

In order to defend religion man must be willing to die, but not to kill.


Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in our day, faith would be simple and easy. But in their day, they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to date and made meaningful to the day's problems.

Saint Anthony the Abbot (d. 356)

Heresies - Wolves trying to appear as Lambs.

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Where Christ is, there is Life.

Saint Ambrose

Wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it, and right is right even if nobody is doing it.

Saint Augustine

Thou hast made me for Thyself, O Lord, and mine heart will not rest unless it rest in Thee.

Saint Augustine

No one then, need hope that he shall obtain after death that which he has neglected to secure here.

Saint Augustine

What can man offer to God? Everything in man is from God, only man�s sins are his own.

Saint Augustine

It is our duty, not to lead religion where we want, but rather to follow religion where it leads.

Saint Vincent of Lerins

A Christian should argue with a blasphemer only by running his sword through his bowels as far as it will go.

Saint Louis IX

To touch the sacred species and to distribute them with their own hands is a privilege of the ordained, one which indicates an active participation in the ministry of the Eucharist.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Apparitions do not bring us new doctrines, but new graces.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Hence it is clear that universal peace is the most excellent means of securing our happiness. This is why the message from on high to the shepherds announced neither wealth, nor pleasure, nor honour, nor long life, nor health, nor strength, nor beauty, but peace. The heavenly host, indeed, proclaims: �Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will�.

Dante Allegheri

The king's good servant, but God's first.

Saint Thomas More

A single monk, led astray by private judgement, has set himself against the Faith held by all Christians for a thousand years and more, and more impudently concludes that all Christians up to now have erred.

Holy Roman Emperor Carlos V (also King of Spain)

It is an established fact, that bad priests are the ruin of the people and that odious heresy, introduced by force, has no other aim than that of corrupting the faithful.

Pope Saint Pius V

Women who were not thus veiled should be refused admittance into the church.

Saint Charles Borromeo

First, because the foundation and beginning of all things and all good counsel is God, I charge you to take this beginning and foundation, like a good and true Christian, in all that you undertake and do, and that you direct, as to your chief end, all your affairs and concerns to God.

King Felipe II of Spain

I would consider it a special grace had I been of Hebrew origin. What a marvellous thing to be united to Christ, Our Lord, and to Our Lady, the glorious Virgin Mary, with ties of blood!

Saint Ignatius Loyola

Jesus is the teacher of holiness. I go to Him because I want Him to teach me how to become a Saint. Of what use to me is all I learn in school if I do not become holy?

Saint Francis de Sales

Our merciful Jesus, Who has purchased us with His own blood, infinitely desires us to love Him so that we may be saved forever, and He desires us to be saved so that we may love Him forever. His love tends to our salvation and our salvation tends to His love.

Saint Francis de Sales

Devotion to Our Most Blessed Virgin is necessary for salvation and it is an infallible mark of reprobation to have no esteem or love for the Holy Virgin.

Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God Who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

Galileo Galilei

Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our Faith.

Saint Peter Canisius

The Calvinists treat Almighty God as a servant; the Lutherans as an equal; the Catholics as God.

Friedrich the Great

The Faith is the foundation of the Church. Therefore, as every organisation which wishes to survive has the right to protect by expulsion those members who are at odds with its basic constitution, so the Church too must have the right to expel members who make an assault against her foundations.

Bishop Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler of Mainz

God has created me to do Him some definite service; He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission; I may never may know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. I have a part in a great work; I am a link in a chain, a bond of connexion between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good, I shall do His work; I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it, if I do but keep His commandments and serve Him in my calling.

John Henry Cardinal Newman

Where there is no hatred of heresy, there is no holiness.

Father Frederick Faber

We are not to leave off too soon praying for our parents, friends or relatives, imagining with a foolish and unenlightened esteem for the holiness of their lives, that they are freed from Purgatory much sooner than they really are!

Father Frederick Faber

Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.

Blessed Pope Pius IX

Well, and what have I found? I will tell you. I was told that the Catholic Church always places the Church before Christ. I have found, on the contrary, that she places me in a personal relationship with Christ that can never be attained outside. I was told that if I became a Catholic my mind would be fettered, my reason stifled. I have found, on the contrary, that the Catholic Church placed me on a platform of truth, from which even a poor mind can rise to fathomless heights. I was told that in the Catholic Church, it was all decay and stagnation. I have found, however, the very life of God Himself pulsing through every vein of His Mystical Body. It was like coming out of a small, stuffy room with all the windows closed, and striding up to the top of some great hill with all the winds of heaven roaring round. I have found life.

