You Might Be A Racer If..

- You think the primary purpose of wings is to PREVENT flight.

- You feel compelled on a road trip to beat your previous best time.

- You are happiest when your street car's tires are
worn to racing depth (wear bars showing).

- When something falls off of your car, you wonder how
much weight you just saved.

- You change engine oil every other week.

- Your email address refers to your race car rather than to you.

- You've paid $4.50 a gallon for gas without complaining.

- You buy new parts because you don't know where you put the spares.

- You bought a race car before buying a house.

- You bought a race car before buying furniture for the new house.

- You're looking for a tow vehicle and still haven't bought furniture!

- You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment.

- Your garage holds more cars than your house has bedrooms.

- You have enough spare parts to build another car.

- More than one racer supply house recognizes your
voice and greets you by name when you call.
- You think the last line of the Star Spangled Banner
is: "Racers, start your engines!"

- If you can't remember when you last worked on
weekdays and rested on weekends.

- You're registered for wedding gifts at Auto Value and Mopac.

- People know you by your class letter, car number, and car color.
- Your first date involves asking her to crew for you.

- Your friends don't recognize you without a helmet and driver's suit.

- You plan your wedding around the race schedule.

- You astound the clerk at Sears by bringing in a
snapped breaker bar every other week or so.

- You remember the dates and details of every race
you've ever been in, but can't remember your phone number

- You hate long distance driving, but you will gladly
drive 800 miles to the race track.

- You think that traction control and AS are for those
who can't drive.

- You've ever tried to convince your wife you needed
that flow bench to fix the air filter on her station wagon.

- You save broken car parts as "mementos".

- You've found your lawn mower runs pretty good on 108
octane gas (but doesn't particularly care for alcohol).

- The shop manager at your local car dealer mutters
"dear Lord" under his breath after he sees the size of your exhaust

- The local police and state Highway Patrol have a
picture of your car taped to their dashboard.

- Instead of pictures in your wallet, you have time slips.

- You would choose a roll bar over air conditioning if
it were an option.

- You consider the redline a "conservative suggestion"

- When someone asks where you went to school, you reply, "Roy Hill".

- You have racing shops programmed on your speed dialer.

- You regularly live test your rev limiter

- You've started looking for sponsors for your daily commute.