GEMDOS Functions by Opcode
| Function | Summary |
| PtermØ() | Exit process with a return code of 0. |
| Cconin() | Fetch a character from the console device and echo it. |
| Cconout() | Output a character to the console device processing any special keys. |
| Cauxin() | Fetch character from the auxiliary device. |
| Cauxout() | Output a character to the auxiliary device. |
| Cprnout() | Output a character to the printer device. |
| Crawio() | Perform input and output on the console device. |
| Crawcin() | Output a character to the console device. |
| Cnecin() | Fetch a character from the console device. |
| Cconws() | Write a string to the console device. |
| Cconrs() | Read a string from the console device. |
| Cconis() | Determine if a character is waiting to be received from the console device. |
| Dsetdrv() | Set the default drive. |
| Cconos() | Determine if a character may be sent to the console device. |
| Cprnos() | Determine if a character may be sent to the printer device. |
| Cauxis() | Determine if a character is waiting to be received from the auxiliary device. |
| Cauxos() | Determine if a character may be sent to the auxiliary device. |
| Maddalt() | Notify GEMDOS of additional memory. |
| Dgetdrv() | Return the default drive. |
| Fsetdta() | Set the address of the DTA. |
| Super() | Modify user/supervisor status. |
| Tgetdate() | Get the current date. |
| Tsetdate() | Set the current date. |
| Tgettime() | Get the current time. |
| Tsettime() | Set the current time. |
| Fgetdta() | Return a pointer to the DTA. |
| Sversion() | Obtain the current GEMDOS version. |
| Ptermres() | Exit process leaving some data intact. |
| Dfree() | Determine the free space on a drive. |
| Dcreate() | Create a directory. |
| Ddelete() | Delete a directory. |
| Dsetpath() | Set the default path. |
| Fcreate() | Create a file. |
| Fopen() | Open a file. |
| Fclose() | Close a file. |
| Fread() | Read binary data from a file. |
| Fwrite() | Write binary data to a file. |
| Fdelete() | Delete a file. |
| Fseek() | Move a file pointer. |
| Fattrib() | Get or set the attributes of a file. |
| Mxalloc() | Allocate memory with preference. |
| Fdup() | Duplicate a file handle. |
| Fforce() | Redirect one handle to another. |
| Dgetpath() | Return the default path. |
| Malloc() | Allocate memory. |
| Mfree() | Free allocated memory. |
| Mshrink() | Shrink or expand a block of memory. |
| Pexec() | Execute another process. |
| Pterm() | Exit process with the specified return code. |
| Fsfirst() | Find a file with the specified mask. |
| Fsnext() | Find subsequent files with the specified mask. |
| Frename() | Rename a file or directory. |
| Fdatime() | Get or set the time/date flags of a file. |
| Flock() | Set or remove a file lock. |
| Syield() | Surrender the remaining portion of the processes timeslice. |
| Fpipe() | Establish a communication pipeline between processes. |
| Fcntl() | Perform a file-system specific file operation. |
| Finstat() | Determine the input status of a file. |
| Foutstat() | Determine the output status of a file. |
| Fgetchar() | Get a character from a file. |
| Fputchar() | Output a character to a file. |
| Pwait() | Determine the exit code of a stopped or terminated child process. |
| Pnice() | Alter the process priority of the calling process. |
| Pgetpid() | Obtain the process ID of the calling process. |
| Pgetppid() | Obtain the process ID of the processes' parent. |
| Pgetpgrp() | Obtain the process group ID of the calling process. |
| Psetpgrp() | Set the process group ID for the calling process. |
| Pgetuid() | Obtain the user ID of the calling process. |
| Psetuid() | Set the user ID for the calling process. |
