Pilgrimage for Restoration

23rd September A.D. 2000

Independence Hall

Liberty Bell


Sorghum Field


Blessed Virgin Mary


Mohawk River

Fourteen parishioners of Saint Joseph's Church in Richmond, Virginia went on the fifth annual Pilgrimage for Restoration on the 23rd September A.D. 2000, sponsored by Una Voce Agnus Dei Chapter of Greater Richmond. We left Richmond on Friday, 22nd September, at nearly 8:00, a.m., arriving in Philadelphia for a short stop over to eat lunch and see the Liberty Bell. After getting split up in Kearny, New Jersey we got back together north of Paramus; finally arriving in Fultonville, New York about 10:45, p.m.

The Pilgrimage began the next morning at 9:00, a.m. at the Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha in Fonda with prayers in a small chapel with open sides where we knelt in gravel. We then proceeded to walk seven miles in damp and drizzling weather while praying the Holy Rosary and singing hymns. Priests, many of the Society of Saint John, heard confessions along the way and the Company of Saint Rene Goupil handed out water, apples and any necessary medical attention. We arrived at the Shrine of Our Lady of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville about the time the rain began to pour. The Pilgrimage ended with a Solemn High Mass where we were blessed to have wooden boards for kneelers rather than gravel.

The next morning the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered in the Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Chapel at the Shrine of Our Lady of the North American Martyrs by Father Dominic Carey, S.S.J. Afterward we had breakfast at McDonalds and headed back to Richmond.