This is a page all about Lesley Speller. Who I am. What I do.
Where I live. That kind of thing.

I live in Copenhagen, Denmark with my husband, Bryon, and my cute little puppy, Ninka.
I have just added a section to the gallery with pictures from her in Copenhagen.

Right now, I am working at Hvidovre Hospital making Smørbrød.
That is like an open face sandwich and it is really popular here in Denmark.

I love to write. Right now I am working on a book. I haven't decided on a title,
but it will be about a shapeshifting dragon. I have written bunches,
but I got lazy in the last couple of weeks so I need to get back to working hard again.

I also love to roleplay. Bryon and I play almost all of the white wolf products. We are also starting a Live Action Roleplaying group here where we live. That should be fun if we can ever get it tarted.

Hmmmm....What else is there about me. I graduated from DeWitt High School in 1997 and went to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville until I was married. When we move back to the US one day I would like to live there and finish my History degree. I have lots of really good
friends there who I miss terribly. I also miss my family terribly, of course.
I can't wait until this summer when I go and visit them.

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Bryon's Angel

Bryon's Angel