Owen Francis Dudley

I am, Mr. Ambassador, a man of the Church, a strict Catholic, and it is because of that I feel myself to be at the same time a statesman who is practical. The truth is one and the Church is its premier repository. Between religious and social truths, there is scarcely a difference because society cannot live except according to the Faith and religious morality.

Prince Clemens Metternich

I believe that the more thoroughly science is studied, the further does it take us from anything comparable to atheism.

William Thompson, Lord Kelvin

For those who believe in God no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe no explanation is possible.

Father John La Farge, S.J.

Truly, it is hardly possible to describe how great are the evils that flow from divorce. Matrimonial contracts are by it made variable; mutual kindness is weakened; deplorable inducements to unfaithfulness are supplied; harm is done to the education and training of children; occasion is afforded for the breaking up of homes; the seeds of dissension are sown among families; the dignity of womanhood is lessened and brought low and women run the risk of being deserted after having ministered to the pleasures of men.

Pope Leo XIII

Since it is in the very nature of man to follow the guide of reason in his actions, if his intellect sins at all his will soon follows, and thus it happens that looseness of intellectual opinion influences human actions and perverts them.

Pope Leo XIII

Now, modern society in its foolhardy effort to escape from God has rejected the supernatural order and divine revelation, and it has thus withdrawn itself from the salutary efficacy of Christianity, which is manifestly the most solid guarantee of order, the strongest bond of fraternity, and the inexhaustible source of all public and private virtue. This sacrilegious divorce has resulted in bringing about the trouble which now disturbs the world.

Pope Leo XIII

Let the storm rage and the sky darken - not for that shall we be dismayed. If we trust as we should in Mary, we shall recognise in her, the Virgin Most Powerful �who with virginal foot did crush the head of the serpent�.

Pope Saint Pius X

Men puffed up by pride and rebellious spirit: enemies of the Cross of Christ, seeking after earthly things...and whose god was their belly. They having in mind not the correction of morals, but the negation of the fundamental tenets of faith, caused a great confusion and opened to themselves and to others a path to licentious living. By spurning the authority and the guidance of the Church and by submitting themselves to the yoke of the caprice of most corrupt princes and peoples they tried to destroy the doctrine, the constitution and the discipline of the Church. And then...they dared to call their rebellion and their destruction of faith and morals a �Restoration� and dubbed themselves �Restorers� of the ancient discipline. In reality they were corruptors of it, and having weakened the strength of Europe through conflicts and wars they hatched the apostasy of modern times.

Pope Saint Pius X

God could have given us the Redeemer of the human race and the Founder of the Faiths in another way than through the Virgin, but since Divine Providence has been pleased that we should have the Man-God through Mary, who conceived Him by the Holy Ghost and bore Him in her womb, it only remains for us to receive Christ from the hands of Mary.

Pope Saint Pius X

Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven.

Pope Saint Pius X

One thing in this world is different from all others. It has a personality and a force. It is recognised and (when recognised) most violently loved or hated. It is the Catholic Church. Within that household the human spirit has roof and hearth. Outside it, is the night.

Hilaire Belloc

Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, there's always laughter and good red wine. At least I've always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!

Hilaire Belloc

If we succeed in making ourselves real Christians instead of merely make-believe Christians then I have no anxieties about the future.

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria

The world must conform to Our Lord, not He to it.

Father Denis Fahey

Christianity has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.

G. K. Chesterton

Whenever our civilisation wants a library to be catalogued or a solar system discovered or any other trifle of this kind, it uses up its specialists. But when it wishes anything done which is really serious, it collects twelve of the ordinary men standing around. The same thing was done, if I remember right, by the Founder of Christianity.

G. K. Chesterton

The Bible tells us to love our neighbours and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.

G. K. Chesterton

The coziness between Church and state is good for the state and bad for the Church.

G. K. Chesterton

I wish they would remember that the charge to Peter was �Feed My sheep.� not ��Try experiments on My rats.�

C. S. Lewis

As an Emperor I have to set the good example. If everyone simply did his Christian duties, we would not have so much hate and misery in the world.