| Pkill() | Send a signal to one or more processes. |
| Psignal() | Determine the action to take when a signal is received. |
| Pvfork() | Create a duplicate of the current process which shares address and data space with its parent. |
| Pgetgid() | Obtain the group ID of the calling process. |
| Psetgid() | Set the group ID of the calling process. |
| Psigblock() | Block selected signals from delivery. |
| Psigsetmask() | Specifies which signals should be blocked and which should be received. |
| Pusrval() | Get or set the user-defined value associated with a process. |
| Pdomain() | Get or set the processes execution domain. |
| Psigreturn() | Clean up from a signal handler. |
| Pfork() | Create a copy of the current process. |
| Pwait3() | Determine the exit code of stopped or terminated child processes. |
| Fselect() | Enumerate file descriptors which are ready for reading/writing. |
| Prusage() | Return resource usage information on the calling process. |
| Psetlimit() | Read or modify resource usage limits for a process. |
| Talarm() | Read or set an alarm for the current process. |
| Pause() | Suspend the process until a signal is received. |
| Sysconf() | Return information regarding current capabilities and limitations of processes running under MiNT. |
| Psigpending() | Determines which signals have been sent but not yet received to the calling process. |
| Dpathconf() | Return information regarding limitations and capabilities of a file system. |
| Pmsg() | Send or receive a message. |
| Fmidipipe() | Change the file handles which refer to MIDI input and output. |
| Prenice() | Alter the process priority of the specified process. |
| Dopendir() | Open a directory. |
| Dreaddir() | Read a directory entry. |
| Drewinddir() | Reset the directory pointer. |
| Dclosedir() | Close a directory. |
| Fxattr() | Return extended attribute information for a file. |
| Flink() | Create a file link. |
| Fsymlink() | Establish a symbolic link to a file. |
| Freadlink() | Determine the actual file to which a link refers. |
| Dcntl() | Perform a file-system specific device operation. |
| Fchown() | Modify the ownership of a file. |
| Fchmod() | Modify the access permission flags of a file. |
| Pumask() | Determines the minimum file and/or directory creation access permission masks. |
| Psemaphore() | Create a semaphore. |
| Dlock() | Lock or unlock a BIOS disk device. |
| Psigpause() | Suspends the process until a specified signal (or signals) is received. |
| Psigaction() | Changes the way a signal is handled. |
| Pgeteuid() | Returns the effective user ID of the caller. |
| Pgetegid() | Returns the effective group ID of the caller. |
| Pwaitpid() | Attempts to determine the exit code of a particular process. |
| Dgetcwd() | Returns the current GEMDOS working directory for the process on the specified drive. |
| Salert() | Sends an alert to the alert pipe 'U:\PIPE\ALERT'. |
| Function | Summary |
| Getmpb() | Return the address of the MPB (Memory Parameter Block) structure. |
| Bconstat() | Determine if a character is waiting from a device. |
| Bconin() | Input a character from a device. |
| Bconout() | Output a character from a device. |
| Rwabs() | Read/write sectors to a device. |
| Setexc() | Set or read a system exception vector. |
| Tickcal() | Return the current system timer calibration. |
| Getbpb() | Return the address of the BPB (BIOS Parameter Block). |
| Bcostat() | Determine if a device is ready to receive a character. |
| Mediach() | Determine if a drive's media has been changed. |
| Drvmap() | Return a bitmap of mounted drives. |
| Kbshift() | Return the state of the keyboard shift keys. |
