Editor's Note: The appeal of an auto-
mobile starts with its appearance, of
course. But after its style and beauty
are established, the really important
question arises: "What will it do on
the road?" To learn the answer to this
question�in the interests of you, the
reader�Dodge News Magazine com-
missioned two of the nation's fore-
most car-testers, Robert Rolofson,
Jr., and Bill Carroll, to give the
1963 Dependables from Dodge "the
works." Bob took the 1963 Compact
Dart southward, from Los Angeles,
California. Bill took the standard-
size 1963 Dodge northward. Their
instructions were to sit in for you, as
readers of Dodge News Magazine, and
test the cars just as you and your
family might test them�for size,
comfort, luxury, performance, satis-
faction. Their factual reports are
presented on the following pages.
We are pleased to present them as a
special Dodge News Magazine service
to its readers.