Blessed (Emperor) Karl of Austria-Hungary

The Catholic Church alone is keeping the true worship. This is the font of truth�this is the temple of God; if any man enter not here, or if any man go forth from her, he is a stranger to the hope of life and salvation.

Pope Pius XI

I think that if the whole nation would make a serious effort to order their lives more closely according to the principles of religion, hatred, strife and contentions would disappear from human life.

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria (1932-1934)

To bring up the young to be materialists and egoists, suppressing all mention of the Higher Power to which they are responsible; to withhold from them the Commandments to �love thy neighbour� and to �honour thy father and thy mother�; to deprive them of any grounding in religion, is the greatest sin and the most heinous crime that can be committed against the young.

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria (1932-1934)

Christianity is not a private way of salvation and a guide to a pious life; it is a way of world salvation and philosophy of total life. This makes it a sort of dynamite. So when you send missionaries out to preach, it is well to get ready for some explosions.

Bishop James E. Walsh of Kongmoon

But the legitimate and just love towards one�s own country must not close the eyes to the universality of Christian charity which also considers others and their prosperity in the pacifying light of love.

Pope Pius XII

If we wish to find a scapegoat on whose shoulders we may lay the miseries which Germany has brought on the world, I am more and more convinced that the worst evil genius of that country, is not Hitler or Bismarck or Frederick the Great, but Martin Luther.

Inge (Anglican Dean of Saint Paul's Cathedral in London)

Christianity is the integration of the Synagogue. For the Synagogue was a promise and Christianity is the fulfilment of that promise. The Synagogue pointed to Christianity: Christianity presupposes the Synagogue. So you see, one cannot exist without the other. What I converted to was the living Christianity.

Israel Eugenio Zolli (former Chief Rabbi of Rome)

The Catholic Church was recognised by the whole Christian world as the true Church of God for fifteen consecutive centuries. No man can halt at the end of those 1,500 years and say that the Catholic Church is not the Church of Christ without embarrassing himself seriously. I can accept only that Church which was preached to all creatures by my own forefathers, the Twelve who, like me issued from the Synagogue.

Israel Eugenio Zolli (former Chief Rabbi of Rome)

Wherever the name of Christian was found, the persecution raged. It would seem that Almighty God adopted this means to give His infant Church publicity and a sign of the stamp of divinity. Hence in His mercy and goodness He made the persecutions the fruitful harvest of souls.

Father O�Reilly

Even as good Jews would help to furnish the sinews of the Church in many ages, so men remarkably like those scribes and Pharisees whom Christ had called the children of the devil would perpetuate the hated that had once crucified Incarnate Love.

William Thomas Walsh

�Participation� in the Mass does not mean hearing our own voice. I �participate� in a work of art when I study it and love it silently.

Evelyn Waugh

It is not His Sermon on the Mount that He would have remembered, but His Cross. There would have been no Gospel had there been no Cross; and the death on the Cross would have been useless for the removal of human guilt, if He had not risen from the dead.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

The wicked fear the good, because the good are a constant reproach to their consciences. The ungodly like religion in the same way that they like lions, either dead or behind bars; they fear religion when it breaks loose and begins to challenge their consciences.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

The good repent on knowing their sin; the evil become angry when discovered. Ignorance is not the cause of evil, as Plato held; neither is education the answer to the removal of evil. These men had an intellect as well as a will; knowledge as well as intention. Truth can be known and hated; goodness can be known and crucified.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Only Judas knew where to find Our Lord after dark. Soldiers did not know. Christ in His Church is delivered into the hands of the enemy from within. It is the bad Christians who betray. The greatest harm to the cause of Christ is not done by enemies, but by those who have been cradled in her sacred associations and nourished in the Faith. The scandal of the 'fallen aways' provides opportunities for enemies who still are timid. The enemies do the bloody work of crucifixion, but those who have communed with Christ prepare the way.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Herod was typical of all worldlings who sent for what they call �learned men of the cloth� (as Felix sent for Paul); they love their brilliance, their turn of phrase, their abstract wisdom; but as soon as these men begin to make the teachings of Christ concrete and personal, they are dismissed at once with the words �too intense,� �intolerant,� or �Do you know, he actually tried to convert me?�

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Wicked men sometimes hide their evil designs under an appearance of religion: �I am a religious man, but��

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Strangely enough, those who are bent of evil cannot recognize Divinity even when it stands before them.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Many think they would have believed in Him if they had lived in His day. But actually there would have been no great advantage. Those who do not see Him as Divine living in His Mystical Body today, would not have seen Him as Divine living in His physical Body.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Obviously the disciples of the Newtonian philosophy had not ceased to worship. They had only given another form and a new name to the object of worship. Having denatured God, they deified nature.

