CLASSIFICATION: Whitestar class Destroyer (Heavy Attack Cruiser)
LENGTH: 800 meters [?]
TONNAGE: 6,000,000 metric tons [?]
CREW: unknown
TROOPS: unknown
FIGHTER(s): unknown
POWER SOURCE: Minbari Quantum Gravimetric reactor based on Vorlon technology - Power Output 4 exawatts [?]
DURATION: unknown
WEAPONS: unknown - Heavy Fusion Cannons - Heavy Neutron Cannons - Slicer Beams - Anti-Mater cannon - Hyperspace Energy Beam
DEFENSES: Vorlon Bio-Armor - Tractor Beams - Vorlon Shields - Minbari Cloak

This “Whitestar class Destroyer” was conceived by President John J. Sheridan of the Interstellar Alliance, to answer the new Alliance's need for a large, heavy assault capital ship, with all the strengths of the Whitestar class Gunships and none of the weaknesses. This vessel, to be designed in cooperation between the Minbari Federation and Earth Alliance, incorporates the very best of both races technology as well as the advanced technology gained from both the Vorlons and the Shadows.

Little more than half the size of the Minbari Sharlin class War Cruiser, and only a fraction of the aforementioned vessel’s mass, the Excalibur will have significantly greater fire power, speed and maneuverability. In addition the Excalibur also will posses Vorlon bio-armor and Vorlon shields, making the Whitestar class Destroyers more than a match for any starship traveling the space ways today.

What kind of weapons this vessel will posses is under debate in the intelligence field. It is generally assumed that the Exaclibur will posses all the major weapons seen on Minbari capital ships, which should include heavy Fusion beam cannons, Neutron particle weapons, gravitic discharge cannons a.k.a. “slicer beams”, as well as the Anti-Mater cannon and possibly a Hyperspace Energy Beam like those used by Vorlon and Shadow capital ships.

Information on this vessel is scarce at present, at the project is still in the conceptional stages. This new breed of Capital ship might be in service in as little as three standard Earth years. At present there are plans to build approximately 800 of this class vessel, with each Excalibur possessing enough fire power to stand toe to toe with three or more enemy ships in the largest capital ship classification. More information to be posted at this terminal at a later date.