XCONTROL Function Reference

XCONTROL Callback Functions

The XCONTROL callback functions are user-supplied functions which are identified to the Control Panel in the CPXINFO structure returned by the cpx_init() function which is also described in this section. When creating a Form CPX, the only callback function that is utilized is cpx_call(). The remaining functions are used only when creating Event CPX's. The XCONTROL callback functions are:













VOID (*cpx_button)( mrets, nclicks, event )

MRETS *mrets;

WORD nclicks;

WORD *event;
cpx_button() is called in an Event CPX when a MU_BUTTON event has occurred.
Parametersmrets points to a structure containing the mouse event which triggered the function as follows:
typedef struct
 WORD x;   /* X position of mouse */
 WORD y;   /* Y position of mouse */
 WORD buttons;  /* Mask of buttons depressed */
 WORD kstate;  /* Keyboard shift state */
} MRETS;nclicks specifies the number of clicks processed. If this event should terminate the CPX, the function should place a 1 in the WORD pointed to by event.
cpxinfo.cpx_button = cpx_button;

return ( "cpxinfo );
CommentsThis function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_BUTTON specified as an event to wait for.


BOOLEAN (*cpx_call)( work )

GRECT *work;
cpx_call() is called immediately after the cpx_init() function when the user activates the CPX.
ParametersUpon entry, the GRECT structure pointed to by work contains the current rectangular extent of the control panel window work area.
cpxinfo.cpx_call = cpx_call;

return ( &cpxinfo );
Return ValueThe cpx_call() function should return TRUE if it wants to continue processing events through the event handlers specified in the CPXINFO structure or FALSE to indicate the CPX is finished.
CommentsWhen exiting the cpx_call() function, the CPX must deallocate any allocated memory and close any VDI workstations opened.


VOID (*cpx_close)( flag )

cpx_close() is called in an Event CPX when a WM_CLOSED or AC_CLOSE message is received by the control panel.
Parametersflag contains TRUE if a WM_CLOSED message was received or FALSE if AC_CLOSE was received.
cpxinfo.cpx_close = cpx_close;

return ( "cpxinfo );
CommentsThis function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_MESAG specified as an event to wait for.WM_CLOSED messages should be treated as equivalent to 'OK' whereas AC_CLOSE messages should be treated as 'Cancel'.


VOID (*cpx_draw)( clip )

GRECT *clip;
cpx_draw() is called when a WM_REDRAW message is received by the control panel in an Event CPX.
Parametersclip points to a GRECT structure specifiying the dirtied area.
cpxinfo.cpx_draw = cpx_draw;

return ( &cpxinfo );
CommentsThis routine should utilize GetFirstRect() and GetNextRect() to obtain the true rectangles of the area to redraw.This function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_MESAG specified as an event to wait for.


BOOLEAN (*cpx_hook)( event, msg, mrets, key, nclicks )

WORD event;

WORD *msg;

WORD *mrets;

WORD key, nclicks;
cpx_hook() is called in an Event CPX immediately after the Control Panel's evnt_multi() function returns before the message is processed.
ParametersAll parameters share counterparts with the evnt_multi() function. For a detailed explanation of the return values please consult the documentation for that function. event contains the event mask of one or more events that occurred. msg points to an array of eight WORDs containing the message buffer. mrets and nclicks point to the mouse event (if any) as described in cpx_button(). key points to a WORD containing the keyboard scancode of the key pressed (if any).
cpxinfo.cpx_hook = cpx_hook;

return ( &cpxinfo );
Return ValueThe function should return TRUE to override default event handling or FALSE to continue processing the message.


CPXINFO (*cpx_init)( xcpb )

XCPB *xcpb;
cpx_init() is called upon bootup and every subsequent time the CPX is opened by the user.
Parametersxcpb points to an XControl Parameter Block structure as described in the beginning of this chapter.
BindingThe cpx_init() function is called by JSR'ing to the first location in the CPX's TEXT segment. 'C' programmers should assemble and link the following code as the first object file in the link to ensure that the correct function is properly called:
; Startup stub for CPX's without save area

  .xref _cpx_init


  jmp  _cpx_init

If the CPX has default data which is to be saved back into the CPX with the CPX_Save() function, the following stub should be used (substitute the '.dc.w 1' statement with the appropriate amount of space required to store your data):
; Startup stub for CPX's with save area

  .xref _cpx_init
  .globl _save_vars


  jmp  _cpx_init


  .dc.w  1

Return ValueThe cpx_init() function returns a pointer to its CPXINFO structure to allow the Control Panel to access its other routines. If it is a 'Set-Only' CPX, it should return NULL.
CommentsA CPX can distunguish when a CPX is booting by checking the xcpb->booting structure member.It is recommended that the CPX to create a copy of xcpb each time cpx_init() is called for the other callback functions to utilize.