Carl Becker

Wherever I go in the whole world, the thing that makes me the saddest is watching people receive Communion in the hand.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

We traditional Catholics stand in relation to the Church like the abandoned children of a mother gone mad, and we are all acutely conscious of the abnormality of our situation. We feel suspended between the Church that was and the Church that will be, and lost in the no-man�s land of the Church that is. But this is our time, the only time we will have. This is our moment in Salvation history.

Edwin Faust

God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't. That decision doesn't belong to us.

Mel Gibson

The Catholic Faith must always be at the center of everything.

Father Lawrence Smith

The entire thrust of modern economic, philosophical, and if it can be called, theological movements is anti-Catholic. They attack the Church. Catholic families must live Catholic lives and attack these attackers.

Father Lawrence Smith

The world is the enemy of Jesus Christ. Do not make a friend of the enemy of Jesus Christ.

Father Lawrence Smith

It is no coincidence that Germany�s greatest age occurred when the Catholic Church held sway. For the Catholic notions of sacrifice, responsibility and charity helped channel the German people�s natural qualities of bravery, loyalty and honor into adherence to a chivalric code that led to an ennobling and edifying society that protected the weak and cared for the poor and sick. After Catholic influence ebbed following the Protestant Rebellion in the mid-sixteenth century, Germany�s natural virtues were transformed into recklessness, blind fanaticism and stubborn pride that have plagued the modern world ever since.

James Bemis

Catholicism is the only religion that gets everything right, including the whole truth about man, his final end and how to achieve that end.

Brother Andr� Marie, M.I.C.M.

Death was originally a curse in punishment for sin. Since the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, it has been turned into a blessing for the Faithful.

Brother Andr� Marie, M.I.C.M.

Like a New England autumn, which pleases the eyes by the splendour of dying leaves, a good death is a beautiful thing.

Brother Andr� Marie, M.I.C.M.

Whatever the crimes of her children may be, the Church herself remains the immaculate bride of Christ.

Brother Andr� Marie, M.I.C.M.


Those very people who submit to a despotism so unrelenting and cruel invade our soil without a shadow of right, and declare it to be their purpose to force us back into a union which they have destroyed, under a constitution which they have rendered a mockery and made a nullity.

Former President John Tyler

I am with the South in life or in death, in victory or in defeat... I believe the North is about to wage a brutal and unholy war on a people who have done them no wrong, in violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of government. They no longer acknowledge that all government derives its validity from the consent of the governed. They are about to invade our peaceful homes, destroy our property, and inaugurate a servile insurrection, murder our men and dishonour our women. We propose no invasion of the North, no attack on them, and only ask to be left alone.

Major General Patrick Cleburne

It's been said that I should apply to the United States for a pardon, but repentance must precede the right of pardon, and I have not repented.

President Jefferson Davis

Truth crushed to the earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again.

President Jefferson Davis

A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday does not know where it is today.

Robert E. Lee

We could have pursued no other course without dishonour. And sad as the results have been, if it had all to be done over again, we should feel compelled to act in precisely the same manner.

Robert E. Lee

These men are not an army, they are citizens defending their country.

Robert E. Lee

It is stated in books and papers that Southern children read and study that all the blood shedding and destruction of property of that conflict was because the South rebelled without cause. As a Confederate soldier and citizen of Virginia, I deny the charge, and denounce it as a calumny. We were not rebels; we did not fight to perpetuate human slavery, but for our rights and privileges under a government established over us by our fathers and in defence of our homes.

Richard Henry Lee

If it is a crime to love the South and it�s president, then I am a criminal. I would rather lie down in this prison and die than leave it owing allegiance to a government such as yours.

