The Hurricane was the standard fighter of the RAF in the late 1930:s. Its airframe was based on the Hawker Fury biplane. The Hurricane like the Spitfire was powered by the Merlin engine which gave the aircraft good performance, although not as good as the spitfire. During the Battle of Britain most of the RAF fighter squadrons were equipped with Hurricanes. The Hurricane were the workhorse of the RAF, but a bit over-shadowed by the spitfire, with its more slender fuselage and higher performance.
Length: 31 ft 4 in
Weight: 6447 lb
Powerplant: Rolls-Royce Merlin rated at 1030 hp
Armament: Eight .303-inch machine guns
Ordnance: 20 mm cannon pods, and drop-tanks
Top speed: 280 mph at sea level and 328 mph at 20000 ft
Range, with droptanks: 525 miles
Ceiling: 34200 ft
Rate of climb: 3125 ft/min
Maneuverability: Good
Firepower: Average
Durability: Good
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