rely on your
intuition as to how you ought to act in theory. You may end up in some un-
expected situations until you know your own mind rather better, but your ex-
periences can also help you to develop your latent potential for originality.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Uranus
You are likely to feel stress in relationships, due to a conflict between
your need for freedom and your need for closeness. You need to learn that
the two needs are not necessarily incompatible, though you may need to make
compromises. You may need a variety of experiences before you understand
yourself well enough to decide which solution to this dilemma suits you best.
Venus Conjunct Neptune
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people operate within the context of a vivid imagination, for
your realistic appreciation of the world is coloured by feelings and fantasies
left over from your upbringing. Your way of relating is therefore idealistic
rather than realistic, though your high hopes may spur you on to make consid-
erable efforts to make your ideals come true. You are however prone to dis-
illusionment when people fail to live up to your ideals, and this will lead to
disappointments, particularly if you feel you have done all you can to make
things work. You need to learn who and what are worth spending time and energy
upon, then you can provide an inspired contribution of lasting value.
Venus Opposition Neptune
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are surrounded by a certain amount of confusion, for
your upbringing has left you with feelings and fantasies about relationships
that are rather unrealistic, making it hard for you to sort out reality from
your imagination. This leaves you open to deception and feeling let down by
people who take advantage of your honesty and gullibility. It can also mean
that you have an inadequate self-image, and that you feel that the only way
to relate successfully is to paint a false picture of yourself. In either
case you need to come to terms with the real world and real human behaviour,
then you can allow your strong idealism to operate more appropriately.
Venus Trine Neptune
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are coloured by a considerable amount of romantic id-
ealism and genuine compassion, for your upbringing has left you with strong
feelings and fantasies about how you ought to feel towards others, prefer-
ably kindly and considerately. However, you need to check out that this
approach is appropriate in all cases, for you do not always see other people
clearly because of your idealism: you need to make sure you are not being
taken for a ride. However, this apart, you have the ability to understand
people from all walks of life, and you have a strong dislike for suffering.
You may need a bit of a push to make the most of your enormous talents.
Venus Square Neptune
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are strongly developed, but your upbringing has left
you with a wealth of feelings and fantasies which get in the way of seeing
yourself and other people clearly. Instead your imagination runs riot, and
you are prone to considerable self-deception, particularly in relationships.
You may consider yourself to be less valuable as a person than you really
are, and you will therefore attract people who take advantage of your kind
nature, or you may feel obliged to help others who are worse off than you are.
In either case you need to develop more confidence in yourself, then you will
be able to relate as an equal, for you are no less worthy than anyone else.
Venus Sextile Neptune
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are coloured by a certain amount of compassion and
idealism, for your upbringing has left you with fantasies and feelings that
you should be helpful to other people, and to make the world a better place.
This may be true, and your creative talents may help you to do just this,
but you are not always realistic, and you need to recognise situations where
it is not worth trying to salvage what is already lost, however high your
ideals may be. To make the most of your talents, you need to find some
practical outlet for your compassionate understanding, such as in the helping
professions or the arts, so that imagination is channelled constructively.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Neptune
You may feel confused in relating to other people when it comes to a matter
of deciding whether to behave rationally and honestly, or to behave accord-
ing to how you were taught you ought to feel, for the two are not always in
agreement. Your confusion is probably based on fear of rejection, and once
you have confronted this fear, you will be able to relate more openly.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Neptune
You feel stress in relationships, for although you feel a need to express
your preferences honestly, you also tend to feel obliged to put the other
person's needs first. This conflict is best resolved by developing more
confidence, then you will be able to look after your own needs, while still
being able to attend to the other persons needs with true altruism.
Venus Conjunct Pluto
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people have a compulsive quality about them, for powerful un-
conscious forces urge you to get to grips with the world and other people in an
intensely personal way. You form strong ideas about the people you are with,
and about the way the world is, and you are keen that others should see things
your way. This can be a highly positive drive towards developing penetrating
understanding of the world, but is important that you develop some ability to
detach from your involvements, for there is a distinct risk of your seeking
to force people round to your point of view, or becoming involved in situations
where jealousy and possessiveness take over where reason should prevail.
Venus Opposition Pluto
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are coloured by powerful unconscious forces which lend
a compulsive quality to your interactions with other people and your search for
knowledge. This is likely to manifest in one of two ways, both potentially
dangerous unless you are aware of them and take steps to modify the intensity
of your involvements. Thus you may be so keen to relate to others that you
take on particularly difficult or demanding people who attempt to manipulate
or control you, or you may feel compelled to take control yourself in relat-
ionships, becoming too possessive or jealous of your partner. In either case
you need to develop greater objectivity if your relationships are to last.