Belle Boyd

If I ever disown, repudiate or apologise for the cause which Lee fought and Jackson died, let the lightings of Heaven rend me, and scorn of all good men and true women be my portion. Sun, moon, states all fall on me when I cease to love the Confederacy. �Tis the cause, not the fate of the cause that is glorious.

R. E. Wilson

The Confederate soldiers were our kinfolk and our heroes. We testify to the country our enduring fidelity to their memory. We commemorate their valour and devotion. There were some things not surrendered at Appomattox. We did not surrender our rights and history, nor was it one of those conditions of surrender that unfriendly lips and hands should be suffered to tell or write epitaphs of our Confederate dead. We have the right to teach our children the true history of that war.

E. W. Carmack

To Be a Virginian either by birth, marriage, adoption, or even on one's mothers side, is an introduction to any state in the Union, a passport to any foreign country, and a benediction from the Almighty God.


I love the modest maidenhood, the deference paid to womanhood, the chivalric and gentle blood In Old Virginia. I love the love of native sod, the simple faith that trusts in God, the heads bowed 'neath the chastening rod In Old Virginia.

B. B. Valentine

The flags of the Confederate States of America were very important and a matter of great pride to those citizens living in the Confederacy. They are also a matter of great pride for their descendants as a part of their heritage and history.

Winston Churchill

Whenever I'm asked why Southern writers particularly have a penchant for writing about freaks, I say it is because we are still able to recognise one.

Flannery O'Connor

In the South, the breeze blows softer...neighbours are friendlier, nosier, and more talkative. (By contrast with the Yankee, the Southerner never uses one word when ten or twenty will do)...This is a different place. Our way of thinking is different, as are our ways of seeing, laughing, singing, eating, meeting and parting. Our walk is different, as the old song goes, our talk and our names. Nothing about us is quite the same as in the country to the north and west. What we carry in our memories is different too, and that may explain everything else.

Charles Kuralt

What can be more Southern than to obsess about being Southern?

Elizabeth Fortson Arroyo

Even if they've moved away, most people who grew up in the South still consider themselves Southern.

Lillian Hellman

The South - where roots, place, family and tradition are the essence of identity.

Carl N. Degler

The American South is a geographical entity, a historical fact, a place in the imagination, and the homeland for an array of Americans who consider themselves Southerners. The region is often shrouded in romance and myth, but its realities are as intriguing, as intricate, as its legends.

Bill Ferris

The South is America. The South is what we started out with in this bizarre, slightly troubling, basically wonderful country - fun, danger, friendliness, energy, enthusiasm, and brave, crazy, tough people.

P. J. O'Rourke

Southerners can claim kin with anybody. It's one of our most dextrous talents.

Guy Davenport

Like most was leaders, he [Lincoln] grossly distorted and exaggerated the motives of his enemy. He constantly insisted that the South wanted to destroy the Union, when it merely wanted to withdraw form it. He called honourable men like Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee traitors, though they never betrayed anyone in their lives. He accused the South of aggression, when it was the South being invaded, and truly destroyed, by Union armies.

Joseph Sobran

The worst fears of those Boys in Grey are now a fact of American life - a Federal government completely out of control.

Jay Hoar


There is as much dignity in ploughing a field as in writing a poem.

Booker T. Washington

To study agrarian methods is to follow the methods of nature. Who can be nearer to nature, who can better discover the natural laws of economic society than the farmer, the agriculturalist?

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria (1932-1934)

I am absolutely convinced and I venture to declare publicly, that agriculture is the foundation of the economic life of the nation.

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria (1932-1934)

Before the Fall, God had confided to man the cultivation of the earth as the finest and most honourable occupation in the natural order.

Pope Pius XII

Notwithstanding all his difficulties, the tiller of the soil still represents the natural order of things willed by God. The farmer knows that man, by his labour; is to control material things; that material things are not to control man.

Pope Pius XII

It cannot be too often repeated how much the work of the land generates physical and moral health, for nothing does more to brace the system than this beneficent contact with nature which proceeds directly from the hand of the Creator. The land is not a betrayer; it is not subject to the fickleness, the false appearances, the artificial and unhealthy attractions of the grasping city. Its stability, its wise and regular course, the enduring majesty of the rhythm of the seasons are so many reflections of the Divine attributes.

