The Cartoon Series...Continued
Nurse Joy
Nurse Joy is the nurse of every Pokecenter. She takes care of the Pokemon when they get sick. Nurse Joy has a lot of sisters and cousins and they all look the same, so you see her in every town.
Team Rocket
Team Rocket has Jesse & James who are always trying to take Pikachu from Ash. Team Rocket is always getting in the way of everything, but they always end up loosing. Mewoth is a Pokemon the only Pokemon that can speak english. He tries to help Team Rocket catch Pikachu but without success.
Professor Oak
Professor Oak is the one who gave Ash Pikachu so that he could get started. He also gave ash his Pokedex so that he can identify Pokemon. After Ash catches a Pokemon he doesnt want to carry with him, he sends it to the Professor.
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