Deep Gnome - Also known as svirfneblin, are a breed of gnome that
has grown to shun the surface world and has adapted to a subterranean
lifestyle. They are short in stature, yet more muscular than humans, have
slightly better reflexes than humans, and, like their surface- dwelling
cousins, tend to be a little wiser.
Deep gnomes tend to be a little hardier than some races, and make
slightly above average spellcasters as well. Deep gnomes also tend to be
resistant to magic effects.
Deep gnomes live underground, and have developed the ability to see
in complete darkness (INFRAVISION). They can all move silently or
SNEAK up on their opponents as well as HIDE from them. Deep
Gnomes are subterranean dwellers, and cannot function very well in direct
sunlight. When sunlight hits their skin they lose the ability to heal both
physical health and magical energy, and experience excruciating pain as
well (NOSUN).
Exp TNL: 1176
Racials: Infravsion, Sneak, Hide, NoSun