Pope Pius XII

We must recognise that one of the causes of the disequilibrium and confusion of world economy, affecting civilisation and culture, is undoubtedly the distaste and even contempt shown for rural life with its numerous and essential activities. But does not history, especially in the case of the fall of the Roman Empire, teach us to see in this a warning symptom of the decline of civilisation?

Pope Pius XII

The Providence of God stares the countryman in the face at every moment of his day�s work. The townsman gazes rather on the ingenuity of man, and exaggerates his power.

Monsignor James Dey

The cultivation of the soil is not only life for the body; it is life for the soul also.

K. L. Kenrick

Rural areas have become no more than colonies from which cities are sucking the wealth.

Kemyar Enshayan

Life on the Land gives the Faith roots in rich soil, whilst life in the City for the Faith is sterile and ultimately destructive for the Catholic Church.

The Traditionalist Press

Here�s the fundamental axiom at work - the rural life can exist without the city. The city cannot exist without the rural life.

Father Lawrence Smith


Show me just what Mohammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.

Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Paleologos

To be a man, does not consist in believing that we are one and desiring to be one, nor being large of body, but solely in having much discernment and reason to perform the works of the man who is good, intelligent and honoured.

Holy Roman Emperor Carlos V (also King of Spain)

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Sir Walter Scott

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke

When it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change.

Lucius Cary, the Viscount Falkland

Associate yourself with persons of good character. It is better to be alone than in bad company.

George Washington

Let your recreations be manful, not sinful.

George Washington

The greater part of our happiness depends on our disposition and not our circumstances.

Martha Washington

If fifty-million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.

Anatole France

Never marry unless you can do so into a family that will enable your children to feel proud of both sides of the house.

General Robert E. Lee

Do your duty in all things...You cannot do more; you should never wish to do less.

General Robert E. Lee

Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of manly character.

General Robert E. Lee

...find time to read and improve your mind. Read history, works of truth, not novels and romances.

General Robert E. Lee

Hold on to purity and virtue. They will sustain you in every calamity.

General Robert E. Lee

Get correct views of life, and learn to see the world in it�s true light. It will enable you to live pleasantly, to do good, and, when summoned away, to leave without regret.

General Robert E. Lee

Duty is ours; the consequences are God's.

General Stonewall Jackson

A meddling Yankee is God�s worst creation; he cannot run his own affairs correctly, but is constantly interfering in the affairs of others, and he is always ready to repent of everyone�s sin, but his own.

North Carolinan newspaper (1854)

Live pure, speak truth, right wrong, follow the King.


Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.

Lord Byron

The true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators: they are traditionalists.

Saint Pius X

If the Press did not exist, it would not be necessary to invent it.

Honore de Balzac

We all know that advertising has become one of the worst plagues of English modern society; what we must also keep constantly before our eyes is that the opportunity for this abuse increases out of all proportion with the increase of the unit at work.

Hilaire Belloc

But as things stand today, this fungoid growth of advertising has done evil beyond anything which our fathers could have imagined. Undoubtedly it is the strongest of the forces which have so degraded our Press. The Press cannot print, even where it should so desire (and being itself in the hands of monopolists it does not so desire to print) any truth which the great advertisers desire to have suppressed. And that is why our field of vision, even on the most urgent public affairs, grows narrower and narrower.

Hilaire Belloc

The world is going to return to a simpler form of life and society. It will come either through calamity and collapse, or it will come through conversion and conviction.

G. K. Chesterton

From a purely economic standpoint it is more advantageous that the mother remain at home. What she could accomplish outside the home cannot counterbalance the loss sustained in the home.

Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

The basis of all society, and especially of every society organised on Christian principles, must be the family.

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria (1932-1934)

Truthfulness and honesty must prevail in public life as well as in private life.

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria (1932-1934)

Lettin' the cat outta' the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.

Will Rogers

The intrinsic laws of history and the human soul are the same at all times and in all places.

Peter Wust

Lincoln�s war implied, and the Gettysburg Address set to words, a firm message to the States of the Union - �I love you all, and if you leave me, I�ll hunt you down and kill you.� The Address was not the sagely comments of a wise man, rather the vain, obsessive rantings of a power-hungry demon engaging in a blood-thirsty mission of self-aggrandisement, no matter the volume of corpses required to attain it.

Lewis Goldberg

You know, people perceive you a certain way, but the big thing is what you do in private - that's who you really are.