| Function | Summary |
| Initmous() | Initialize the mouse handler. |
| Ssbrk() | Reserve memory at the top of RAM. |
| Physbase() | Return the address of the physical screen. |
| Logbase() | Return the address of the logical screen. |
| Getrez() | Return the current screen resolution code. |
| Setscreen() andVsetScreen() | Set the current screen address and mode. |
| Setpalette() | Set entries in the ST compatible palette. |
| Setcolor() | Set an entry in the ST compatible palette. |
| Floprd() | Read a sector from a floppy disk. |
| Flopwr() | Write a sector to a floppy disk. |
| Flopfmt() | Format a sector on a floppy disk. |
| Dbmsg() | Send a debugging message to the resident debugger. |
| Midiws() | Write a string to the MIDI port. |
| Mfpint() | Define an MFP interrupt. |
| Iorec() | Return the address of the system IOREC structure. |
| Rsconf() | Configure the currently mapped RS232 port. |
| Keytbl() | Return the addresses of the current key mapping tables. |
| Random() | Return a random number. |
| Protobt() | Prototype a floppy boot sector. |
| Flopver() | Verify a sector on a floppy disk. |
| Scrdump() | Execute the built-in screen dump code. |
| Cursconf() | Configure the TOS cursor. |
| Settime() | Set the time of day and current date. |
| Gettime() | Get the time of day and current date. |
| Bioskeys() | Reset the keyboard mapping tables to default. |
| Ikbdws() | Write a string to the intelligent keyboard controller. |
| Jdisint() | Disable an MFP interrupt. |
| Jenabint() | Enable an MFP interrupt. |
| Giaccess() | Modify or set a register on the PSG. |
| Offgibit() | Toggle bits of the PSG Port A off. |
| Ongibit() | Toggle bits of the PSG Port A on. |
| Xbtimer() | Set an interrupt on the 68901. |
| Dosound() | Start an interrupt driven sound routine. |
| Setprt() | Set or read the printer configuration bits. |
| Kbdvbase() | Return the address of the current IKBD interrupt table. |
| Kbrate() | Set or read the keyboard repeat rate. |
| Prtblk() | Print a block of memory using the built-in screen dump routines. |
| Vsync() | Hold the process until the next vertical blank. |
| Supexec() | Execute a routine in supervisor mode. |
| Puntaes() | Discard the AES. |
| Floprate() | Set the floppy drive seek rates. |
| DMAread() | Read sectors from a DMA/SCSI device. |
| DMAwrite() | Write sectors to a DMA/SCSI device. |
| Bconmap() | Modify the BIOS device mapping table. |
| NVMaccess() | Access non-volatile RAM. |
| Metainit() | Initialize MetaDOS. |
| Blitmode() | Get or set the state of the BLiTTER chip. |
| EsetShift() | Set the TT030 shift mode registers. |
| EgetShift() | Get the TT030 shift mode registers. |
| EsetBank() | Set the current TT030 color bank. |
| EsetColor() | Get or set a color in the TT030 palette. |
| EsetPalette() | Set the TT030 palette. |
| EgetPalette() | Get the TT030 palette. |
| EsetGray() | Set the TT030 gray mode register. |
| EsetSmear() | Set the TT030 smear mode register. |
| VsetMode() | Set the Falcon030 video mode. |
| VgetMonitor() | Identify the kind of monitor attached to the Falcon030. |
| VsetSync() | Set the Falcon030 sync mode. |
| VgetSize() | Get the size of screen memory in bytes. |
| VsetMask() | Set the mask assigned to each true color plotted. |
| VsetRGB() | Set the Falcon030 palette using RGB data. |
| VgetRGB() | Get the Falcon030 palette using RGB data. |
| Dsp_DoBlock() | Transfer bytewise packed data to/from the DSP. |
| Dsp_BlkHandshake() | Handshakes bytewise packed data to/from the DSP. |
| Dsp_BlkUnpacked() | Transfers data stored in a longword array to/from the DSP. |
| Dsp_InStream() | Transfers data to the DSP via an interrupt handler. |
