Zed Sign Interpretations $$$

(Speculative - ignore if you like)

With the distant planet Zed in Aries, your unconscious thought processes have
a direct impact on your life, for you are subject to compulsive urges to act
upon the often bizarre notions which enter your head. You are keen to put your
ideas into action, and you will try anything out experimentally from curiosity
You are interested in contact with all sorts of people and places, realising
that this will give you a chance to refine your ideas about the world, con-
firming some hypotheses and causing you to change your mind about others.
Since Zed moves so slowly, anyone born between about 1962 and 1989 will share
the above qualities, and the effects will only be noticeable at personal level
when you are relating to people born outside these dates, or if Zed has a high
Strength value.  To a lesser extent the effects will be strong if you have
several planets in Gemini or Gemini rising. This position of Zed can certainly
lead to your being an incisive thinker with a keen grasp of how to use your
ideas to help you to get what you want, but to make the most of your ideas
you also need to remember that you need to develop the patience to apply them.

With the distant planet Zed in Taurus, your unconscious thought processes have
an effect on the way you spontaneously set about organising your experiences,
for you feel a need to find a practical application for the often bizarre not-
ions which enter your head.  You are keen to try out your ideas in practice,
beleiving that trying something out is the best way to evaluate it, and you
are likely to find some original ways of arranging your immediate environment.
In a way you see the world as a testing ground for your varied ideas.  Since
Zed moves so slowly through the signs, anyone born between about 1989 and
2016 (or 1623 and 1650 ), will share the above qualities, and the effects will
only be noticeable at personal level when you are relating to people born out-
side these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser extent the
effects will be strong if you have several planets in Gemini or Gemini rising.
This position of Zed can certainly help you to be a pragmatic thinker with a
good grasp of how to use your ideas to help your organise your environment,
but you also need to be aware of the spiritual and emotional side of life.

With the distant planet Zed in Gemini, your unconscious thought processes have
an effect on your whole conceptual framework, for a stream of ideas contin-
ually enters your mind causing you to constantly update your understanding of
objective reality.  You have a very active mind and a high level of curiosity
and ideas come thick and fast.  You achieve insights through sudden flashes
rather than through logical thinking, and you try to incorporate these into
an ever-increasing store of knowledge, so that you are capable of greater
flexibility when dealing with the unexpected.  Since Zed moves so slowly
through the zodiac, anyone born between about 2016 and 2044 ( or 1650 and
1674 ), will share the above qualities, and the effects will only be strongly
noticeable at a personal level when you are relating to people born outside
these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser extent, the
effects will be strong if you have a few other planets in Gemini, or Gemini
rising.  This position of Zed can certainly provide you with a fund of orig-
inal ideas, but you should endeavour to find some practical outlet for them.

With the distant planet Zed in Cancer, your unconscious thought processes have
an affect on your emotional set, for a stream of ideas continually enters your
mind causing you to constantly re-evaluate your appreciation of what is of
subjective worth to you.  You have a sensitive and caring nature, and your
thoughts encourage you to try to understand your feelings and the reasons
underlying them.  You may find yourself subject to feelings which seem out
of context, and you may sometimes experience the world or yourself as being
disconnected from you, in some way.  Since Zed spends so long travelling
round the zodiac, anybody born between about 2044 and 2073 ( or 1610 and
1639 ) will share the above qualities, and the effects will only be strongly
noticeable at a personal level  when you are relating to people born outside
of these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser extent,
the effects will be strong if you have a few planets in Gemini or Gemini
rising.  While your feelings may be varied and changeable with Zed in Cancer,
you should try to find a direction in which to channel them.
With the distant planet Zed in Leo, your unconscious thought processes have a
strong effect on your more conscious motives in life, and you are encouraged
to try to incorporate the many and varied ideas which stream from your mind
into your way of being in the world.  They affect your sense of purpose and
lead to your motives being influenced by bizarre and original notions, and
this may lead to a versatile if somewhat erratic lifestyle, though one which
may show considerable initiative and flair.  You will insist on being able
to follow up on your schemes in your own way, demanding a fair degree of in-
dependence.  Since Zed moves so slowly, anyone born between about 1707 and
1737 ( or 2073 and 2103 ) will share the above qualities, and the effects
will only be strongly noticeable at a personal level when you are relating to
people born outside these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a
lesser extent the effects will be strong if you have several planets in Gemini
or Gemini rising.  Your ideas can certainly help you to achieve your goals,
but you should not neglect the practical and emotional aspects of life.

With the distant planet Zed in Virgo, your unconscious thought processes have
a strong effect on the way you organise your experience at a conscious level,
and you are encouraged to incorporate the many and varied ideas which stream
from your mind into your methodology.  Your original and bizarre ideas may
influence you into developing ways of handling the real world which are un-
usual although they may be conceptually brilliant, and you will certainly
want to put your intellectual insights to practical use.  Since Zed moves so
slowly in the sky, anyone born between about 1737 and 1770 will share the
above qualities, and the effects will only be strongly noticeable at a per-
sonal level when you are relating to people born outside these dates, or if
Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser extent the effects will be strong
if you have several planets in Gemini or Gemini rising.  While your ideas
may lead you to develop a broader concept of organisation as it applies to
your life, and while you may find new ways of getting things done, there is
a risk of a tendency to worry through overactive mental activity.