VOID (*cpx_key)( kstate, key, event )

WORD kstate;

WORD key;

WORD *event;
cpx_key() is called in an Event CPX when a MU_KEYBD event has occurred.
Parameterskstate specifies the state of the keyboard shift keys as in evnt_keybd(). key specifies the keyboard scan code of the key struck. The WORD pointed to by event should be filled in with a 1 if this event should terminate the CPX.
cpxinfo.cpx_key = cpx_key;

return ( &cpxinfo );
CommentsThis function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_KEYBD specified as an event to wait for.


VOID (*cpx_m1)( mrets, event )

MRETS *mrets;

WORD event;
cpx_m1() is called when a MU_M1 event has occurred in an Event CPX.
Parametersmrets will contain a pointer to a MRETS structure as specified in cpx_button() which contains the mouse state as it satisfied the condition. The WORD pointed to by event should be filled in with 1 if this event should terminate the CPX.
cpxinfo.cpx_m1 = cpx_m1;

return ( &cpxinfo );
CommentsThis function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_M1 specified as an event to wait for.
See Alsocpx_m2()


WORD (*cpx_m2)( mrets, event )

MRETS *mrets;

WORD event;
cpx_m2() is called when a MU_M2 event has occurred in an Event CPX.
ParametersSee cpx_m1().
cpxinfo.cpx_m2 = cpx_m2;

return ( &cpxinfo );
CommentsThis function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_M2 specified as an event to wait for.
See Alsocpx_m1()


VOID (*cpx_timer)( event )

WORD *event;
cpx_timer() is called when a MU_TIMER event has occurred in an Event CPX.
ParametersThe WORD pointed to by event should be filled in with 1 if this event should terminate the CPX.
cpxinfo.cpx_timer = cpx_timer;

return ( &cpxinfo );
CommentsThis function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_TIMER specified as an event to wait for.


VOID (*cpx_wmove)( work )

GRECT *work;
cpx_wmove() is called when a WM_MOVED message is received by the Control Panel in an Event CPX.
Parameterswork is a pointer to a GRECT containing the new coordinates of the window work area.
cpxinfo.cpx_wmove = cpx_wmove;

return ( &cpxinfo );
CommentsThis function will only be called if Set_Evnt_Mask() is called with MU_MESAG specified as an event to wait for.

XCONTROL Utility Functions

The XCONTROL utility functions are accessed via the XCPB (XControl Parameter Block) in the following format for users of 'C':

ret = (*xcpb->Function)( param1, param2, ... )

These functions provide functions useful mostly to CPX's as well as functions that closely resemble AES functions better suited for CPX's. The XCONTROL Utility Functions are:




















BOOLEAN (*xcpb->CPX_Save)( ptr , num );

VOIDP ptr;

LONG num;
CPX_Save() writes the specified data to the CPX on disk at the beginning of the CPX's DATA segment.
Parametersptr is a pointer to the data to save. num specifies the length of the data in bytes.
(*xcpb->CPX_Save)( ptr, num );
Return ValueCPX_Save() returns TRUE if the operation was successful or FALSE if an error occurred.
CommentsCPX_Save() stores the specified data on disk in the original CPX file at the start of the DATA segment of the program. For this reason, enough space should be allocated to account for this data. See cpx_init() for an example method of accomplishing this.
See Also(*xcpb->Get_Buffer)()


VOIDP (*xcpb->Get_Buffer)( VOID )
Get_Buffer() returns the address of a 64-byte static storage location for the calling CPX.
bufptr = (*xcpb->Get_Buffer)();
Return ValueGet_Buffer() returns a pointer to a 64-byte static storage location which can be used by the CPX to preserve data between invocations.
CommentsData stored in this area is lost upon a reboot. Permanent data should be stored using CPX_Save().
See Also(*xcpb->CPX_Save)()


WORD (*xcpb->getcookie)( cookie, pvalue )

LONG cookie;

LONG *pvalue;
getcookie() searches the 'cookie jar' for a given cookie and if found returns its stored longword.
Parameterscookie contains the longword cookie (usually a packed 4 character ASCII code) to search for. If found, the value of the cookie is placed in the LONG pointed to by pvalue.
err = (*xcpb->getcookie)( cookie, pvalue );
Return Valuegetcookie() returns TRUE if the value placed in pvalue is valid or FALSE if the cookie was not found.
CommentsThis function is useful in locating TSR's or other resident processes which a CPX is designed to configure.