| Dsp_OutStream() | Transfers data from the DSP via an interrupt handler. |
| Dsp_IOStream() | Transfers data to/from the DSP via concurrent interrupt handlers. |
| Dsp_RemoveInterrupts() | Disable the generation of DSP interrupts. |
| Dsp_GetWordSize() | Get the current size of a DSP word. |
| Dsp_Lock() | Lock the DSP system. |
| Dsp_Unlock() | Unlock the DSP system. |
| Dsp_Available() | Determines the amount of free X and Y memory available in the DSP. |
| Dsp_Reserve() | Reserves a portion of DSP memory for a user program |
| Dsp_LoadProg() | Loads a '.LOD' file from disk, transmits it to the DSP, and executes it. |
| Dsp_ExecProg() | Transfers a DSP program in memory to the DSP and executes it. |
| Dsp_ExecBoot() | Resets the DSP and loads a new bootstrap program into the first 512 words of DSP memory. |
| Dsp_LodToBinary() | Converts a '.LOD' file to binary format. |
| Dsp_TriggerHC() | Causes a host command set aside for DSP programs to execute. |
| Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility() | Requests a unique DSP ability identifier. |
| Dsp_GetProgAbility() | Returns the ability code for the program residing in DSP memory. |
| Dsp_FlushSubroutines() | Removes all DSP subroutines from memory. |
| Dsp_LoadSubroutine() | Loads a DSP subroutine into memory. |
| Dsp_InqSubrAbility() | Determines if a subroutine with the specified ability code is currently loaded into the DSP. |
| Dsp_RunSubroutine() | Begins execution of the specified subroutine. |
| Dsp_Hf0() | Reads/writes bit #3 of the HSR. |
| Dsp_Hf1() | Reads/writes bit #4 of the HSR. |
| Dsp_Hf2() | Reads bit #5 of the HSR. |
| Dsp_Hf3() | Reads bit #6 of the HSR. |
| Dsp_BlkWords() | Transfers an array of WORDs to/from the DSP. |
| Dsp_BlkBytes() | Transfers an array of bytes to/from the DSP. |
| Dsp_Hstat() | Returns the value of the DSP's ICR register. |
| Dsp_SetVectors() | Defines interrupt handlers to be called when DSP data is ready to be sent or received. |
| Dsp_MultBlocks() | Transmits multiple blocks to/from the DSP. |
| Locksnd() | Lock the sound system. |
| Unlocksnd() | Unlock the sound system. |
| Soundcmd() | Execute a sound system specific function. |
| Setbuffer() | Set the record and playback buffers. |
| Setmode() | Set the playback/record mode. |
| Settracks() | Set the playback/record tracks. |
| Setmontracks() | Set the track to be output over the speaker/headphone. |
| Setinterrupt() | Set the sound system interrupts. |
| Buffoper() | Enable or disable playback/recording. |
| Dsptristate() | Connect or disconnect the DSP from the connection matrix. |
| Gpio() | Read or write data over the general purpose pins on the DSP port. |
| Devconnect() | Connect devices in the connection matrix. |
| Sndstatus() | Obtain the status of the sound system. |
| Buffptr() | Return the current position of the record or playback buffer pointers. |
| WavePlay() | Playback a DMA sample. |
| Function | Summary |
| appl_init() | Initializes a GEM application. |
| appl_read() | Reads data from the message pipe. |
| appl_write() | Writes data to the message pipe. |
| appl_find() | Locates a system process. |
| appl_tplay() | Plays back recorded events. |
| appl_trecord() | Records keyboard and mouse events. |
| appl_search() | Enumerates system processes. |
| appl_exit() | Prepares a GEM application for termination. |
| evnt_keybd() | Waits for a keyboard event. |
| evnt_button() | Waits for a mouse button event. |
| evnt_mouse() | Waits for a mouse rectangle event. |
| evnt_mesag() | Waits for an application message. |
| evnt_timer() | Waits for a timer event. |
| evnt_multi() | Waits for multiple events. |