James Caviezel


So great the skill, so powerful the drugs of the abortionist, paid to murder mankind in the womb.


What is taking place in America, is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is. And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

President Ronald Reagan

The fact that the procedure of abortion is surgical no more makes it a medical problem than the use of the electric chair makes capital punishment a problem of electrical engineering.

Johanna Higgins


Without some degree of justice, not even a society of thieves could subsist; they must unite to strip wayfarers.


The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.


Temporal government has its origin in the divine government, and it must, therefore to the extent that it can, imitate it. God, however, thought He is almighty and infinite, permits certain evils to occur on earth, even though He could prevent them form occurring. He does this because, first of all, by preventing evil in this manner He would deprive man of greater benefits and secondly, because therefore greater evils would result.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

The conservative majorities have not conserved anything.

Louis Veuillot

When men become wage slaves they think in terms of income. When they are economically free they think in terms of property.

Hilaire Belloc

The choice lies between property, on the one hand, and slavery, public or private, on the other. There is no third issue.

Hilaire Belloc

The King is there to safeguard the freedom of the small man against the tyranny of the great. That is a King�s main function, and there is nothing in common between the exercise of that function and the oriental idea of the King as universal owner with all men his slaves.

Hilaire Belloc

A secure revenue can be guaranteed under any form of slavery - State slavery or private slavery. Such security is not only not identical with, but, as an ideal, actually militates against, economic freedom.

Hilaire Belloc

You can never have a revolution to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution.

G.K. Chesterton

There would to-day be neither socialism or communism, if the rulers of the nations had not scorned the teachings and material warnings of the Church. On the bases of liberalism and laicism they wished to build other social edifices which, powerful and imposing as they seemed at first, all too soon revealed the weakness of their foundations, and to-day are crumbling one after another before our eyes, as everything must crumble that is not grounded on the one corner stone which is Christ Jesus.

Pope Pius XI

Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of the right order to assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and subordinate organisations can do. For every social activity ought of its very nature to furnish help to the members of the body social, and never destroy and absorb them.

Pope Pius XI

The divine right of Property means not that some men shall have all property, but that all men shall have some property.

Father Vincent McNabb

The danger that the (political) parties become gods, while devoting themselves entirely to their self-aggrandisement; that they lose contact with the people, and even quarrel among themselves for power over the people, this danger is now upon us.

Chancellor Ignaz Seipel of Austria (1926-1929)

We want true, honourable and healthy liberty. Liberty in the sense of licence, without regard for others, independent of nature and of God, we do not want. We know that the social life of men requires certain bounds to be set to their action in order to safeguard the necessary organisation and the harmony of human intercourse. Anybody who talks of liberty must first show by his own example that he is a man of inward strength and restraint.

Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria (1932-1934)

The art of manipulating money and conducting banking and exchange business is an auxiliary art, destined by its nature to be at the service of economics and politics, in view of aiding agriculture, the primary art, and the industrial arts, in supplying the material needs of members of Christ.

Father Denis Fahey

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

President Ronald Reagan

Government is not the solution, it's the problem.

President Ronald Reagan

Giving money and power to Government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

You don�t give special rights to drunks or dope addicts, nor should you give special minority status to homosexuals.

Rabbi Abraham B. Hecht

There is no free-speech right to speak blasphemy, for example, because there can be no possible obligation to do so. There is no right for a publisher to publish pornography, because there can be no conceivable duty to do so. Likewise, there is no �inalienable� right to profess a false religion; those in error can be tolerated out of charity and societal concerns, but since they can have no obligation to lead others into error, they have no right to proselytise.

Diane Moczar


Both the oligarch and Tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms.


False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime.

Cesare Beccaria

To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.

Richard Henry Lee

...to disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them.

George Mason

Civilians use guns defensively to stop about two million crimes a year - five times more often than guns are used to commit crimes.

John Lott


I came, I saw and God conquered.

Holy Roman Emperor Carlos V (also King of Spain)

Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!

Count Henri de la Rochejaquelein

I am more anxious than I can express that my men should be not only good soldiers of their country, but also good soldiers of the Cross.

General Stonewall Jackson

A nation that sends its women to fight its wars is not worth defending.

Patrick J. Buchanan

If we need women in our defense forces, we must not need much defense.

Joseph Sobran