GRECT *(*xcpb->GetFirstRect)( prect )

GRECT *prect;
GetFirstRect() returns the first member of the Control Panel's rectangle list intersected by prect.
Parametersprect points to a GRECT containing the extent of the dirtied area.
rdraw = (*xcpb->GetFirstRect)( prect );
Return ValueGetFirstRect() will return a pointer to a GRECT containing the first intersecting rectangle to redraw or NULL if none of the CPX's rectangles intersect the dirtied area.
CommentsXform_do() handles resource object redraws in Form CPX's. Other objects requiring a redraw in Form CPX's and all objects in Event CPX's must be redrawn with using these functions when a redraw message is generated.
See Also(*xcpb->GetNextRect)()


GRECT *(*xcpb->GetNextRect)( VOID )
GetNextRect() returns subsequent rectangles needing to be redrawn after first calling GetFirstRect().
rdraw = (*xcpb->GetNextRect)();
Return ValueGetNextRect() returns a pointer to a GRECT structure containing a subsequent rectangle needing to be redrawn.
CommentsWhen a redraw message is received, it should be handled as illustrated below (the example given is for an Event CPX but it may be applied to the WM_REDRAW message handling section of a Form CPX as well):
cpx_draw( clip )
GRECT *clip;
 GRECT *rdraw;

 rdraw = (*xcpb->GetFirstRect)( clip );

 while( rdraw )
  /* User redraw function */
  my_redraw( rdraw );
  rdraw = (*xcpb->GetNextRect)();
See Also(*xcpb->GetFirstRect)()


VOID (*xcpb->MFsave)( flag, mf )


MFORM *mf;
MFsave() saves the current mouse form so that a custom application mouse form is not destroyed when the CPX calls graf_mouse() or vsc_form() to change the shape of the mouse.
Parametersflag specifies the action to take. If flag is MFSAVE (1), the current mouse form will be written into the MFORM structure pointed to by mf. If flag is MFRESTORE (0), the mouse form will be restored from the MFORM structure pointed to by mf. See vsc_form() for the definition of MFORM.
(*xcpb->MFsave)( flag, mf );


WORD (*xcpb->Popup)( items, num_items, default, font, button, world );

CHAR *items[];

WORD num_items, default, font;

GRECT *button, *world;
Popup() displays and controls user interaction with a popup menu.
Parametersitems points to an array of character pointers pointing to the text of the items. Each string must be padded in front with at least 2 spaces and should be of equal length (at least as long as the longest string). num_items specifies the number of items to display in the popup. If num_items exceeds five, the popup will only show three items with two arrows to allow scrolling.default indicates the default item (the default item is displayed with a checkmark) or -1 to indicate no default item.font specifies the font size (3 = large, 5 = small) of the items in the popup.button points to a GRECT containing the rectangular extent of the button pressed to call the popup. world points to a GRECT containing the current extent of the CPX work area.
ret = (*xcpb->Popup)( items, num_items, default, font, button, world );
Return ValuePopup() returns the item selected (0 based ) or -1 if no selection was made (the user clicked outside of the popup area).
CommentsThis function is unique to CPX's and is not the same as menu_popup().Button objects which are to be used as popups should be TOUCHEXIT objects. In addition, as a matter of style, popup buttons should be SHADOWED.


VOID (*xcpb->rsh_fix)( num_objs, num_frstr, num_frimg, num_tree, rs_object, rs_tedinfo, rs_strings, rs_iconblk, rs_bitblk, rs_frstr, rs_frimg, rs_trindex, rs_imdope );

WORD num_objs, num_frstr, num_frimg, num_tree;

OBJECT *rs_object;

TEDINFO *rs_tedinfo;

char *rs_strings[];

ICONBLK *rs_iconblk;

BITBLK *rs_bitblk;