| evnt_dclick() | Sets the mouse double-click rate. |
| menu_bar() | Displays/removes a menu bar. |
| menu_icheck() | Places a checkmark beside a menu item. |
| menu_ienable() | Enables/disables a menu item. |
| menu_tnormal() | Selects/deselects a menu item or title. |
| menu_text() | Changes menu item/title text. |
| menu_register() | Registers applications in the menu bar. |
| menu_popup() | Manages a floating popup menu. |
| menu_attach() | Attaches a sub-menu to a menu item. |
| menu_istart() | Defines the initial selection of a sub-menu. |
| menu_settings() | Modifies popup menu settings. |
| objc_add() | Adds an object to an object tree. |
| objc_delete() | Deletes an object from an object tree. |
| objc_draw() | Draws an object tree. |
| objc_find() | Locates an object based on screen coordinates. |
| objc_offset() | Determines the offset of child objects in an object tree. |
| objc_order() | Reorders objects within an object tree. |
| objc_edit() | Manipulates an editable object. |
| objc_change() | Changes the state of an object. |
| objc_sysvar() | Reads/modifies the system defaults for 3D effects. |
| form_do() | Manages a user-defined form. |
| form_dial() | Reserves/releases screen space for forms. |
| form_alert() | Manages a generic alert. |
| form_error() | Manages a generic error alert. |
| form_center() | Centers an object tree on screen. |
| form_keybd() | Provides a system-level editable field handler. |
| form_button() | Provides a system-level button handler. |
| graf_rubberbox() | Controls the shrinking/enlarging of a box outline. |
| graf_dragbox() | Controls the moving of a box outline. |
| graf_movebox() | Draws a moving box. |
| graf_growbox() | Draws an expanding box. |
| graf_shrinkbox() | Draws a shrinking box. |
| graf_watchbox() | Selects/draws an object depending on the position of the mouse. |
| graf_slidebox() | Controls a slider outline. |
| graf_handle() | Obtains AES workstation attributes. |
| graf_mouse() | Defines the mouse form. |
| graf_mkstate() | Provides information about the mouse state. |
| scrp_read() | Determines the system scrap directory. |
| scrp_write() | Sets the system scrap directory. |
| fsel_input() | Manages the file selector. |
| fsel_exinput() | Manages the extended file selector. |
| wind_create() | Creates a window. |
| wind_open() | Opens a window. |
| wind_close() | Closes a window. |
| wind_delete() | Deletes a window. |
| wind_get() | Returns window attributes. |
| wind_set() | Sets a window attribute. |
| wind_find() | Determines the window at given pixel coordinates. |
| wind_update() | Manages the window update semaphore. |
| wind_calc() | Calculates window extents. |
| wind_new() | Removes all windows. |
| rsrc_load() | Loads a disk-based resource file. |
| rsrc_free() | Releases a resource file from memory. |
| rsrc_gaddr() | Calculates the address of a resource element. |
| rsrc_saddr() | Sets the address of a resource element. |
| rsrc_obfix() | Changes the coordinates of an object from character-based to pixel-based. |
| rsrc_rcfix() | Changes the coordinates of a resource file from character-based to pixel-based. |
| shel_read() | Determine's the processes parent and command tail. |
| shel_write() | Manages process loading and control. |
| shel_get() | Copies data from the system's shell buffer. |
| shel_put() | Stores data in the system's shell buffer. |
| shel_find() | Searches the AES's path for a file. |
| shel_envrn() | Searches the system environment string. |
| appl_getinfo() | Returns information about the AES. |
| Function | Summary |
| vq_gdos() | Test for presence of GDOS. |
| v_set_app_buff() | Reserve bezier workspace. |
| v_opnwk() | Open physical workstation. |
