
If you would like to sell any car audio equipment, take advantage of our free classifieds. Just email me your ad and I'll post it as soon as I can. If your ad sells, please let me know and I'll take it down.

Submit free classifieds to [email protected]

For Sale:
1-Kicker ZR360 amp - about 5 months old, PERFECT condition, comes with manual, and all paperwork
$320 + shipping
1-Oz Audio 250L - about 5 months old, PERFECT condition, has not been used in about 3 months, NICE sounding sub!!
$75 + shipping
1-Phaze Audio 5.25" Studio Driver component set - about 1 month old, PERFECT condition, comes with box, x-overs, tweeters, and paperwork.
$170 + shipping
10" $160
12" $180
15" $200
BRAND NEW, '98 model, "D" Series!!
compare to other prices....GREAT DEAL!!!
If interested in any of these PLEASE contact me ASAP @
[email protected]

For Sale:
Pioneer GM-X702 200 watt amp with built in crossover. A little over a year old. Great condition.
$180 (shipping included!)
email me with any questions - [email protected]

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Designed by Colby Handwerk [email protected]