LONG *rs_frstr, *rs_frimg, *rs_trindex;

struct foobar *rs_imdope;
rsh_fix() fixes up a resource tree in memory based on an 8x16 character font.
ParametersWhen using the Atari Resource Construction Set the parameters are generated in the .RSH file created by the compiler.When using other resource construction sets you should refer to their instructions for applying their resource structure to this function or use the CPX function rsh_obfix() on each OBJECT.
(xcpb->rsh_fix)( num_objs, num_frstr, num_frimg, num_tree, rs_object, rs_tedinfo, rs_strings, rs_iconblk, rs_bitblk, rs_frstr, rs_frimg, rs_trindex, rs_imdope );
Commentsrsrc_load(), rsrc_obfix(), and rsrc_rcfix() fix up a resource file based upon the current screen character size. CPX resource data is always fixed up based upon an 8x16 character font.Resources should be designed on a screen that supports an 8x16 ratio. When using the Atari Resource Construction Set, the resouce should be designed as a 'Panel' rather than a 'Dialog'. With other resource construction applications the same effect is acheived by turning snap off.Resources should only be fixed up when the xcpb>SkipRshFix flag is 0. This prevents resources from being fixed up more than once.
See Also(*xcpb->rsh_obfix)()


VOID (*xcpb->rsh_obfix)( tree, curob )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD curob;
rsh_obfix() converts the specified object from character to pixel based coordinates based on an 8x16 character font.
Parameterstree points to the OBJECT tree which contains the object curob to fix up.
(*xcpb->rsh_obfix)( tree, curob );
CommentsSee rsh_fix().
See Also(*xcpb->rsh_fix)()


VOID (*xcpb->Set_Evnt_Mask)( mask, m1, m2, time )

WORD mask;

MOBLK *m1;

MOBLK *m2;

LONG time;
Set_Evnt_Mask() defines which events an Event CPX will process with its callback functions.
Parametersmask is a bit mask of events (MU_MESAG, MU_TIMER, etc... ) that the CPX wishes to process as in evnt_multi(). m1 and m2 point to MOBLK structures which define mouse rectangles to wait for if the CPX wishes to wait for MU_M1 and/or MU_M2 events as in evnt_mouse(). MOBLK is defined as follows:
typedef struct
 WORD m_out; /* 0 = enter, 1 = exit */
 WORD m_x;
 WORD m_y;
 WORD m_w;
 WORD m_h;
} MOBLK;time specifies the length of time to specify for the MU_TIMER event if appropriate.
(*xcpb->Set_Evnt_Mask)( mask, m1, m2, time );
CommentsThis function is only valid for Event CPX's.


VOID (*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, base, slider, obj, inc, min, max, numvar, dir, foo )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD base, slider, obj, inc, min, max;

WORD *numvar;

WORD dir;

VOID (*foo)();
Sl_arrow() is called by a CPX when the user clicks on an arrow element of an 'active' slider.
Parameterstree points to the object tree containing the slider elements. base is the object index of the slider 'track'. slider is the object index of the slider 'elevator'. obj is the index of the arrow element clicked on by the user.inc specifies the increment amount for each slider step (+/-). min specifies the minimum value the slider can represent. max specifies the maximum value the slider can represent.numvar points to a WORD containing the value which the slider represents and which is to be updated as the slider is moved. dir specifies the direction of the slider movement (VERTICAL (0) or HORIZONTAL (1) ).foo is a pointer to a user-defined callback function which is called once for each step of the slider to allow the user's action to 'actively' update the slider. foo may be NULL if no updating is desired.
(*xcpb->Sl_arrow)( tree, base, slider, obj, inc, min, max, numvar, dir, foo );
CommentsSlider paging can be accomplished with this function. To do so use a method similar to the following (this example is for vertical sliders):
graf_mkstate( &mx, &my, &dum, &dum );
objc_offset( tree, slider, &ox, &oy );
inc = ( ( my < oy ) ? ( -1 ) : ( 1 ) );
(*xcpb->Sl_arrow( tree, base, slider, base, inc, min, max, &numvar, VERTICAL, foo );


VOID (*xcpb->Sl_dragx)( tree, base, slider, min, max, numvar, foo )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD base, slider, min, max;

WORD *numvar;

VOID (*foo)();
Sl_dragx() is called by a CPX when a user clicks on the horizontal slider 'elevator' of an 'active' slider.
Parameterstree points to an OBJECT tree containing the slider elements. base is the object index of the slider 'track'. slider is the object index of the slider 'elevator'.min specifies the minimum value the slider can represent. max specifies the maximum value the slider can represent.numvar points to a WORD containing the value which the slider represents and which is to be updated as the slider is moved.foo points to a user-defined routine which is called each time the slider value numvar is modified. foo may be NULL if no updating is desired.
(*xcpb->Sl_dragx)( tree, base, slider, min, max, numvar, foo );
CommentsIt is appropriate to change the shape of the mouse to FLAT_HAND while the user is dragging a slider.
See Also(*xcpb->Sl_dragy)()


