This will be a place to display pictures of our many and wonderful pets.

This is my sweet puppy Artemis.  I don't care how hyper she is. I love her Bunches.

This is our Little Danish Puppy.
Her name is Ninka and she is SUCH a cutie pie!

This is me and my Kitty.  She was more than a little
unhappy at that trip to the photographer. *giggles*

This is Sidi.  He was simply the smartest, sweetest,
most loving, most wonderful dog I've ever seen.  He
deserves a picture by himself, but I don't have one and
Sidi was killed last spring.  I love you puppy!

This is Olivia.  I know she looks terrible.
She had messy hair when we got her so we
had to shave her. Poor kitty is a Persian although
you can't tell from here. She's much prettier
now I promise.  I just don't have a new pic.

This is Prissy.  My mom's dog.  She wandered
up to my mom's office, and we took her in.  She's
a sweet puppy and knows how to play soccer. *SS*
Well it is with a basketball but anyway. *Giggles*

The Lady Ravin.  She's my Daddy's pride and joy.
He's hunting dog, who we tend to spoil outside of hunting
season. *G* Don't tell Dad. *Giggles*

This is Sussie.  La Loquita.

This is Hugo.  He is a super cutie pie with a major monster complex.

 This Page is Designed, Created, and Maintained by . . .

Bryon's Angel