Venus Trine Pluto
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people have a compulsive quality about them, and you take your
involvements very seriously, for unconscious forces in your psychological set
lend an intensely personal interest to all your relationships and your thirst
for knowledge. You require an equal degree of involvement from others, and
you thrive on dramatic interactions with others, learning a lot about your
own ideas and motivations in the process, and finding that some of them change
as a result of your experiences. Your level of interest is generally high,
and you are always looking for ways of introducing new life into relation-
ships or developing further understanding about the world around you.
Venus Square Pluto
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people have a compulsive quality about them which could be
dangerous if you do not develop greater self-understanding. Your strong need
to relate to others may encourage you to take on people who are difficult and
demanding towards you, and they tend to manipulate you or abuse you in some way.
It is also possible that you are tempted to fight like with like, and to try
to push other people around to your way of seeing things. You need to develop
greater objectivity, then you will learn that it is possible to have relation-
ships which are not tied in with issues of domination and control; after all,
you are free to choose to end a relationship that is too destructive for you.
Venus Sextile Pluto
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people have a compulsive quality about them, and you take your
relationships seriously, for unconscious forces in your make-up lend an inten-
sely personal interest to all your involvements and your thirst for knowledge.
You require an equal degree of personal involvement from other people, and
you should involve yourself in some area of work which enables you to busy
yourself in some form of research which captures your interest, even if you
delegate the details to someone else. You enjoy any activity which involves
any kind of drama, preferring this to boredom; apathy is something you find
hard to understand, and practically impossible to tolerate.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Pluto
You may feel some confusion in relationships, being aware that ideally rel-
ationships should involve sharing and give and take, but sensing also that
somehow issues of control and manipulation are common problems. If this is
a problem for you, whether you are the controller or the controllee, you
need to develop greater detachment and objectivity in your relationships.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Pluto
Relationships are likely to be a stressful area for you until you realise
that you do not need to possess your friends, nor do you need to allow them
to control your behaviour: you can always end the relationship, or insist
on a change in the ground rules. You will learn considerably from your
encounters, and will eventually develop greater objectivity in relationships.
(Speculative - ignore if you like)
Venus Conjunct Zed $$$
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are influenced strongly by unconscious thought processes
which take you into bizarre relationships where the unexpected can confidently
be expected. Also the unusual way in which your thought processes operate may
lead you into some unusual occupations or hobbies, especially those where a
degree of lateral thinking is called for. You require a considerable amount
of freedom within relationships, for your active mind spurs you on to try out
new theories out of curiousity. While this may make you some sort of genius,
many people require more tangible and emotional commitment than is shown by
this aspect; you should ensure that you also develop these qualities.
Venus Opposition Zed $$$
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are influenced strongly by your unconscious thought
processes, which provide a fund of ideas which are quite bizarre by ordinary
standards. You are likely to show considerable restlessness in your search
for objective truth, for every time you think you have found the answers,
something comes along to upset your theories. In relationships, you are
likely to be very difficult to pin down, rationalising your frenzied activity,
but your inconstancy can be rather trying. Alternatively you may project
your own fickleness onto others, being attracted to other people who would
normally be referred to as scatter-brained or just plain crazy.
Venus Trine Zed $$$
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are influenced strongly by a creative fund of ideas
which stem from your unconscious thought processes. You are full of curiousity
about the world and how other people tick, and you make entertaining company
since you have the gift of the gab and a witty sense of humour. You are able
to see a situation from many angles and you may enjoy saying something just
to observe the effect on other people. To make the most of your excellent, if
rather undisciplined, mind you need to apply yourself to a task with some
purpose beyond the satisfaction of mental curiosity, and you need to develop
the ability to relate to people with your feelings as well as your intellect.
Venus Square Zed $$$
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are influenced by your unconscious thought processes,
which provide your restless mind with a load of bizarre ideas, which get in
the way of your ability to think rationally and relate to people normally.
You are not lacking in good ideas, rather the reverse: you have so much input
that you find it hard to sift out those ideas which are genuinely useful from
the garbage. You need to learn to keep some of your beliefs to yourself, as
most other people cannot keep up with your furious mental pace. You will
have to accept that the world is a strange place as far as you see it, and
that it is you who needs to change, rather than the world, for that is easier.