| v_clswk() | Close a physical workstation. |
| v_clrwk() | Clears a specified physical workstation. |
| v_updwk() | Update workstation. |
| vq_chcells() | Return alpha screen size. |
| v_exit_cur() | Exit text mode. |
| v_enter_cur() | Enter text mode. |
| v_curup() | Move text cursor up one row. |
| v_curdown() | Move text cursor down one row. |
| v_curright() | Move text cursor right one row. |
| v_curleft() | Move text cursor up one row. |
| v_curhome() | Home text cursor. |
| v_eeos() | Erase to end of screen. |
| v_eeol() | Erase to end of line. |
| vs_curaddress() | Position text cursor. |
| v_curtext() | Output text (alpha mode). |
| v_rvon() | Reverse text on (alpha mode). |
| v_rvoff() | Reverse text off (alpha mode). |
| vq_curaddress() | Inquire text cursor location. |
| vq_tabstatus() | Get availability of tablet. |
| v_hardcopy() | Output screen to printer. |
| v_dspcur() | Display text cursor. |
| v_rmcur() | Remove text cursor. |
| v_form_adv() | Advance printer page. |
| v_output_window() | Output window of page to printer. |
| v_clear_disp_list() | Clear display list. |
| v_bit_image() | Render bit-image file. |
| vq_scan() | Return printer scan heights. |
| v_alpha_text() | Output printer text (alpha mode). |
| vs_palette() | Set color palette. |
| vt_resolution() | Set tablet resolution. |
| vt_axis() | Set tablet axis resolution. |
| vt_origin() | Set tablet origin. |
| vq_tdimensions() | Return tablet X and Y dimensions. |
| vt_alignment() | Set tablet alignment. |
| vqp_films() | Return camera film types. |
| vqp_state() | Return camera driver state. |
| vsp_state() | Set camera driver state. |
| vsp_save() | Save camera driver state. |
| vsp_message() | Supress camera screen messages. |
| vqp_error() | Return camera error status. |
| v_meta_extents() | Specify metafile bounding box. |
| v_write_meta() | Write metafile item. |
| vm_pagesize() | Set metafile page size. |
| vm_coords() | Set metafile coordinate system. |
| v_bez_qual() | Set bezier quality. |
| vm_filename() | Set metafile filename. |
| v_fontinit() | Select a new system font. |
| v_pgcount() | Specify laser printer copies. |
| v_pline() | Draw a polyline. |
| v_bez() | Draw a bezier curve. |
| v_pmarker() | Draw polymarkers. |
| v_gtext() | Output graphic text. |
| v_fillarea() | Draw a filled polygon. |
| v_bez_fill() | Draw a filled bezier curve. |
| v_cellarray() | Draw a cell array. |
| v_bar() | Draw a rectangle. |
| v_arc() | Draw an arc. |
| v_pieslice() | Draw a pieslice. |
| v_circle() | Draw a circle. |
| v_ellipse() | Draw an ellipse |
| v_ellarc() | Draw an elliptical arc. |
| v_ellpie() | Draw an elliptical pie segment. |
| v_rbox() | Draw a rounded-rectangle. |
| v_rfbox() | Draw a filled rounded-rectangle. |
| v_justified() | Output justified text. |
| v_bez_off() | Disable bezier drawing. |
| v_bez_on() | Enable bezier drawing. |
| vst_height() | Set graphic text height (in pixels). |
| vst_rotation() | Set graphic text rotation. |
| vs_color() | Set color palette index. |
| vsl_type() | Set line type. |
| vsl_width() | Set line width. |
| vsl_color() | Set line color. |
| vsm_type() | Set marker type. |
| vsm_height() | Set marker height. |
| vsm_color() | Set marker color. |
| vst_font() | Set graphic text font. |
| vst_color() | Set graphic text color. |
| vsf_interior() | Set fill interior type. |
| vsf_style() | Set fill style type. |
| vsf_color() | Set fill color. |
| vq_color() | Inquire palette index. |
| vq_cellarray() | Inquire cell array. |
| vrq_locator() | Poll for mouse/keyboard input. |
| vsm_locator() | Sample mouse/keyboard input. |
| vrq_valuator() | Poll for 'valuator' input. |