VOID (*xcpb->Sl_dragx)( tree, base, slider, min, max, numvar, foo )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD base, slider, min, max;

WORD *numvar;

VOID (*foo)();
Sl_dragy() is called by a CPX when a user clicks on the vertical slider 'elevator' of an 'active' slider.
ParametersSee Sl_dragx().
(*xcpb->Sl_dragy)( tree, base, slider, min, max, numvar, foo );
CommentsIt is appropriate to change the shape of the mouse to FLAT_HAND while the user is dragging a slider.
See Also(*xcpb->Sl_dragx)()


VOID (*xcpb->Sl_size)( tree, base, slider, num_items, visible, direction, min_size )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD base, slider, num_items, visible, direction, min_size ;
Sl_size() adjusts the size of the slider 'track' relative to the size of the slider 'elevator'.
Parameterstree points to the OBJECT tree containing the slider elements. base is the object index of the slider 'track'. slider is the object index of the slider 'elevator'. num_items is the total number of items represented by the slider. visible is the number of items actually seen by the user. direction specifies the direction of the slider as either VERTICAL (0) or HORIZONTAL (1). min_size represents the minimum pixel size of the adjusted slider elevator.
(*xcpb->Sl_size)( tree, base, slider, num_items, visible, direction, min_size );
CommentsThis function does not redraw the slider.


VOID (*xcpb->Sl_x)( tree, base, slider, value, min, max, foo )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD base, slider, value, min, max;

VOID (*foo)();
Sl_x() updates the position of a horizontal slider within its base.
Parameterstree points to an OBJECT tree containing the slider elements. base is the object index of the slider 'track'. slider is the object index of the slider 'elevator'.value is the value the slider should represent. min and max are the minimum and maximum values the slider can represent respectively.If foo is not NULL, it points to a user-function which is called to redraw the slider.
(*xcpb->Sl_x)( tree, base, slider, value, min, max, foo );
See Also(*xcpb->Sl_y)()


VOID (*xcpb->Sl_y)( tree, base, slider, value, min, max, foo )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD base, slider, value, min, max;

VOID (*foo)();
Sl_y() updates the position of a vertical slider within its base.
ParametersSee Sl_x().
(*xcpb->Sl_y)( tree, base, slider, value, min, max, foo );
See Also(*xcpb->Sl_x)()


WORD (*xcpb->Xform_do)( tree, editobj, msg )

OBJECT *tree;

WORD editobj;

WORD *msg;
Xform_do() is a specialized version of form_do() designed to handle a CPX object tree and window messages concurrently.
Parameterstree should point to an OBJECT tree containing a form with the root object being 256x176. editobj specifies the editable text object to initially display the text cursor at (or 0 if no editable object exists on the form).msg should point to an 8 WORD array used by the function to store special messages returned by evnt_multi().
ret = (*xcpb->Xform_do)( tree, editobj, msg );
Return ValueXform_do() returns the positive object number of the EXIT or TOUCHEXIT object selected. The high bit of this value indicates if the object was double-clicked and should therefore be masked off if unused. If Xform_do() returns a -1, then a message should be processed as contained in msg. The structure of messages are the same as in evnt_multi(). Possible messages are:WM_REDRAW



CT_KEYCT_KEY (53) is a special XCONTROL message indicating that a key was pressed. The scancode of the key pressed is contained in msg[3]. Only special keyboard keys such as help, f1-f10, undo, alt-x, etc... will be returned as the standard alphabetic keys are processed in editable fields.

CommentsThe Xform_do() function automatically handles and redraws of the given OBJECT tree. Any other items needing to be redrawn should be handled at the appropriate window redraw message.WM_CLOSED messages should always be treated as 'OK' while AC_CLOSE messages should be treated as 'Cancel'.


BOOLEAN (*xcpb->XGen_Alert)( id )

WORD id;
XGen_Alert() displays a specialized alert centered in the Control Panel's work area.
Parametersid specifies the alert to display as follows:
Save Defaults?
Memory Allocation Error
File I/O Error
File Not Found Error
ret = (*xcpb->XGen_Alert)( id );
Return ValueXGen_Alert() returns TRUE if 'OK' was selected or FALSE if 'Cancel' was selected. Alerts 1-3 always returns TRUE.

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