Venus Sextile Zed $$$
Your conscious attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to
relate to other people are influenced by a fund of creative ideas which stem
from your unconscious thought processes. You can see beyond appearances, and
you are aware of the usefulness of relying on intuition, even if you later
check out that your ideas are valid in practice. You have a broader under-
standing of human nature than most people, and this makes it hard for you to
throw yourself wholeheartedly into one relationship since that would be too
limiting for your fertile curiosity. You are likely to be popular for your
way with words and your sense of humour, but you should be careful not to
avoid using your verbal ability to avoid sharing your deeper feelings.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Zed $$$
You may feel confused about relating to others, feeling some conflict between
a need to relate in a committed way and a need to retain all your options.
You will eventually discover that the two are less incompatible than they
seem: although you will probably always need a wide circle of friends to
stimulate your mind, you are quite capable of relating at a closer level.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Zed $$$
You feel stress when relating to others, fearing that your freedom is being
threatened. You may even act strangely or unpredictably in the hope of putt-
ing people off, or you may become attracted to bizarre people whom you know
are not going to stay around very long. Eventually you will settle down
and realise that it is possible to become close to people AND have freedom.
(Accurate birth-time required!!)
Venus Conjunct Ascendant
Your attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to relate to
other people are high in your list of priorities, for your drive to engage with
the world comes across as part of your spontaneous approach to life. Even
people meeting you for the first time are likely to find you attractive and
appealing, for you have a knack of coming across in a way which suggests that
you are interested in them, even if you are not always aware of this. While
you will find it easy to get on with people, this should not allow you to ne-
glect your personal needs in the interests of keeping the peace. However,
your general ability to see things in context will help you to enjoy a wide
variety of involvements without too many problems.
Venus Opposition Ascendant
Your attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to relate to
other people are strongly in evidence, but to make the most of your genuine
ability to get on with people you need to understand yourself rather better.
Your natural way of approaching the world when you are acting spontaneously
generates quite a strong reaction from other people. This reaction is usually
a positive one, but it does mean that you become rather dependent on other
people for developing your own ideas about the world. This is fine, and can
lead to your involvement in and benefit from close relationships of all kinds.
The only danger is that you may rely on other people's ideas too much, ignor-
ing your own needs in your effort to keep everybody else happy.
Venus Trine Ascendant
Your attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to relate to
other people are strongly in evidence, for your natural approach to the world
suggests an objective awareness above the normal level. This will encourage
other people to have a positive attitude towards you, and you will enjoy your
associations with all sorts of people and interests. You dislike conflict,
realising that this does not fit in with your overall view of life, and you
may be something of a peace-maker. However this should not be carried too far:
sometimes you need to assert yourself a bit more strongly, particularly as
life sometimes seems rather easy to you. If you do this, you will find that
you are capable of achieving a great deal in relationships and in the world.
Venus Square Ascendant
Your attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to relate to
other people are strongly in evidence, but you have a tendency to charm your
way through life rather than rely on your natural ability. This may not cause
too many problems, indeed you are likely to be quite popular, for you do not
pose a threat to other people. However, your self development may suffer if
you rely too much on saying and doing the things that you believe others will
find pleasing. For a start you will not be acting in a way which is natural
to you, which can't be good for you in the long run, and secondly people will
eventually see through your "front" and fail to take your ideas seriously.
You do not really need to be pleasing to other people all the time.
Venus Sextile Ascendant
Your attempts to achieve objective understanding of the world and to relate to
other people are strongly in evidence, for your natural approach to the world
suggests that you have a good understanding of other people. This will en-
courage them to have a positive attitude towards you, and you will enjoy a
wide circle of friends and acquaintances. It is important that you use your
talents constructively, preferably in some sort of work designed to make the
world a happier and more peaceful place, because life sometimes seems to come
rather easily to you, and you may be tempted to take happiness for granted.
You will enjoy your life even more if you feel that you have yourself made
a positive contribution to your own happiness and that of other people.
Venus Semisquare or Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
You are likely to feel somewhat confused about whether to act naturally and
spontaneously or to behave in a way which is pleasing to other people and
poses no threat to them. There is no serious problem here, but you need
to realise that there are times when conciliation is needed and times when
you need to be yourself: that way you will feel easier in your manner.
Venus Semisextile or Quincunx Ascendant
You are likely to feel some stress in relationships, for the way you come
across on the surface is different from how you relate to someone in close
relationship. However this just means that you have several sides to your
personality: although things may appear complicated while you are young,
your relationships will be richer and more rewarding when you learn more.
Page created February 21st 1999. Thank you for visiting.