My darling Bryon and I were married this year on Valentine's day at a plantation called Marlesgate in a small town in Arkansas.  It was the most wonderful day of my life.  I love you, Darling!

I guess this says it all.
The Big Kiss!

This is when my buddy Lishy was putting my garter on me or pretending to for the camera anyway.

I just love this picture.  That is my mom and dad in the background and all my bridesmaids in the mirror.

I think this is a pretty picture.  It is outside at Marlesgate.

Me, my baby, my bros, and my sis-in-law.  All the kids in my family.

That is a bunch of my family.  That is my daddy in the back, my Uncle Scott in front of the fire place, his wife Scylar in front of my daddy, my Nonny on the far right, and my cousin Hayden down front.

This is me and my Daddy

This is me and my Mommy.

My bros and my Daddy.  Why is it that men always insist on not smiling in pictures?

The signing of the marriage license, or at least the faking of it.

Leaving the wedding.

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Bryon's Angel