With the distant planet Zed in Libra, your unconscious thought processes have
a strong effect on the way you think about the world and relate to other
people at a more conscious level.  Your conscious views about the world
are challenged by strange and original notions which stem from your active
mind, and you are encouraged to incorporate these ideas into your existing
ideological framework in order to improve upon it.  You are therefore likely
to have an unusual way of looking at the world and other people, and one
which is very versatile.  Since Zed moves so slowly through the zodiac, any-
body born between about 1770 and 1803 will share the above qualities, and
the effects will only be strongly noticeable at a personal level when you
are relating to people born outside these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength
value in your chart.  To a lesser extent the effects will be strong if you
have several planets in Gemini or Gemini rising.  While your ideas may help
you to develop a broader understanding of the world at an intellectual level,
you should be careful not to overemphasize the importance of abstract ideas.

With the distant planet Zed in Scorpio, your unconscious thought processes
have a strong effect on the way you feel emotionally about yourself and the
world at a more conscious level.  Your conscious feelings are challenged by
a barrage of bizarre and unusual ideas which encourage you to try to place
your emotional experiences within the context of a theoretical framework.
You may develop a broader understanding of human relationships through your
thoughts and the experiences they lead you into, and you will frequently
mull over your feelings in an attempt to understand them.  Since Zed moves
so slowly in the sky, anybody born between about 1803 and 1837 will share
the above qualities, and the effects will only be strongly noticeable at a
personal level when you are relating to people born outside these dates,
or if Zed has a high strength value in your chart.  To a lesser extent the
effects will be strong if you have several planets in Gemini or Gemini ris-
ing.  While your ideas may help you gain some perspective on your feelings,
you should be careful not to become too engrossed in your own concerns.
With the distant planet Zed in Sagittarius, your unconscious thought processes
have an effect on the way you set about formulating your philosophy of life,
for your upbringing has left you with an inner sense of permission to follow
up on the many ideas which come into your mind, however bizarre they may seem
to be.  You have an enquiring mind and you are keen to find out the truth
although your methods you use and the fields of study you interest yourself
in tend to be original and unorthodox, being determined by the non-logical
part of your mind.  Since Zed moves so slowly through the sky, anybody born
between about 1837 and 1871 will share the above qualities, and the effects
will only be noticeable at a personal level when you are relating to people
born outside these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser
extent the effects will be strong if you have several planets in Gemini or
Gemini rising.  This position can lead you to develop some a highly original
sense of purpose in life, but you need to find some practical application for
your ideas, so that you do not go on too many wild goose chases.

With the distant planet Zed in Capricorn, your unconscious thought processes
have an effect on the way your conscience structure operates, for your upbr-
inging has left you with the belief that you should attempt to organise the
diverse thoughts that enter your head, building them into a cohesive frame-
work which forms the basis for constructive and disciplined action.  Thus
you have the ability to develop considerable depth of thinking, and to cap-
italise on schemes which at first site appear to lack any logical structure.
Since the planet Zed moves so slowly through the zodiac, anyone born between
about 1871 and 1903 will share the above qualities, and the effects will only
be noticeable at a personal level when you are relating to people born outside
these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser extent, the
effect will be strong if you have several planets in Gemini, or Gemini rising.
While your ability for constructive thought may lead you to achieve consider-
able success through self-discipline, you may tend to be scared of the biz-
arre ideas which come to mind, and you should learn to feel easier about them.

With the distant planet Zed in Aquarius, your unconscious thought processes
have an effect on the way you deal with the world at a more conscious level,
for your upbringing has left you with strong ideas about how the world should
be, and you will strive to incorporate the diverse and often bizarre ideas
which stem from your unconscious mind into the theoretical framework you have
developed about the nature of external reality.  You are therefore likely to
have an everchanging view of how reality should be, and you will develop an
original rule-system for dealing with the world, one which could give val-
uable contributions to science or humanitarian progress, for you are not
afraid to try out anything new just because it is seemingly illogical.  Since
the planet Zed moves so slowly through the signs, anyone born between about
1903 and 1933 will share the above qualities, and the effects will only be
noticeable at a personal level when you are relating to people born outside
these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser extent, the
effects will be strong if you have several planets in Gemini, or Gemini rising

With the distant planet Zed in Pisces, your unconscious thought processes
have an effect on the way you feel about the world and other people, for your
upbringing has encouraged you to use your lateral thinking ability to add to
your understanding of human nature, through analysis of the ways you were
taught you ought to feel emotionally in the context of any given situation.
You are likely to be subject to flashes of insight as to how people are feel-
ing, although you may not always be able to verbalise your thoughts, since
they drift in and out of your consciousness.  This can lead at best to an
ability to understand people in a compassionate and caring way, though there
is a risk of your feeling confused by your constant flow of strange ideas.
Since the planet Zed moves so slowly in the sky, anyone born between about
1934 and 1962 will share the above qualities, and the effects will only be
noticeable at a personal level when you are relating to people born outside
these dates, or if Zed has a high Strength value.  To a lesser extent, the
effects will be strong if you have several planets in Gemini, or Gemini rising

Page created February 21st 1999.  Thank you for visiting.

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