| vsm_valuator() | Sample 'valuator' input. |
| vrq_choice() | Poll for 'choice' input. |
| vsm_choice() | Sample input from 'choice' device. |
| vrq_string() | Poll for keyboard string input. |
| vsm_string() | Sample keyboard string input. |
| vswr_mode() | Set writing mode. |
| vsin_mode() | Set input mode. |
| vql_attributes() | Return line attributes. |
| vqm_attributes() | Return marker attributes. |
| vqf_attributes() | Return fill area attributes. |
| vqt_attributes() | Return text attributes. |
| vst_alignment() | Set graphic text alignment. |
| v_opnvwk() | Open virtual workstation. |
| v_clsvwk() | Close a virtual workstation. |
| vq_extnd() | Inquire workstation attributes. |
| v_contourfill() | Fill an irregularly shaped region. |
| vsf_perimeter() | Set fill perimeter visibility. |
| v_get_pixel() | Read screen pixel value. |
| vst_effects() | Set graphic text effects. |
| vst_point() | Set graphic text height (by point). |
| vsl_ends() | Set line end style. |
| vro_cpyfm() | Copy raster (opaque mode). |
| vr_trnfm() | Transform raster form. |
| vsc_form() | Set mouse form. |
| vsf_udpat() | Set user defined fill pattern |
| vsl_udsty() | Set user-defined line style. |
| vr_recfl() | Output filled rectangle. |
| vqin_mode() | Return input mode for device. |
| vqt_extent() | Return graphic text extent. |
| vqt_width() | Return graphic character width. |
| vex_timv() | Install timer tick routine. |
| vst_load_fonts() | Load fonts from disk. |
| vst_unload_fonts() | Unload fonts. |
| vrt_cpyfm() | Copy raster (transparent mode). |
| v_show_c() | Show mouse cursor. |
| v_hide_c() | Hide mouse cursor. |
| vq_mouse() | Get mouse position and state. |
| vex_butv() | Install mouse button routine. |
| vex_motv() | Install mouse movement routine. |
| vex_curv() | Install mouse rendering routine. |
| vq_key_s() | Get shift key status. |
| vs_clip() | Set clipping rectangle. |
| vqt_name() | Return font name and index. |
| vqt_fontinfo() | Return font size information. |
| vqt_fontheader() | Copy the Speedo font header into a user defined buffer. |
| vqt_trackkern() | Inquire about current track kerning. |
| vqt_pairkern() | Inquire about current pair kerning. |
| vst_charmap() | Set ASCII/Speedo index interpretation mode. |
| vst_kern() | Set kerning modes. |
| v_getbitmap_info() | Return Speedo font bitmap extents. |
| vqt_f_extent() | Return outline text extent. |
| vqt_f_extent16() | Return 16-bit outline text extent. |
| v_ftext() | Output outlined text. |
| v_ftext16() | Output 16-bit outlined text. |
| v_ftext_offset() | Output outlined text with individual character offsets. |
| v_ftext_offset16() | Output 16-bit outlined text with individual character offsets. |
| v_killoutline() | Free character outline (no longer used with SpeedoGDOS). |
| v_getoutline() | Return character outline. |
| vst_scratch() | Set outline scratch buffer. |
| vst_error() | Set GDOS error reporting mode. |
| vst_arbpt() | Set outline text point size. |
| vst_arbpt32() | Set outline text point size to a fix31 value. |
| vqt_advance() | Return character advance vector. |
| vqt_advance32() | Return character advance vector as a fix31 value. |
| vqt_devinfo() | Return device information. |
| v_savecache() | Save bitmap cache to disk. |
| v_loadcache() | Load bitmap cache from disk. |
| v_flushcache() | Flush outline font cache. |
| vst_setsize() | Set outline text proportion. |
| vst_setsize32() | Set outline text proportion to a fix31 value. |
| vst_skew() | Set outline text skew factor. |
| vqt_get_table() | Return character mappings. |
| vqt_cachesize() | Return bitmap cache size |
These functions share an opcode and sub-opcode.